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Posts posted by WP22

  1. 11 hours ago, Malsua said:

    I got an idea.  You are required to keep all your spittle to yourself?  Fair?  How you go about that is up to you, but you're not allowed to spread it all over.  That whole, "my rights end where yours begin"?   Ok, I'm in.    The same goes for you.  Your rights end at your mouth.  You keep your germs at your mouth, I'll keep mine at mine.

    You could wear a mask, but that's such a great imposition for "muh freedom" types there's an even easier one.  Put a clear plastic bag over your head, zip tie it closed at the neck.   Nothing on your mouth, no overheating, no "Sign of your submission" on your face it's perfect.  You can virtue signal that the government can't boss you around!  Your rights won't be infringed!   Plus you won't have to feel embarrassed about  wearing a mask, since that's what this is really about anyway.








    I'm quoting you but this is for all of you demanding to talk to the corona virus manager

    I'll make y'all a deal since you seem to be greatly bothered by all this.

    I'll wear a mask when, where and in the manner the law compels me to and won't when it doesn't. 

    Further, if you promise not to go all karenWaffen on me if you see me outside not wearing a mask and I won't  make fun of you when I see you driving down the road wearing your N95.

    If this is still not acceptable, I strongly suggest you stay 6 feet away from me --by the way, are there any studies proving this is the safe distance?--like you should, mask or not, or in your very specific case, roll a condom down your head.

    But in public, with enough space to keep the distance? I'm not wearing a mask, I haven't worn a mask, and I won't wear a mask unless/until I get sick and use it to limit the spread of droplets or it becomes the law. Suggestions, campaigns, appeals to my sense of humanity and morals are not laws. I won't be a scumbag like Fredo Cuomo and Georgy Stephanapolus, both tested positive, and were caught outside without a mask. But that's as far as I go. Period.

    Until then I don't care if you're afraid that I'm not wearing a mask, I have no obligation (social or otherwise) to make you feel better about my actions. I will not live my life based on someone else's fears.

    And that's my final word on this.



    • Agree 3

  2. 9 minutes ago, Mrs. Peel said:


    What's wrong with you pervs? Now the guy's going to worry about his sweet daughter, knowing guys like you are out there... Geez Louise. Get your minds out of the gutter.... :facepalm:

    There's nothing wrong with a little forewarning.

    • Haha 1

  3. 8 hours ago, JohnnyB said:

    Perhaps we could even concentrate on defending our 2nd Amendment rights......Imagine that.....Discussing guns and gun rights on a gun board!  How silly of me to ask for such a thing!:mad:

    This argument has been made several times.Yet, I couldn't find any instances where there was a 2A discussion going on and Greenie disrupt it; voicing one's opinions, specially if contrarian,  is not disrupting, it's discussing. 

    You may not agree with his 2A positions -personally I find them abhorrent--but they are his to have and mine to ignore if I choose to. I would absolutely recommend anyone else to do the same. This constant calling for his head is unimaginative. Besides, they are supposed to be the snowflakes, not us.



    • Agree 3

  4. Can you imagine how boring this place would be without Greenie, Zambuca and AWB?

    Conversations would be like two sentences long. 

    They are like slikys; nobody really knows what's their purpose but every time they are played with, it brings me a smile.

    Besides, greeny has spunk. I like that in a broad.

    • Agree 3

  5. 3 hours ago, 10X said:

    Not an inexpensive undertaking, and my blood still boils when I drive to the end of our privately funded road and see the public street sign the town left up

    And why isn't that sign resting on the bottom of  lake?

  6. 31 minutes ago, b47356 said:

    Of interest is that they rejected Kelsay v. Ernst and Jessop v. City of Fresno, both qualified immunity cases.

    There are a few cases before the court that deals with qualified immunity. Hopefully (there I go again) the court drives a stake thru the heart of that abomination that has no legal basis to exist. Qualified immunity is a fabrication of the judiciary and only exists because the branch that created it say so.

    But, hope springs eternal, they say.

  7. 17 minutes ago, Greenday said:

    Which gym do you go to where everyone actually does that? Because I've never seen a gym where every person actually sprays and disinfects everything they use?

