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Everything posted by Fred2

  1. It looks like Mark Kelly is in a little trouble for an incident with a big dog, and a sea lion pup. http://www.facebook.com/Capt.MarkKelly?filter=2 http://www.foxnews.com/us/2013/03/26/gabrielle-giffords-husband-mark-kelly-pulls-family-dog-off-baby-sea-lion-on/
  2. To me, it looks like a preemptive strike on a workaround caliber. This prevents a .499 caliber round from skirting the law.
  3. That is pretty good, but I don't see it happening here.
  4. Driving through Morristown, I saw a big DOT sign promoting the local gun buy back. It makes making me feel like a criminal for believing in and supporting what is one of our given rights. Is there a way to protest these assaults on our freedom? While others have mentioned setting up a buyers booth outside the buy back, I was thinking that something more along the line a of a pamphlet explaining how they are "wrong". Just as an example, the State will be paying you a pittance for what can be a valuable, historically important, piece. Teaching them how to find a dealer, get a fair value for the gun, and preserve a piece of American history may have a positive effect. If it saves just one gun, it is worth it.
  5. I have seen photos where 2 magazines were attacehd to each other (like with Duct tape). The magazines would be flipped to use the other side. Would this be considered ONE large capacity magazine, or TWO small capacity magazines?
  6. +1 Thre are no checks and balances in how this is written. One "professional" with an anti gun agenda can deny the rights of everyone they come into contact with.
  7. Thanks for the replies, I had a feeling it was not as easy as it used to be to go out plinking with a .22 as it used to be.
  8. About 40 years or so ago, I used to go shooting with Dad in sand pits, quarrys, farm land etc. Are there still places to shoot "au Natural" or does it have to be at a proper range?
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