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Everything posted by Indianajonze

  1. and here are some good articles if anyone fools themselves into thinking these masks are effective https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8199959/Face-masks-NOT-stop-healthy-people-catching-coronavirus-says.html https://montrealgazette.com/news/local-news/coronavirus-why-masks-dont-work/ https://www.livescience.com/face-mask-new-coronavirus.html https://www.researchgate.net/publication/275360639_A_cluster_randomised_trial_of_cloth_masks_compared_with_medical_masks_in_healthcare_workers
  2. i'm going through withdrawal. i am comforted by the fact that at the current prices, the cost of replacing the ammo i shoot would be extraordinary, and i'm therefore saving a fortune by not shooting
  3. good article for all you team players out there https://www.nationalreview.com/2020/04/coronavirus-authoritarianism-is-getting-out-of-hand/
  4. i'll cook for anyone. meat any way you like it as long as you like it extremely well done
  5. like i said, apologist. i'll leave you with these: https://www.ibtimes.sg/california-sheriff-warns-residents-could-face-imprisonment-not-wearing-face-masks-42615 https://nypost.com/2020/04/08/california-county-threatens-1k-fine-for-not-wearing-face-masks-in-public/
  6. you seriously want to go down that road? have you attended any meetings lately? gone to church on easter? bowling league? yes, go to a local bar? what about getting stopped after 8pm to see "where you're going"? probable cause out the window. hell, any crime is out the window. just stop you "because" as for the 2nd amendment, this guy shut down EVERYTHING and it was only by threat of suit that he relented, weeks later. and you still can't shoot at a range, either public or PRIVATE. no violations?
  7. no, not ASKED. FORCED. by executive fiat under threat of arrest, fine and/or violence. don't sugar coat it to make it seem more palatable
  8. stormfront? really? that's pretty insulting who's picking and choosing amendments? for the 100th time, the 10th amendment does not nullify and cannot be used to nullify the previous 9. it's a shockingly simple thing to understand actually but yeah, apologist. you think the govt has the ability to suspend the constitution whenever some crisis comes along. i do not
  9. nooooooo. you and ppl who defend this authoritarian nightmare are the ones who don't get it. vast parts of NJ are not NY either, and where i live is sparsely populated. demographics are irrelevant, and if that's your takeaway from her speech i'd suggest you listen a little closer. the suspension of the constitution at the hands of bureaucrats is the point, but you knew that already. you just choose to be on the side of the man in an effort to gin up hysteria and utter pandemonium to save you from a flu. luckily, i'm beginning to think that you apologists here are definitely the minority based on what i'm seeing, reading and hearing from others https://www.foxnews.com/politics/michigan-gov-whitmer-facing-backlash-for-expanded-stay-at-home-order?fbclid=IwAR1KZVJEim4ph1uU02LMBPeUs_68gUt7dud1sZ2xeectAclW6c7lCYwbL3c
  10. interesting that they don't mention anywhere in that article that smithfield is 100% chinese owned
  11. ok 3 more and then i'm done: 1. walking across the street is now illegal in michigan... https://www.freep.com/story/news/local/michigan/2020/04/09/no-more-visiting-friends-and-neighbors-under-whitmers-expanded-coronavirus-order/5125426002/?fbclid=IwAR20iE6ulmhAK0cTbvSW-OUcY9WsULTFoqDL8WPVIfImev8OaWjnAcxpu_Q 2. you are no longer "allowed" to buy clothes in parts of the usa... https://www.businessinsider.com/costco-walmart-target-stop-selling-non-essential-items-select-states-2020-4?fbclid=IwAR3ESXEu1dd3BBHKdpCyKhNgnvxvGjFLJ4-rH_fJsSCPumuDL7AIeCTPpAU 3. man forcibly removed from bus for not wearing a mask https://www.nbcphiladelphia.com/news/local/man-without-face-mask-refuses-to-leave-septa-bus-police-pull-him-off/2359607/?fbclid=IwAR3upocMSPfp-Yn-qUbjCsQyQA2jDgVuf_IBWvzdri0NW4AvkJdMvUU-NZM but hey, there's nothing to see here. all is well. it's for the general welfare after all
  12. you know, you're absolutely right, i change my mind. we should all be forced to wear whatever articles of clothing dr phil murphy decides we should wear. we should shop at the places he designates we should shop, travel at the prescribed times he wants us to travel and we'll wait patiently for him to give us the ok to go biking and running again. i hope he's benevolent enough to someday allow me to go to church again and go shooting at the range. please governor murphy! please! i beg of you to have mercy on us soon i withdraw my all of my previous statements.
