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Everything posted by dwvcfii

  1. Ah, okay...that's probably why it looked familiar (been looking at the GI stuff). Thanks!
  2. A bit off topic, but where'd you get that table? I've been looking for a nice reloading / workbench with adjustable metal legs.
  3. Just figured I'd report that it took four months for Jackson PD to issue an FID with 2 permits. Could have been much longer, too, had I not "intervened". I submitted paperwork in early December. One of my references failed to get the questionnaire (lost in the mail) so I had to make another request at around the 2 month mark to send another copy. My reference returned the form quickly and I called the PD again around the 10 week mark to check on status. They said that all the paperwork was done at that time, everything was awaiting the chief's signature, and they expected to get it back from his office in "about two weeks". Needless to say, I got busy and never wound up calling until Monday of this week. All the person in records did was repeat that the paperwork was still with the Chief and they would call me when they got it back. Fed up, I called the Mayor's office. They put me in touch with the town administrator, who asked me to email him my account of the situation. I did that the same afternoon. Interestingly, I got a call yesterday before Noon that the paperwork was ready and picked it up today. Squeaky wheel indeed. It seems to me that the basic approval process takes no more than two months, and the Chiefs tend to sit on these applications for no good reason. They could have their secretaries (or better yet, the PD records people) rubber stamp his signature on these things, but for whatever reason, they don't. I also requested that the Mayor investigate the reason for the delays, but I'm less hopeful I'll hear anything from him on the matter. I think it just comes down to the fact that the police don't consider FID approvals high enough priority, which to me is evidence enough they should be abolished, but I'm sure I'll be in my grave before that happens. So to anyone waiting for paperwork from Jackson PD, call the records office. If they give you the run-around, call the Mayor's office and complain. Worked for me.
  4. raz, thanks for the honest reply. I understand now. Nice to know as well that they give instruction at matches (or at least the first one). That makes me feel a bit better.
  5. It goes without saying that "those are the rules". Of course, I'm free to question the rules and I often do, particularly when they don't make sense to me. I've been a pilot for almost 25 years and hold the same grade of pilot's license airline pilots do. I achieved that with a bunch of formal training and a hell of a lot of practice on my own -- so I know what training to a professional standard is all about. I'm not questioning the requirement for training. What I *am* questioning is the method of that training (i.e. the need to attend formal matches). Perhaps my understanding of matches is flawed, but when I think "match", I think "competition", or "test", which is a place where I prove skills I already have -- not a place where I learn those skills. If this is CJ's way of saying "go find someplace that WILL let you draw and fire to develop the skills for draw and fire, and then pass our test, which consists of the results from three competitions", so be it, but I still think that's backwards for a gun club that is supposed to exist to satisfy the needs and goals of its members.
  6. I've said this before, but I'll say it again. It's annoying that CJ restricts the badge to people who've attended matches and this is one of the reason I've been holding off joining. How about if I want to practice my CCW skills (for out of state use, obviously)? Also, am I the only one that thinks that saying the badge is for people trying to practice for matches and yet requiring them to attend matches before they have a chance to practice puts the cart before the horse? Just let me train with an "approved instructor" one on one, get him to sign off on X hours of instruction as required by the board and approve the badge. What's so hard about that? Heck, come to think of it, an out of state CCW should get us SOMETHING here, and automatic approval (upon request) for a draw and fire badge should be it.
  7. Wow...that's just f'd up. So let me get this straight... The OP isn't guilty of violating STATE law for possessing what you, me and the rest of the world define as a "pump action shotgun", but the ATF reclassifies any shotgun whose stock is switched to a pistol grip, so now the OP is in violation of FEDERAL law for possessing something classified as such while being under 21? Man, where the hell did my country go? Good luck to OP. I would definitely like to hear about the outcome of the case.
  8. Just imagine how things may have turned out if the vast majority of people in the crowd were armed and ready to respond. That psycho would have been dropped like a bad habit...
  9. Amen. Just because NJ is fubar doesn't mean we shouldn't help protect rights in other states. After all, we need to have somewhere to go should the state persist in screwing its citizens on both the gun and tax fronts.
  10. Thanks for the replies, especially the link to the Maine non-res packet. Seems like the only thing I'd need for it would be "proof of competency". My dad was in the Navy so I grew up around firearms and have been shooting for years, but I never took any formal training. I'm beginning to think I should just bite the bullet and take the course for non-res Florida CCW and then get the non-res Maine. I have 6 months until the trip so that should be enough time. Maine is a beautiful state...spent time there as a kid...but I don't want to get stuck in jail up there. Better safe than sorry I guess.
  11. Not sure if this is the best place to ask this since this is technically not a NJ gun law question, but I'll ask anyway. Admins, feel free to move this if not appropriate. I realize that NJ makes no distinction between open and concealed carry, but many states do. In my case, I live in NJ and am planning a trip to Maine this summer. After checking the NRA notes on the state, they appear to be quite reasonable with regard to the treatment of firearms and from what I can tell the only restriction is that concealed carry of a weapon requires a license. No other case of possession or purchase requires a permit. In other words, if I want to carry a gun, I can, but I must open-carry. Now, like most here I like the idea of carrying a gun, but I don't like the idea of drawing any attention to myself. I'm not doing this to look cool or to "compensate", and in fact would much prefer to concealed carry. But I can't do that without a Maine license in this case, something I'm not willing to do for this trip (and sadly they don't seem to accept Florida CCW). So I began to wonder...what exactly constitutes concealed vs. open carry? Some googling reveals lots of traditional discussion of CCW and what states allow it, but nothing answered my question. I know that the traditional mode of open carry is an outside-the-waistband holster placed at the hip with nothing covering it. However, that is a rather obvious to any and all. Not really my cup of tea. Do states that allow open carry make any distinction between outside and inside the waistband? Could I wear an in-the-waistband holster near the small of my back OVER a tucked in t-shirt (with the grip of the gun clearly visible with no shirt over it) and still be considered open-carry? I'd like to say "yes" because the gun is clearly visible, at least from some angles, but I don't have any information to confirm that. I'd consider wearing the gun on my hip as long as I could wear a shirt, say one that buttons down the front but remains fully unbuttoned and not tucked in...almost like a loose fitting coat. In this case, the gun would very likely "print" through the shirt and would most likely be visible from the front. Is this concealed? My guess is it would be. Just looking for some feedback from those in the know. Thanks in advance.
