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About Self007

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    Forum Dabbler

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  1. yes the position is actually classified under civil service as an unclassified position.
  2. In NJ a Constable has statuatory powers of arrest police officers actually derive there powers from the constable along with probation officers and county investigators. In fact a Constable can charge any jailer for not taking in his prisoner. They are county officers which are only a step down from the sheriff.
  3. Appreciate it PK90 that's what im trying to use but it seems like prosecuters trying to give me a hard time in nj.
  4. Don't know if that's the case cause here I am a Constable and is being tried for carrying without a carry permit ! Any clarification on this will greatly be appreciated.
  5. Can A constable carry a firearm per Law Enforcement Officers Safety act.
  6. Self007

    Hi all!

    They are stating that cause of NJ LAw but there's nothing in NJ Law that states we can't or can let alone from my understanding of the federal law we will fall under that category.
  7. Self007

    Hi all!

    Im a Constable and I am being tried in court for carrying my weapon. Does HR218 or what people call Leosa does that cover me?
  8. Yea NJ sucks here I am a Constable for NJ and I am being tried in court for carrying my weapon without a carry permit. Let alone it is legally registered to me. Some times I feel like :roulette:cause of all the stuff im going threw.
  9. Self007

    Hi all!

    Hello everyone new to the forum, I am a holder of a fid , and been going threw a little problem hopefully this forum will help give me se clarification!
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