  13. 10th amendment 10th amendment 10th amendment. why is it that whenever anyone wants to violate the constitution they run to the 10th amendment? the 10th amendment does not allow states to violate the constitution as written. the 10th amendment allows states to create transit authorities. public housing. school systems. you know, just what it says. things NOT defined by the constitution. it does not allow them to violate the 1st amendment. or the 2nd or 4th. those things are very clearly defined in the constitution
  14. that's only because people like you have let them get away with it and slowly usurp authority. i don't see any asterisk within the language of the first amendment that says my right to peaceably assemble is tied to the absence of a virus i'm really surprised i have such resistance in this forum, a 2a forum nonetheless. nothing i'm saying is particularly controversial. i'm pretty shocked actually. i need to get the hell out of this state. south dakota looking pretty good after hearing this little speech from the governor there. she 100% gets it:
  15. sure. a private company can mandate whatever rules they wish on their own private company grounds. that is VERY different from an authoritarian government forcing a business to enact such rules. let's be very clear here. the government does not have the constitutional authority to do any of the following: deem a business as "essential" force a business to close force a place of worship to close force a person to wear something they object to force a person to be vaccinated (forced covid 19 vaccines) enforce a curfew close a public space which is funded by taxpayers restrict a person from traveling freely without having committed a crime seize private property without due process if you are supportive of any of the above for any reason, you should be rethinking what it means to be an american. i'm a big believer in the constitution, the intent of the founders and the purpose of the formation of this country. we were not born here to cower in fear, locked in our homes for fear of catching a virus. could you imagine if the people today were the ones responsible for settling the old west? we'd never have made it past parsippany. if you're sick, stay home. if you're high risk, stay home. if you're elderly, stay home. if you know any of these people, stay away from them. for 99% of the population though, let's get busy living. we were not born for this shit, and we're giving some very dangerous people some very dangerous ideas. wasn't it kamala harris who said the first thing she'd do is sign an eo mandating gun violence as a "national health emergency"? be careful of defending these actions, people. you could be living like this for the rest of your lives... "Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." - ben franklin “I prefer dangerous freedom over peaceful slavery.” - thomas jefferson
  16. your logic is deeply flawed. using your math (which i heavily dispute, but let's play), if a person may have the virus and decides to go out and about with their magical bandana, and said magical bandana knocks their spewed viral load down by 70%, that means that i, a very healthy adult male, now must endure an increased 30% risk of catching a virus from some jackass who should have kept their sick ass home but instead decided to venture out on the advice of dr phil murphy and his magical bandana. knocking down big chunks of the virus when they never should have been there in the first place is of no value, so i don't understand your point of wearing a covering to catch a portion of a virus. either you stop all of it (n95/p100) or you don't waste your time. this bandana crap is going to get people killed, but that's not even my overall point. no one has the authority to force me to wear anything on my head is my point, unless i sign up for it as part of my religion, and i certainly did not do that edit: completely unrelated to the above nonsense, but this apocalypse does bring occasional good news: https://www.thetruthaboutguns.com/breaking-atf-authorizes-drive-through-gun-sales-to-maintain-social-distancing/ drive through gun sales! one step closer to my dream of being able to buy guns and ammo from a vending machine...
  17. this guy can go fk himself. nobody has the authority to force me to wear a mask or a head covering. is this the fkn taliban? if i go to a store and they won't let me in without covering my face, i'm not shopping in that store. very simple. any retailer that subjects their customers to such nonsense they will lose my business for a looooong time. wearing a bandana does LITERALLY nothing. wearing a surgical mask does nothing. these things need to be properly fitted, your face properly shaved, the filter able to stop particles of a certain size from entering. i have no idea wtf is actually going on here, but ppl have lost their minds and/or are simply morons. i invite anyone who thinks this shit is doing anyone any good to do a basic search on virus micron sizes and what materials are required to stop them from penetrating objects. a bandana? really? seriously, you may as well make a mask out of construction paper like when you were a kid. it would work just as well. what's worse, i actually think that by making such a proclamation that his majesty phil murphy may be putting MORE lives at risk. people who otherwise would be staying home may now suddenly feel safe to venture out: "oh, we have to wear a facemask now? that's great that we'll all be protected now! ok well since we have these bandanas lying around let's go shopping at walmart. come on, kids, lets go!" BOOM, infected ok rant off now. but seriously, this is very dangerous stuff. idk who's giving these ppl advice to make such orders, but they all need to be fired and/or go back to school. and i'm still not wearing a mask to go shopping
  18. if they can manage to do it in the produce aisle of costco, i'm sure they'll figure out a way. there are no excuses
  19. man that is one unlucky co-worker. don't stand next to him/her during a lightning storm
  20. yes, this. it's a private range, no? we're members of a private shooting club is what i understand. i could see abiding on a public range, but this is different
  21. so let me understand your argument. it's ok to shut down fingerprinting because nobody needs fingerprinting now due to the economy? besides the relevant 2A implications, what if i wanted to adopt a child now? too bad? bad economy? volunteer at an orphanage? too bad, bad economy? use my suddenly free time to get a drone license? too bad, bad economy? come on man, there are reasons to get fingerprinted that have nothing to do with the economy. i'm actually shocked you guys are defending this. remember, it's not about NEEDS, it's about RIGHTS
  22. i don't care what the economy looks like. there are a lot of essential things that require fingerprinting, including a number of volunteer positions which involve children Adoption (through the Department of Economic Security) Alarm Agent and Controlling Person Certification Appraisal Licensure or Certification Assisted-living-facility managers Board of Dental Examiners (Dentist Licensure, Dental Hygienist Licensure, Dental Therapist Licensure, and Denturist Certification) Board of Fingerprinting members and employees Charter school employment Child care home provider Child day care Child nutrition program Child Protective Services employment Child welfare and adolescent behavioral health treatment Contractors, subcontractors, or vendors (including employees) for public or charter schools Department of Economic Security employment (non-Child Protective Services) Developmental disabilities (work with individuals with developmental disabilities) DES - Employee or Contractor with access to Federal Tax Information Domestic-violence-shelter employment Exceptional student services program Foster home licensure (through the Department of Economic Security) Health-science students and clinical assistants Hemp License Home Inspector Certification Home-health-agency employment Homeless-shelter employment JOBS/WIA programs Nursing-care-institution administrators Pharmacist and Pharmacy Intern Licensure Physical Therapist and Physical Therapy Assistants Licensure Real-estate licensure Residential- or nursing-care-institution employment School Bus Drivers Teacher certification Volunteer foster grandparent program
  23. if this is true, it has implications far beyond guns. fingerprinting is required for a whole host of professions, from health care work to law enforcement to school teaching and administration etc. if they're not processing ANY fingerprints, there are a lot of "essential" jobs in this state that are unable to hire or certify anyone
  24. this is nothing. you should see how far they have to stick it in your ... when swabbing for an std. and that's all i have to say about that
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