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Everything posted by sirsloop

  1. Could have changed the rear end gear, transmission, speedo gear in the transmission, and/or tire size. My mustang speed is pretty much useless at this point considering all four of those items are not factory anymore. I just rely on the tach and GPS for my speed.
  2. here we go again...trollinggggg
  3. HAHAH... yeah that is true and I've made that point in the past but its fun to disagree
  4. --2U_z06L3Q add another shotgun and you have yourself an olympic sport wow... that guy has some seriously wacky videos. Def the nut on the block
  5. I don't like position of the safety on the mossberg, especially when you start talking pistol grip tacticool models.
  6. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taqiyya Based on wiki, Taqiyya seems to be more a defensive tool used to protect ones life in dire circumstances occurring because of religious affiliation.
  7. Have fun with it! It took me like a week worth of tinkering for 30 minutes here and there to redo the stock. Most of it is dry time. Def much nicer and you get the opportunity to tear the rifle apart and learn everything about it.
  8. Such a simple little thing... plenum vs non-plenum debate resulted in you posting a run down of your life's bragging points as if anybody cares. Anyone who disagrees gets personally attacked. That's how you roll. I don't have to prove myself to you or anybody else, especially not on NJ Gun Forum.
  9. just PM shane or djg0770... they have all the answers
  10. wow... so trickyyyy you are right. Guess if Shane isn't around everyone can PM you.
  11. I haven't pulled anything in my house... basement and attic are finished. What cable would I pull?? Plenum rated...
  12. I forgot, Master VF2 CNC Machine Operator
  13. post up pics of your corner office and your hayabusa parked in front of the office building in your reserved motorcycle parking spot
  14. pull whatever effin cable you want... pull some cat 3 for all I care... just as long as mr know it all doesn't get annoyed...
  15. Apparently the only person in the world that pulls cable, works for an IT company, owns their own company, builds and drives performance vehicles, builds guns, builds gun parts... heck a lot of that sounds EXACTLY LIKE WHAT I DO! Go figure... difference is I don't post it all over the world showing off the size of my Johnson...
  16. YOU DO KNOW EVERYTHING!! :shock: No, I think you just showed yourself as a ****. Everybody stop posting on the forum... just PM Shane and he'll have all the answers for you. No, forget about debating anything because Mr Director of the World President of his own Company Inventor of all things death related supreme haybusa motocyclist and be all end all of 1911 hobbyists is here for YOU!! :roll: :roll:
  17. Great, thousands of feet of non-plenum rated cabling in most likely a drop ceiling commercial building. That's something awesome to brag about regardless of what the electrical inspector said. :hand: "need" and "should do" are two different things. Lets call "Need" the hull installed on the titanic. That makes "Should do" the hull that doesn't tear into pieces when bumped by an iceberg. Wait, are you one of those guys that knows everything about everything? The best bullets, the best cable to use... etc, etc...
  18. show me the code that says its ok Its stupid... the cost is negligible so why would you even use non-plenum?
  19. Whats the difference in cost? $30-40 bucks over a 1000ft box? No reason not to use plenum rated cable. I guess if your place is on fire then your cat5e drops are probably not on your mind... but I like doing things the right way once. Its extremely unlikely the cable will cause a fire... but its supposed to be more resistant to fire and produce less fumes as it burns.
  20. def no reason to need to use cat6... if you run 5e in the walls make sure its plenum rated tho
  21. http://www.bellmtcs.com/store/index.php?cid=239 some info about it... long story short call T/C with the serial number before buying to ensure it left the factory as a pistol. If you get a trigger group that left as a rifle, it will be classified as a SBR if you go under investigation. If its a pistol, you are just that badass
  22. Doesn't that only applies to semi-auto pistols ?? http://www.njsp.org/info/pdf/firearms/0 ... 13ch54.pdf
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