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Everything posted by ToddD

  1. Mt. Laurel PD has been fantastic in the past. This go around? Fucking awful. Dropped off app on 7/5. Fingerprints done on 7/7. Detective just called my references and work to verify employment today. Pretty pissed that they sat on this for a month.
  2. Depends who you get on the phone. The one I got a few weeks back was, let’s say, less than helpful. the other thing to remember to check is the status of your money order. Mine unfortunately still hasn’t been cashed. Hopefully this week.
  3. Yea they’re stupid. No doubt. But being that they updated a field the applicant isn’t supposed to touch I think they’d have a hard time rejecting people over that. don’t get me wrong, if you get a super anti2a judge I’m sure they could/will, I just don’t see it being common is all. Fingers crossed I’m correct in my assertation.
  4. Won’t be. Spoke with the woman who processes all the apps for the Chief yesterday. She just got back from a two week vacation. My app was just sitting on her desk. She emailed me today to let me know she reviewed and it’s on the chiefs desk. Annoying but Mt. Laurel PD has always been on top of their firearms stuff. Never waited more than 10 days for permits or anything. Hard to be mad at someone for using their vacation time, ya know? Hopefully it won’t be too long now. We’ll see.
  5. All three need to be live ink and notarized. No copies. https://nj.gov/njsp/firearms/pdf/NJSP_WEBSITE_REVISION_FOR_PTC_v2.pdf
  6. I took mine myself and used photoshop to place 1.5 x 1.5’s on a 4x6. Printed them at cvs for like $.50 and cut them out. I also have photography gear. Read the passport requirements and you can probably do it yourself. Or have passport photos done and cut .25 inches off all the borders.
  7. The newest form has a revision date of 6/22 and can be found here : https://nj.gov/njsp/firearms/pdf/sp-642.pdf when I picked up my packet on 6/27(ish) my local pd gave me the older version. I printed the new one myself (double sided of course) to be used and handed in. I’m happy I went looking for a fillable pdf version . Edit: damn you MikeL417 and your quick fingers!
  8. ^^^^ so much this^^^^ As soon as I hear anything from a government agency I’ll update. I submitted app on 7/5 and had my prints done 7/6. Identogo has my pcn number dated 7/9. Just a waiting game now. Fingers crossed I get approved. No reason I shouldn’t be, just, you know … yeah. Fingers crossed.
  9. Fwiw, the detective I was shooting the shit with after he looked over and accepted my application stated the chief will sign off on it once the fingerprints come back then send it to superior court. No mention of njsp. This was Mt. Laurel, Burlington county. We’ll see…
  10. https://www.njcourts.gov/public/judgecontacts.html?Vicinage=Burlington
  11. That’s what I read too. Also, there are several judges listed through their site but no real description as to what they do. I can’t find any clues that would offer up who handles the permitting. I dunno. Was just curious. Thanks all.
  12. Anyone know who the judge is that approves/denies permits? Wondering if they’re pro 2a or not (probably not).
  13. No, only three, original copies, of the app. Everything else is single copy.
  14. My local pd didn’t use the format you see floating around here as the contributor number. Was 2022-“set of numbers”. If I had used the format people around here are saying it wouldn’t have matched what the pd gave me and I’m sure would have screwed up the processing. just my experience. You might want to hold off and see the number your pd gives you once you turn in your application in case it’s different as mine was.
  15. Had to go to one in Philly. Made my appointment yesterday evening for today. Had to pay out of state fee but I was looking at a 30+ day wait for a nj faculty. Sucks but felt it was worth it.
  16. No need to come in hot at me, guy. Sharing my experience. Relax. If it’s not accepted I’m out the money, not you. If you don’t feel a place approved by the state can determine an acceptable qualification don’t go there. Again, no one knows what will be accepted. Anyone applying this early is running a risk. Just sharing what I did. Take it or leave it, I don’t need to wrap my head around anything and tell you, but feel free to piss off with your confrontational attitude.
  17. Was in Mount Laurel paperwork too. Once I submitted app they gave me the info needed for prints. Here is a link to SP doc that states this is how they’re handling. https://www.nj.gov/oag/njsp/firearms/pdf/Permit_To_Carry_Instructions.pdf
  18. Went to rtsp in union yesterday. 3,5,7,10, and 15 yards. Timed but nothing crazy. Holstered, fire 5, mag change, reholster, fire five more, clear and holster. Same at each distance. Were super friendly. FBI q target. Hoping that since they’re listed on state police website for qualifications I won’t run into any issues. They even list the state code that this qual satisfies on the paperwork. Handed completed app in at lunch today in Mt. Laurel. They were super friendly as always. They said once fingerprints are back the chief will approve asap. After that it’s out of their hands. Going for fingerprinting tomorrow. Have to go to Philly as their were no appointments available in a 50 mile radius to me in nj for a month. Sucks but whatever. Trying to get this done asap before they move the goal post on us. Fingers crossed.
  19. Went to rtsp in union yesterday. 3,5,7,10, and 15 yards. Timed but nothing crazy. Holstered, fire 5, mag change, reholster, fire five more, clear and holster. Same at each distance. Were super friendly. FBI q target. Hoping that since they’re listed on state police website for qualifications I won’t run into any issues. They even list the state code that this qual satisfies on the paperwork. Handed completed app in at lunch today in Mt. Laurel. They were super friendly as always. They said once fingerprints are back the chief will approve asap. After that it’s out of their hands. Going for fingerprinting tomorrow. Have to go to Philly as their were no appointments available in a 50 mile radius to me in nj for a month. Sucks but whatever. Trying to get this done asap before they move the goal post on us. Fingers crossed.
  20. Mount Laurel Submitted for permits on 5/11. Were ready on 5/20. As always Renee with the detectives office was amazing.
  21. Found what I was looking for. Thanks all!
  22. Looking for a complete upper in 556 I’m the $300 range if anyone has one they’re willing to part with. thanks.
  23. WTB 10/22 takedown. I’m in the Cherry Hill area. Don’t mind driving a bit but not too far. Message me if you have anything. Thanks.
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