  12. You know what I know? He didn't kill anyone or even threaten to kill anyone. He was convicted of merely possessing a weapon in his vehicle. That makes him innocent of any gun related crime in my book.
  13. As everyone else says, check your local ordinances. Mine happened to mirror the NJ hunting laws which stated no discharge within 450 feet of an occupied structure.
  14. Fly's chance of this happening in NJ, but we can dream, can't we? http://www.examiner.com/examiner/x-2581 ... onal-carry
  15. Sorry for the dup. I looked (admittedly briefly) but didn't find it. In any case, it's nice to see we're making progress. Too bad NJ is among the holdouts.
  16. Check out the interactive map. Really puts things in perspective. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/34714389/ns/us_news-life/ Can't wait for the SCOTUS rule on incorporation so we can send these stupid gun restrictions "packin" (pun intended!)
  17. Just remember kids. When evildoers can't get their hands on guns, they'll choose knives. Outlaw those and they'll use baseball bats. Outlaw those......and they'll use scalding hot coffee. http://uk.reuters.com/article/idUKTRE61821V20100209
  18. Are you referring to the Surefire or the PWS?
  19. I was planning on taking the standard stock. I played with one (unpinned) on an M6A2 at Shore Shot and I liked it. Seemed to have a lot less slop than some others I've tried. That's the most important difference. The length and stroke of the piston is different too. But the main reasons I'm willing to pay the few bucks extra for the A3 over the A2 is that the rails are a bit shorter (lighter swing weight) and the forward sight is fixed to the barrel as opposed to the rail. With respect to BUIS accuracy I think that is an inherently more stable design.
  20. I love how the description of the PWS part is a "flash suppressing compensator" but the remarks say the BATFE doesn't think it's a flash suppressor. Guess the latter is all I need to be legal. I wonder, however, how effective it can be in keeping flash out of the line of sight of the optics when it allows expansion of gasses in that direction. At least the Surefire appears to vent the gasses to the sides.
  21. I'm thinking of picking up an LWRC M6A3. They will, of course, build it to NJ legal spec and that involves a muzzle brake. I haven't nailed down what brake they use by default but I was wondering if anyone has any knowledge of the Surefire muzzle brakes and whether they're worth $150. I figure if it's going to be permanently attached (at least until I get the hell out of the People's Republik of Joisey) I want to have something that enhances the performance of the rifle....or at least doesn't detract from its performance. Thoughts? Any other brakes I should look at?
  22. Although Michael Carroll does not represent me I sent him a short thank you and he responded within 15 minutes. Pretty amazing...someone in the legislature that actually responds to the people. Of course, neither of my reps have responded yet but I'll be reasonable and give them a day or two. After all, they're probably busy taking bribes somewhere.
  23. This is what I sent to my reps. Will probably fall on deaf ears as usual, but IMHO if you remain silent you deserve the government you get. -------- I have recently become aware of A1384 (presently in committee) which aims to make it possible for law abiding citizens to apply for a permit to carry concealed weapons (CCW). Specifically, it aims to change the language in the existing CCW law that requires the applicant to justify to the court why they require the license. I see no need for such justification, and 30+ states in the union agree it is acceptable for me to carry concealed. I find it absolutely incredulous that my home state does not. Do I suddenly become a psychopath once I cross an imaginary line in the dirt? Should I be treated by the courts like a rapist or murderer for merely possessing a firearm on my person and defending my right to life and liberty? The answer is a resounding NO. Guns don't cause crime -- people do. Trite, but true. The time has come for the NJ legislature to remember the purpose of government: to protect, rather than usurp, the freedom and rights of the people including the right to bear arms for self protection. I should note that I am in full support of the provision to require NRA or other approved training prior to the issuance of the permit because guns, like cars, airplanes or other complex machinery, are in fact dangerous in untrained hands. Please do your part to get A1384 to the floor and vote in support of it, for if it does not pass I will take myself, my business, and the tax revenue I generate to a state more friendly to its freedom-loving citizens. Thanks for your time.
  24. Last time in Freehold I bought so much ammo that the "lock box" made it more convenient so I see it as a good thing, but of course the 100 round case of 12ga shells I bought on special wouldn't fit in the box so I just carried that down myself. No walk of shame. The only thing I've observed is that people seem to be more courteous to me on the escalator when I'm carrying ammo. Don't you wish we lived in a shall issue CCW state? Just as fences make good (read: polite) neighbors...so do lots of guns and ammo.
  25. Courtesy of a NJGF member I just checked out central jersey a couple weeks ago. Spoke to one of the managers there. Drawing from a holster for the general membership is not allowed unless you attend three matches and then bring the results to a board meeting to get approval. I don't agree with the need to attend a match as I have no interest in competing against anyone but myself but I do support the idea of proper training and it IS required for stuff like this. I just wish I could pay a qualified person appointed by the club for X number of hours of training and then get the approval. Seems like the current rules are just a way to discourage people from doing getting the approval. If Old Bridge allows drawing from a holster without some documented form of training, I'd be concerned. I've been muzzle swept by noobs so many times over the years I'm considering investing in some body armor.
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