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Everything posted by BirdPrey

  1. How are you reading it? Majority of answers are pro-gun, here's how it reads: 1) How do you feel about expanding the ban assault weapons? 5,157 don't want a ban / 431 want a ban 2) How do you feel about limiting gun magazines to seven rounds? 5,313 are against 7 round mags / 290 are for it 3) How do you feel about prohibiting the mentally ill from owning guns? 4,385 are in favor of prohibiting mentally ill / 1,222 say give a gun to mentally ill 4) How do you feel about creating a new registry for guns and assault weapons that is not available to the public? 4,979 don't want a registry / 679 want a registry 5) How do you feel about ensuring that all gun sales be made through licensed dealers? 3,992 say no / 1,679 said sales should only be through licensed dealers 6) How do you feel about requiring background checks for people who buy ammunition? 5,153 say NO CHECK for ammo / 478 said there should be background checks for ammo And Number 7, which politicians NEVER address and is the reason for CAREER CRIMINALS: 7) How do you feel about increasing the penalties for gun crimes? 4,688 want tougher penalties / 961 are likely liberals and want criminals back on the streets and said penalties shouldn't be increased.
  2. Nice, thanks! Yah, when I did the poll earlier it was around 3,000, now its over 5,000. Molon Labe!
  3. Granted this is for NY, but WE are all in this together with fighting for our gun rights. This poll takes literally 2 minutes. http://www.newsday.com/what-do-you-think-about-cuomo-s-gun-control-bill-1.4451699
  4. Time to overthrow the gov't and all their laws they are trying to pass. How about the justice system buys insurance for career criminals they put back on the streets!
  5. You have got to be sh1tt1ng me! In Texas too of all places. Racist/Racism is the most over used word in the English language. Burn those race cards and keep them in your wallets!
  6. I love stories like this. More reason why people should carry, serves those damn thug kids a lesson, stay in school punks! I'm shocked a liberal media outlet actually covered this story. More stories like this that are kept hidden, need to be revealed. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PBCtEhSlw1Y
  7. I made a flier for the event, feel free to pass this around online, and even print it out and hand it to people. I put some in my local guns stores in NY (I made a few versions for different states). http://s1336.beta.photobucket.com/user/BirdPrey1/media/TrentonNJ_zpsa5ec8576.jpg.html?sort=3&o=0
  8. Haha, thanks for all the warm welcomes. Maybe I can meet up with those in/near Hoboken someday. Yes, the officer didn't say anything when I handed in my paperwork. He even made a copy of my full carry NY and CT pistol permits. I asked him if I had to wait for something to come in the mail, but he told me no. He only made copies of the paperwork I filled out with the guns serial number on it.
  9. mcbethr great video, we all need to stick together. I actually moved to Hoboken from upstate NY, for the convenience of commuting to NYC for work. I still have my NYS drivers license and permits. I go up to NY a lot on the weekends to shoot. I have a full carry for NY and CT, and pretty pissed with Cuomo's ridiculous 7 rounds in a magazine law. Makes no sense. But this is why we all need to fight together. I filled out voluntary paper work at the Hoboken Police station so I could have my Mossberg 500 down here. Need some kind of protection if someone breaks in. My bike was stolen down here, and was chained up in the back in a fenced in area, it was a crappy bike too. I created the below flier for NY. I'll make one for NJ and pass it around to you all. Molon Labe! Flier I made is on photobucket : http://s1336.beta.photobucket.com/user/BirdPrey1/media/Feb8AlbanyNY_zpsc0f1ee68.jpg.html?sort=3&o=0
  10. Hey all new on here from Hoboken, How's everyone doing?
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