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Displaced Texan

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Everything posted by Displaced Texan

  1. @Scorpio64 says that because he wants your help finishing his kitchen. He kinda has to. @gleninjersey I don’t know what he’s referring to...sounds like sex to me. @DirtyDigz his GF likes it, on the other hand, she likes him too...no accounting for taste.
  2. Better stock up on Pepto Bismol before eating...just sayen
  3. Pretty much this. If you don’t like it, by God, don’t click on it, or change the channel. He really needs to re-evaluate himself.
  4. Keep telling yourself that, Betty Crockpot.
  5. Betty Crockpot there actually asked me if they made cornbread in a can. I knew you could buy bread in a can... I googled it for him, and actually found him a recipe.
  6. You wanted cornbread in a can...I make cornbread in a cast iron skillet like normal people do.
  7. It’s more like the monkey cage at the zoo...LOTS of poo being flung about.
  8. Betty Crockpot!!! How’s it hanging? I kinda feel bad that the lovely Felicia’s introduction thread has taken this fork in the road.... Sorry, @WellRegulatedFelicia
  9. Betty Crockpot is better...just sayen
  10. Awww, you KNOW we love you, sis! You just made me snort good Shiner Bock out my nose, ya bastard!
  11. @Mrs. Peel Our new foundling Felicia is one up on you...she already HAS a shotgun! She might be our NEW sister!!
  12. Eh, @voyager9 just lives in his mommas basement and eats hot pockets.
  13. We will now, and forever more, refer to @Zeke as ‘Betty Crockpot’. I vote he changes his forum name to ‘Betty Crockpot, the poster formerly known as Zeke’.
  14. And a lot of guys that like bringing new shooters into the realm.
  15. Lol ok there Betty Crockpot...remember she was hitting more than you too!! Troof!
  16. Smoke what?! There’s nothing there!!
  17. Maybe so, but at least she knows that proper ribs are done on a grill....even though it’s gas. She’s trainable, and that makes her a keeper. Crock pot ribs are for heathens.
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