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Posts posted by fumanchu182

  1. I watched the whole video. He is calm and relaxed when he speaks. Truly a reflection piece. His example of the note on the table puts a lot in perspective. I think he puts in perspective the atrocities the world has seen because individuals didn't have the rights to defend themselves. Once the guns are taken away then your freedoms especially the first amendment can be taken away or restricted at will.

  2. Just ordered 10 shovels online. Gotta stock up before Feinstein gets wind of it!


    You sir made me laugh very hard.


    Also one of the quotes from the post had me going:


    The bolt on the scope needed periodic tightening, may be I need lubricate them with cat turds?

  3. Maybe they thought it was the Free Obama phone?


    Why is it the free Obama phone? Last I read in the history books it was the free Reagan phone, in fact the law was enacted in 1984 with the FCC. First it was used for land lines for low income individuals and now that land lines are almost extinct the technology has moved to mobile devices the law has been adjusted to compensate for the times. This crazy talk about Obama phones makes me puke. Anyway, I picked up a nice 18 gun cabinet today and will do my electronics shopping on Cyber Monday, forget trying to go to a mall.

  4. The area around JSQ sucks......trust me. I work around there. I agree with looking in Bayonne. Look near the light rail and you can take the light rail right to the PATH.


    You could also take the 99s. it's been a while since i have lived near bayonne so i don't even know if the bus even runs anymore.

  5. I think they are suing to have stop and frisked removed http://ccrjustice.org/floyd. It should be, no one should be subject to unreasonable searches and seizures. Highlights of a study on the 2011 data from stop and frisk:


    *More than 685,000 people were stopped by the NYPD in 2011, up from 97,000 stops in 2002 when Bloomberg took office…more than a 600 percent increase.

    *87 percent of those stopped were Black or Hispanic, while 9 percent were White.

    * More young Black men were stopped by the NYPD in 2011 than there are young Black men in NYC.

    *Only 1.9 percent of those frisked in 2011 were in possession of a weapon.

  6. I'm all for F1 but for messing up my commute in and out of the city I'm not too excited. It's already bad as it gets in NJ with public transportation shortages and everyone claims that local merchants will make big money by bringing the event to NJ... Yeah if they pay for it. Something on this scale should not be paid for with a single tax dollar. To date I cannot find an article disclosing the financial agreements with the F1 organization and the whole snafu with Texas only complicated things (http://www.nj.com/news/index.ssf/2011/10/nj_hosting_of_formula_1_race_r.html).


    Like I said, I'm for F1 but still want to weight more of the pros and cons on how it will affect the area.

  7. Anthony - I don't get your point. Is it that you think the cartels have the ability to compete with American Capitalism?


    Cartels I think would adapt and move their illegal operations to legal ones. How is the U.S. government going to assume anyone that opens a dispensary a criminal or not or affiliated with a criminal? Things slip by in the system.


    It's wouldn't be nearly as profitable, take Cali for a prime example, there is such a large production base, it's not even profitable to open up shop, and tons a people get arrested for shipping it out of state so they can continue produce. And right now there is zero legal competition for the majority of the country. Cartels will not be interest in the low turnover rate, their only option would be to sell it on the black market, for a cheaper price.


    I think this would still continue to be a factor in sales. If you buy a gram of marijuana for twenty dollars illegally as compared to thirty dollars for the same amount with taxes, which road would you choose? It's the same reason that most people in NJ ordered their cigarettes online and try to cheat the system. The same for online purchases of other goods. So even with legalized sales I still think cartels would make make just enough money via illegal sales to still want to stay in business.

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