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Everything posted by rscalzo

  1. That's a interesting question. However I wouldn't say for sure that hand carrying the firearm would be acceptable. My thinking is based on the fact changes were made to take into acount the fact that many vehicles today do not have a saparate trunk area. The changes were made to document what would be an acceptable method of carry when a trunk isn't available. That can be read differently so case law would be needed to even begin to see what the thinking on the issue would be.
  2. A lot depends on the conditions surrounding the home. Last year homes fell into local rivers when the foundations and the area around the home eroded away. People can't believe the power of water until they see it first hand. One of the biggest problems around here isn't the flooding as much as large trees that had their roots undermined and the earth so soaked that they fall over. Hopefully they hit the ground but they have been known to take out cars and homes. I have a photo of my neighbor's travel trailer they had a tree destroy it. Thankfully it was parked but if the timing was different they were going to use it was their power was out and a tree tore through their roof.
  3. You have a few guys in a boat. What are they going to get. A waterlogged TV. Anything of real value can be easily carried out in a box or two. You aren't escaping a tsunami but rising water and a lack of or possibly dangerous utilities. Anything not taken really going to fit into a 16 foot aluminum boat? I have a relative who lived through the floods in Wayne for years. the last thing they would do is stay. At some point, leaving would no longer be an option for them.
  4. You have to maintain the same qualification as required by the state you reside. NJ AG's rules state that a retired Carry Permit must be maintained at a cost of $50.00 per year. this rewquirement is being debated but for now the AG calls the shot. As far as a "permit" there is nothing beyond the individuals departmental identification card. If this has an expiration date it would be at the deaprtment's descretion. My department has one on the current officers. Retired did not have an expiration date. For myself, I qualify under the state of NH guidelines twice a year. I am issued a document stating I have met the standards as stated by the NH POST (Police Officer's Standards and Training) There are other rewquirements and limitations but I won't go into them here as it can get a bit long.
  5. Every house in the city isn't flooded. the ones that are could very well have the foundation structure undermined making the structure unstable. The water sitting in the structure will begin to grow mold quicker than anyone can imagine and create a serious health issue. It the water and power is turned off would you expect families to sit in the dark and the cold? I've seen too many homes shift during the floods two year ago up here and some were trapped in their homes when the structure shifted jamming doors. Sitting inside alone might be fine for one but anyone who keeps their family in such a condition is taking a big risk. Doesn't sound like you have a great deal of experience with a major floor. the rain stopped here Monday afternoon. As of today, most of the rivers are still well about floor stages and drop only a foot or so per day. Waters are still feeding the rivers and streams from the upper levels. debris blocks a good deal of the off flow areas causing the normal flows to be blocked. It could be a few days. After the water recedes, electric may or may not be turned on but the effects of the waters are unknown and until checked can be hazardous. In any event, the damage done is still present. Depending on the extent of the flooding, it could be a major of minor event. Do you think you are well advised to publish on a public forum that you would use deadly force for a property crime. If you are going to gain any knowledge at all, it should be based on the prevailing laws of the state.
  6. I'd suggest getting a clarification before coming up with a somewhat hostile rebuttal. Most shops don't bother using dowels, which is a better way to display. Dowels allow a more three dimensional view to the item.
  7. The homes are uninhabitable. No power or water. Mold will soon be an issue. The high water will probably affect the structural integrity in some cases. Staying isn't an option.
  8. Every shop I've ever been in has the same problem. Low glare glass maybe? Most don't even bother with the dowel which I think is a better way to display the items.
  9. At this point there are going to be many vacant homes in the area. Even after the water receeds, the homes will be uninhabitable for some time. Homeowners had better remove anything of value.
  10. The issue was pretty much settled with the changes to PFRS when part timers are no longer eligiable for entry. that is a requirement. As Class II's don't have constant employment in many cases, they are not employed by any agency. Each state handles the isse differently. Up here they have part time state troopers. (not the same as state police). But in NJ I think it's clear cut.
  11. Bet you could get it cheap as long as a repaint wasn't part of the deal.
  12. each state is different in that respect. NJ is more strick than the federal guideliens and doesn't consider trash as abandoned when on the curb. if anyone is that interested in it, it is the Greenwood case.
  13. Follow the rule of don't post anything on the internet that can come back and bite you in the butt. I'm always surprised about what some people I worked with post. Seemingly innocent, just the perception comes across badly. Kind of like those people that email somewhat "racy" photos of themselves to friends then are surprised when they start appearing all over the internet. I see it as kids being a bit too trusting in some cases. Adults should know better and yet they still fall for the Nigerian Lottery Winner scams. If I were a parent I'd be scared to death every time the kids got on the computer. There are just too many out there willing to take advantage. Years ago I gave some simple seminars to parents who had no idea what was involved with the internet. AOL was the big service and IM's were the rage. I was dumbfounded when parents told me they thought AOL or other providers screened every message for content. Then we did a search using relative tame words. they were somewhat surprised what popped up. Probably most went home and disconnected the CPU's.
