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Everything posted by ryan_j

  1. BE NICE, BE RESPECTFUL. don't threaten anything or anybody. DO tell them you appreciate the bill and would be more inclined to visit and spend your money.
  2. Also bear in mind that it might look bad if we apply PRESSURE... So tread gently. They likely have the juice to do this all on their own, without our help. A short note saying it's a good bill, please adopt it, it will make me feel safe and may Pennsylvania safer - good. A long winded note saying, "Y U INFRINGE?" will likely get them to back down.
  3. The red part is how statutory reciprocity is currently determined. If this bill passes, this will be stricken from the law and the preceding clause that recognizes all permits will be valid.
  4. Exactly. There is a time for negative vibes, vitriol and anger but this is not it. This is a request to support a bill that could benefit us. If you make them feel that they are doing a good thing and getting positive reaction, they will be more inclined to support it.
  5. I would let the reps know that you are thankful for this bill and would feel safer being allowed to carry in PA. Be nice!
  6. Made it easier for you: If passed, the law will look like this: (b) Exceptions.--The provisions of subsection (a) shall not apply to: (11) Any nonresident who possesses a valid and lawfully issued license to carry a concealed firearm for any purpose which has been issued under the laws of the United States or any other state, regardless of the state of residence.
  7. You can take your gun out and keep it in your hotel room too. For the record, you can do that (keep a gun in your hotel room) in most states, including California.
  8. New bill introduced yesterday: http://www.legis.state.pa.us/CFDOCS/Legis/PN/Public/btCheck.cfm?txtType=PDF&sessYr=2013&sessInd=0&billBody=H&billTyp=B&billNbr=2398&pn=3919 Basically seeks to recognize all out of state permits. Here's hoping that they have the juice to pass it. Please contact all of your pro 2A Pennsylvanian friends and ask them to tell their legislators to support this bill.
  9. Do understand that some headlights are just beyond redemption. Once it's gone, better to get a new one.
  10. I use Meguiar's PlastX and my dual action polisher.
  11. I would definitely advise extreme caution because of the "if you see something, say something" culture. There was a man from Virginia who came to Atlantic City with his firearm (concealed carry I suppose), and the parking valet saw it and reported him. He was subsequently arrested.
  12. Don't get overly ambitious with prime time TV spots. We should start small with radio, newspaper and cable TV ads. Cable ads can target locally. I'm not just assuming here. I know people who run political campaigns in NJ and across the country and they do this and it works. Radio in particular is a very underestimated medium, but in that MS Senate primary it made all the difference.
  13. You have to go directly to/from the match. This means that when you go back to your hotel, if it is in NJ, you are illegally in possession. Yes, it is TOTALLY stupid. But that is how NJ rolls. (b) Directly to or from any target range, or other authorized place for the purpose of practice, match, target, trap or skeet shooting exhibitions, provided in all cases that during the course of the travel all firearms are carried in the manner specified in subsection g. of this section and the person has complied with all the provisions and requirements of Title 23 of the Revised Statutes and any amendments thereto and all rules and regulations promulgated thereunder; or
  14. I think running some well placed ads has merit. Radio ads are cheap, as are local cable TV ads. News coverage from local news outlets is good too, and we have been getting that with spots on Fox and CBS now and again.
  15. It's actually called "unaffiliated" and you declare your affiliation on election day. You can also change your party affiliation at any time, up to 55 days before a primary. Since I live up here in Sussex county it is a waste of time registering as a democrat, since we are the strongest Republican county in NJ and local races that matter are decided at the primary, essentially (democrats don't win the general). It's a waste of time doing that in a place like Newark or Jersey City as well, because you're never going to overcome the inner city vote. But if you live in a swing district, it will be very worth your while to vote DINO (Democrat In Name Only).
  16. News to me. Andrew Napolitano is always talking about guns. Hannity talks about guns too and he even has a permit to carry (and he carries). But they aren't going to go 24x7 talking about guns. (Fox doesn't claim to be conservative either, they claim to be fair and balanced.) Funny you mention Fox as well - Channel 9 which is a Fox owned station in Secaucus NJ has a news show called Chasing NJ. They have been running a LOT of NJ gun stories, featuring people like Anthony, Shyanne Roberts and Frank Fiamingo. We've gotten some very favorable coverage from this program.
  17. Yeah, bringing your firearms to NJ is a bad idea unless you're going directly to a range. The only exception is long guns if you have a NJ FID (or handguns if you have a NJ permit to carry a handgun, or are LE covered under LEOSA).
  18. I disagree a little with both of you (mipafox and fslater). First of all, most people lose in court. Take something like same sex marriage. A good many of the cases died out and were denied cert. before they got to the two cases last year - which struck down DOMA and gave plaintiffs standing to sue to overturn prop 8 in CA. States have been now legalizing same sex marriage case by case. I don't think the fight in court is over yet. I don't think it's going to end yet either. There are a good few cases still in the pipeline, especially Peruta and its associated cases in California and the 9th circuit. Recently some other states/territories have gone shall-issue as well - Illinois, Guam and Puerto Rico. We all know about Illinois. But the others, maybe you didn't know about yet. Guam passed a law and cited the Peruta decision. Puerto Rico's supreme court struck down may-issue based on Heller. So I think it's only a matter of time before every state goes shall-issue, including NJ and NYC. But even before that, I think if Republicans take the Senate in November, the NRA and others will push for national CCW reciprocity. And the version of national reciprocity that could pass may not even ask for a permit from one's own state. Nappen thinks that once this happens, NJ's may-issue/no-issue system won't have a leg to stand on. You're saying Obama won't sign it. But he may not have a choice. It might be stuck inside some other piece of legislation that he wants badly, perhaps an increase in the federal minimum wage, or maybe an appropriations bill. It has happened before. This is how we got carry in national parks, and the last amendment for national CCW reciprocity failed by 2 or 3 votes (can't remember how much exactly). As for swaying people, I don't want to waste time trying to sway hardcore antis. I want us to concentrate on people who may not be for or against anything, or people who are in the middle. I think also that the 2A movement has to be a big tent. It can't just be stereotypical gun nuts, and now we are seeing that changing dramatically - women, minorities, LGBT, immigrants etc. It has to be everybody, and yes it has to cross party lines. There's a lot of work to do, but it will take willing people for it to happen. We plan to recruit as many people as we can to help...
  19. In terms of CCW, if you have a business with cash flow you can probably get one.
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