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Everything posted by xXxplosive

  1. Fox News, Tucker Carlson Tonight 3/25/20: So Police announce they're not prosecuting low level crimes and Fox news shows video of the "Insects" who inhabit San Francisco filling up bags they brought with them into Wallgreens stores and just walking out without paying.... no one stopping them...hard to watch the blatant theft and larceny going on during this horrific time.....
  2. This is NYC...………………………………………………………...omo.
  3. … clean up of my vegetable gardens, making ready to roto-till and then plant......if the rain ever quits.
  4. Universal Licensing Increased excise taxes on all things firearms No legal protection for manufacturers from lawsuits And lots more https://www.govtrack.us/congress/bills/116/hr5717/text
  5. Sick Libs a fleeing the cities......for Guns, God & Bibles.....coming to a neighborhood near you.....omo.
  6. Seems like there maybe a migration route shift due to more hospital space.....seems sick NY'ers are makin' their way up 95 to Rhode Island......this has "Long Tentacles".
  7. You could always put up signs...…"Turn Back Now".....omo.
  8. Hearing the overload on the small food stores in the Poconos is now staggering to the locals...….
  9. So despite being told to stay at home by their Governor and Mayor, NYC metropolitan area residents are getting out of dodge and heading to other states. Residents of these other states are not too happy. Should be some interesting blowback eventually. Right now all travelers to these other states are being told they must quarantine for 14 days. So they must stay in their rental or hotel room. The Libs are fleeing the Cities... How many will do it? Hearing Fla. and the Pocono's in Pa. are being inundated.
  10. The 2A says nothing about NICS...….we are to blame, we let it get to this point....omo.
  11. I can see that...…...just at the time they wanted to put down the rioting.
  12. 20K that they claim to know off...…..the real numbers are probably staggering. For this virus to be natural, I'm starting to believe otherwise...….way to contagious, spread the world.
  13. My wife and I both had that, except I had 10 days of pneumonia first......took 3 weeks to finally kick it.
  14. Yup.....just heard the AG say NJ is the 1st state to release prisoners out of county jails......Nutz…..omo.
  15. IMO......most folks want to know exactly what it came from..... a Lab or a Bat.
  16. Bill Clinton raped more women and probably kids too...………..omo.
  17. …… reminds me of Sandy when I heard over my scanner that "All Emergency Services Were Suspended" here in Somerset County.
  18. Been working around the house outside.....haven't seen a Cruiser in 4 days....must be maintaining order at the stores still open....I dunno.
  19. State OEM is projecting through August...….
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