  14. that is still debatable. Up here where part-time is much more common (there is no Class I & II), out of state carry is not permitted without a valid permit to that state. N one has tested it as of yet.
  15. You have some owners right here. They can tell you that it isn't a cheap undertaking. Even a outdoor range is extremal expensive due to the mandates needed to meet EPA and other regulations. Then you hold your breath hoping a bullet doesn't leave the range. As an example, a range that I shoot at frequently recently expanded one range out to 600 yards. The cost to date, as it isn't completed has been over 500k. None of the costs included land acquisition as the club has over 300 acres.
  16. I would be a bit cautious about sending copies of my driver's license to anyone. If I did, I would block out the DL number which is not needed for a proof of age or residency by the dealer.
  17. I was fortunate to know the family through my dealings with Ray's son-in-law. when I was shown what was behind the scenes in the gun safe I was amazed. A portion was actually on display but many more in the back room. At one point Ray made an offer to buy S&W being one of the biggest S&W dealer in the country. But the need to display a huge variety is neither cost effective nor needed in todays market. The internet can display a vast variety of firearms and the buyer can have it in his hands in most cases in a day or two. Dealers, especially the smaller one can't afford to lay out the enormous amount of funds to stock more than a few of the most popular. Manufacturers have too many variations and models compared to years back for even the wholesalers to keep in stock. Ray's was far from the cheapest but no one could match the amount of items on hand in every area. for that convenience the customer must be willing to pay more. Yet on the other hand, I dealt mainly with them for my departmental needs and found them to be the cheapest with everything in stock for immediate shipment. The closest I have ever seen to Ray's would be the Kittery Trading Post on the ME/NH border. the building is several times larger than Ray's and they started out as a trading post mainly for firearms. For anyone ever in the area it's a must see if for nothing else just to walk around and look.
  18. Off track, yes.... Did the debate get "heated" at times? Maybe. But if everyone agree with each other nothing would be learned. Debate over a computer terminal is difficult at best. Face to face I have no doubt points would be made on both sides. What I think everyone can agree on is that the individual who was the subject is an embarrassment and should and will be dealt with on some level.
  19. Thankfully I don't think anyone ever met my civilian clerk. He had more seniority then anyone in the entire municipality and could cause a saint to curse. I had to buy the ultra large bottle of antacid and assign someone to hold me back when I wanted to kill him.
  20. ??? Typo makes it somewhat difficult. As for the comment concerning leaving a firearm lying around by a civilian, that is accurate as by my experience the owner who left four in the open back of his vehicle only to be stolen was no charged even with the glaring violation of NJ law. I'm guessing you have no experienjce in dealing with the requirements for a IA investigation. As the guidelines are quite clear and the legal issues that must be addressed extensive, no one dealing with a serious issue like this simply walks away. Even if the department tries to sweep it, every case is sent for review up to the Prosecutor office. At that point lawyers review and determine the conduct. So as the case has not been completed, I find it odd that some feel he's getting off easy.
  21. That makes absolutely no sense as it has nothing to do with the subject at hand. As for the answer anyway, no. Now you can tell me what the point of military service would be to the issue at hand? None as far as I can see. However I'm probably familiar more than most with the operations as two under my command were Marine Firearms Instructors. My dealings with those people and the command in their unit got me several invitations to their training sessions in Dix. But as this has nothing to do with the question of individual responsibility, I move on.
  22. You're a bit easy on this. As the AG would uphold any disciplinary action if unreasonable, 15 to 30 isn't close to what I recommend. But without having a past history, no idea what would be acceptable.I always saw a difference between an honest mistake and shear stupidity. The younger ones usually have to learn the hard way that anything doesn't go. If this isn't the first and short of some very extenuating circumstances, he lose a heck of a lot more than 30. I never pushed for that as I treated my people like adults until they gave me a reason not to do so. then that individual would suffer the wrath and not everyone else who did accept the responsibility to act like a responsible adult. A few never got the hint and were terminated and I wasn't sad to see them go.
  23. Apparently you have never dealt with that agency. They will not take action unless there is an associated serious criminal offense. Secondly, how does one prove the individual prove he is a legal resident? In fact can anyone really do so on demand? I don't carry my birth certificate or social security card. Who carries much more than a driver's license? The idea of the Universal ID was brought up and shot down. Now add to that the fact that no is required to carry identification. Now I know some would just think that you can look at a group and tell they are illegals. Stereotypes? They don't work very well any longer. As far as enforcing areas of the law your have no jurisdiction in? There's that nasty Constitution getting in the way again. For the record there are many other areas of Federal law police departments do not enforce. DOT motor carrier regulations for one. This was tried by a Chief up here last year. Under threat of prosecution he was force to stop.
  24. That's what gets lands closed off for use.
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