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Everything posted by voyager9

  1. I can see the benefit of a COE to the seller, as proof that the sale was to a eligible person.. agree that submission of a COE would equate to registration and must be avoided.
  2. Wouldn't the current menthod for NJ also meet the requirements? For a FTF I have to show valid FPID, which proves I had a background check at one point.. I would be ok with this since nothing about the gun(s) gets recorded. Similarly, I could see a proposal that doesn't equate to registration. For example before any FTF sale occurs the buyer has to go to an FFL and they run them through NCIS and sign the equivalent of a COE. This new COE is presented to the seller and the FTF proceeds.
  3. I don't read it as everything will be EO.. sounds like he has proposals for congress and then additional EO's. I'm sure the proposals will be one-sided, over reaching, further erosion of at least the 2nd amendment, and won't do s*** to solve the problem.
  4. Rob's last sentence hit it on the head... The last thing I want is another actor from Hollywood telling me anything, pro or con, about guns. Other then that the whole video is a big piers circle-jerk
  5. Quick Google At least one shot in St. Louis business school
  6. That can get annoying, but it's partly because some people don't listen the first time so it has to be repeated over and over. I'm on the fence about the hot/safe range times.. I can't think of a better way to do it with an outdoor range but it gets frustrating when you can only shoot 30-45 min of the actual hour. Especially when one stand puts targets out at the full 200 yards and the rest of us are waiting for them to walk out/back. I will admit that the range-safe times can be a good opportunity to interact with fellow enthusiasts nearby w/out interrupting their shooting or having to wear ear protection.
  7. I have an older (pre-rails) Sig p226 in 9mm. While cleaning it the other day I noticed that the barrel seems off/angled as it sits in the slide. Sorry if I'm using the wrong terminology. When viewed from the front the barrel does not sit centered in the hole in the front of the slide and creates an obvious sliver. This picture kind of shows when I'm talking about: So is this normal for Sigs, or SA handguns in general? Does it throw off your sights? There were quite a few pictures of Sigs with that moon-sliver and people don't appear to be talking about it so I assume its not a problem.. but it just seemed odd that the barrel wasn't centered.
  8. Note that current/former military gets a 50% discount on their membership fee. And I think it's $4 per person per hour.
  9. Is this from the point of view of the mag or the ammo? As others have mentioned the mag can be kept loaded. Not sure if the ammo should be cycled or not.
  10. But one that could have been covered under one of a few other laws. Didn't need something texting specific. I wasn't texting officer, I was tweeting.
  11. Interesting notion. Then the "I didn't notice" doesn't cover you either.
  12. I can't answer that but let me ask. What would happen now? Are there any other laws that require reporting of a crime? Or make it a crime for not reporting? Are there other objects where this behavior is required?
  13. I see your point but the article specifically mentioned that it was 48 hours from discovery. That is also the hole in the proposes bill and why it probably doesn't fix anything. I can always claim I did t realize it was stolen.
  14. Aside from the "give an inch/take a mile" concerns, what's so bad about #2? I'm curious if there is an aspect I'm overlooking because it doesn't seem too bad to me. If I have a firearm and it is stolen I would think it would be in my benefit to report it. (not sure it should be a law, but.. )
  15. DE just announced a proposed limit of 10 for HG and 5 for rifles..(See other thread)
  16. Del. Lawmakers unveil new gun "safety" proposals: In my opinion: #1: Lame, if this requires a FFL. If like NJ with the FPID/COE forms it's not so bad... probably live with it. #2: Ok.. don't necessarily see a problem with this. #3: Very Lame: Proposed limit would be 10 rounds for handgun, 5 for rifle. Also this gem: Ok, so they may exempt certain ranges, but I still can't transport them over highways. #4: Simply asinine. #5: Asinine. One of those feel good laws that would only stop people who already follow laws.
  17. A little from column A. A little of column B.
  18. I've read numerous places saying that the vaccine is around 60% effective. Keep in mind it takes two weeks to take effect. If you happen to get exposed within those two weeks its ways to say "oh, it didn't work"
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