    Also, I need to eat to survive. No one has to work out at a gym to survive.

    But this isn't about just surviving. This is about living. And life ain't worth it if you can live it.

    • Like 1

  8. 1 hour ago, Scorpio64 said:

    According to the package, SQ is a 90 day crop, which puts me at August for harvest.  I may be able to get a second crop in.  I wonder if I can stagger the planting and still get effective pollination.

    Corn needs a certain " critical mass" if you will to properly polinate. Planting in squares is preferably to planting in long narrow rows, for example. I would do a 12x10 square now and do a second square a couple weeks later. 

    The worst it can happen is that you will end up with a bunch of Halloween decorations.

    • Like 1

  9. 15 minutes ago, Scorpio64 said:

    Anyone doing corn?  This week I'll be planting a 12x20 plot of Silver Queen.  See how it works out.  Never tried it before.

    I did it one year. And because of the space it takes, the yield and quality, corn may be the one vegetable I thought it was better just to buy it instead of growing it. It grew fine,  produced fine and it tasted fine but it takes a lot of space and it didn't taste any better than the store bought.


  10. 6 hours ago, GRIZ said:

    I'm not embarrassed by that.  I didn't have any part of it.

    It is troubling based on what the video shows.

    Your last paragraph explains why most police don't want to be bothered with enforcing these shutdown mandates.  I said that in my last response.

    I am not nor I've ever been an LOE and I'm embarrassed that them and their actions are the modern face of our  police forces.

  11. 26 minutes ago, GRIZ said:

    I'm not saying cops don't slam people into sidewalks.  Sometimes that's what has to be done. Sometimes the cops are wrong. You're projecting an image that everyone arrested comes along peaceably.  That's not real life.

    A show of force at a peaceable protest helps keep it peaceable.  More so when there's a demonstration and a counter-demonstration in the same place.  Tactical gear bothers you?  I guess you think they should show up with pool noodles and water pistols.

    There is a lot of talk about unconstitutional laws.  The fact is a law doesn't become unconstitutional until a court says it is.  Cops or anyone else can't decide that.  That's our system.

    Many of this shutdown due to the virus is bs.  Cops don't want to be bothered enforcing mask wearing, social distancing, and most of this other stuff.  The PBA in NYC told DeBlassio so.  Many mayors and sheriffs have refused to enforce stupid shutdowns mandated by governors.



    Tell me you aren't embarrassed and bothered by this.

    And when this becomes the public image of the police, who do you think is going to support them? 

    The police, in general, rely on the compliance, trust, support and cooperation of the community to make their job easier; to go home every night to their families, as they like to say. When their public image becomes of  jackboot thugs enforcing perceived unfair and capricious laws, that trust is eroded and the results won't be good.


    • Like 1

  12. 8 hours ago, Mrs. Peel said:

    @gleninjersey ---This year, I'm going to link my (2) 4'x8' raised beds with arched cattle panel trellises. I too was looking at trellis options, when I came across this particular idea on YouTube. There are many videos; this one attached is a good how-to. What a super-affordable way to go vertical with all of your vining-type plants, squeezing the most production out of your garden space! And honestly, I just think they look quite attractive, too. I'll be using them for indeterminate tomatoes and cucumbers, but I'm also kicking around the possibility of some mini-melons....


    The single biggest mistake I see first time gardeners making and the one I make every single year is to plant way to many plants for the space they have. Overcrowding will,  inevitably, create conditions for disease to spread.  Air flow, air flow, air flow.


    That little tomato plant will grow over 6 ft tall, cuckes, squashes, melons, pumpkins will sprawl into every available inch of space. Pole beans will grow as tall as the trellis where they hang.

    • Like 2

  13. 4 hours ago, GRIZ said:

    Don't  blame the cops. Blame the lawmakers.

    I blame them for being so enthusiastic about enforcing the laws you say they disagree with. Not for enforcing them per se but for thier eagerness. Just look at the recent videos of people being slammed into sidewalks, look at he videos of them showing up at protests in armored cars with their tactical get ups. 

    They haven't been covering themselves with glory recently.

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