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Everything posted by Duppie

  1. Very nice indeed,I love the detailed inlay on the butt. I have a thing for revolvers and that is a beauty.
  2. Explain dirty please. I believe I know what you're talking about but really not sure. I broke in both of my guns with Remington ammo and now ordered American eagle 115 grain for the 9mm and Magtech 158 grain .38 for my .357. So far had 1 FTE with my Sig and both guns seemed rather dirty and carbonized with these brands as opposed to the Remington ammo. Opinions? Insight? Advice? Thanks Gentlemen.
  3. Sorry again, as I explained to Maksim, I neglected to check out the price on the .223.But I believe it was $3.00 off a box.
  4. Thanks, now I have 2 more online resources for ammo, Dans and Grafs. I do love a bargain.
  5. Yeah I know but again you have to buy 500+ rounds to make it worth while with the shipping,My intention is to keep 500 on hand for both my guns so to top off after a session at the range it's worth it to me.Do you have a place that has good,inexpensive ammo and cheap shipping?
  6. Sorry,I was rushing to get to work so I didn't get the price on the 223.
  7. Visited Dick's in Freehold this morning and picked up several boxes of Remington 115 grain 9mm for $11.98/50.Regular price is $14.99/50.223 was also $3.00 off a box I believe.
  8. No place to go but up. For us, we still need to be within an hour of NYC,too much of city left in both my wife and self but was sitting in too much house with too much overheads,taxes and no kids. but in 5 to 7 years you'll be fine with a healthy equity, there is just so much Jersey to go around.
  9. Rejoice in the fact that no matter how hard we think it is to live in this state, there are a whole cross section of folks waiting to move in, Before it was the Russians from Staten Island,then the Chinese from NYC,now the South Asians are raising families and moving into central jersey so selling you home when it's time should not be too difficult.I just sold mine in EB and it took me all of 4 months.
  10. I believe that also, to make a grand statement befitting Bin Laden's death they will be inclined to attack a so called high value target, the question that will confound is,which one?
  11. Exactly, I fear for our people overseas first in a immediate retaliatory strike but we here must be just as vigilant in the event that terrorist plans was already in the works and now accelerated.
  12. Just reported by The New York Times.10.52pm
  13. Ignore them? Absolutely not! I truly find the twist and turns not only entertaining in their futile attempt to portray some semblance of professionalism and integrity but am constantly amazed at their following hanging on every word. If you have a Facebook account and a couple of minutes check your friend's "like" lists... Truly enlightening.
  14. My point exactly... But should we rail against the organization who makes no bones against fabrications and lies? or instead pity the sheep who not only follow their line but bleat it at every opportunity.Glenn Beck or Anderson Cooper anyone?
  15. As I indicated in another tread, I have no political affiliation and am of the opinion the both parties and their offshoots are one and the same and all the rhetoric is basically a way to distract the average American while all parties pillage our resources and future.{ Do I sound too conspiratorial?}So I would like to believe that I possess a even eye, That being said, Fox news above them all makes no pretense what so ever of their affiliation. It could be argued that they very well may be the most transparent and honest news format because of this fact.
  16. But it goes both ways..If I was in the position where my business and livelihood was in jeopardy because of competition, and lets face it aren't they all?, I would make damn sure that every person that took the time and effort to walk through my door was catered to.What ever I could not compete with price or selection wise would be made up for in customer service. Yet we have long treads on this very forum about shoddy treatment at independent gun stores.I applaud the ones that step up and take care of their customer base but how many of those that went under didn't and ultimately paid the price?
  17. Granted,however at the very least they try to maintain a facade of impartiality.
  18. Haven't you found that unless it's a real good promo or sale when it comes to the online sellers or you're ordering 500+ rounds the shipping pretty much puts it right back to average retail store prices? I for one have neither the resources or space to order 1000 rounds at a time.
  19. Question... I drive through upstate NY every couple of months, specifically Plattsburg,what are the pitfalls, if any, with purchasing ammo at the huge Walmart there on my way back into New Jersey?. That is of course if it is even possible?
  20. I avoid Walmart like a service station toilet but would gladly patronize their ammo cages if the price is right.
  21. I am encouraged however when I see so many families getting into shooting, I was at Shore Shot last week and at least half of the stations was occupied by fathers and grandfathers shooting with their kids and husband and wife teams. The focus should remain on the fact that a firearm itself is just an inanimate object ultimately subject to the manipulations of a human....Simplistic and cliche I admit but still somehow overlooked by seemingly intelligent people.
  22. I agree,If we can portray ourselves as just plain Americans who own firearms to protect our families,pursue a sport,or just putting food on the table,I see it as coming across to the average person in a much better light than the stereotypical yahoo dressed all in camo,ammo belts and Confederate flags, running through the woods playing commando.... Now if that's your thing? Amen to you but it's hardly the average gun owner.However that's how some anti firearm lobbies would like you to believe and unfortunately how the balance of the world tends to view us
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