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Everything posted by Indianajonze

  1. academy is a tough one, i like them. hate to see self inflicted wounds like that. they could easily ask for a fid and be done with it like everyone else. oh well
  2. this is probably the 7th or 8th breakup of a large event in the lakewood hasidic community since the outbreak. i have a friend who lives there who tells me there are literally dozens more that did NOT make the news. weddings, funerals, religious classes, etc. basically they're going about their business and don't care whatsoever about restrictions, edicts etc. on the one hand, i'm right there with them, fk the man. it's a free society and i'll do what i want. on the other, come on guys, you should know better and self-police
  3. funny you mention that. my neighbor is getting his kitchen remodeled. at one time there were at least 6 of them standing out there planning their next move
  4. i would guess it will open by tomorrow, after the requisite foot dragging and hand wringing by our esteemed governor
  5. Fortunately, it's a bit more than that. The "guidance" is to just clarify what is included. Critical infrastructure designation is federal law codified in 42 us code 5195. After being included in the guidance, NJ gun stores and ranges will be open by Monday (not sure about timing but Mon or Tues at the latest) per federal law. Phil Murphy has no say in the matter
  6. the pattern has always been clear. they want to abolish 2A in new jersey. no beating around that. so we have to sue early and sue often and sue for not only costs but damages
  7. who cares what he had to say. what's the status of the lawsuits? prelim injunction? anything? it's the only language these ppl speak unfortunately
  8. it doesnt have to, just like it doesn't have to mention quill pens and typewriters vs smartphones and laptops. it's a blanket thing. the right to keep and bear arms (and everything else required to make this right work)
  9. so the question then is, what's to stop them from doing this at any time during the year? or is it only during a viral outbreak that these extra-constitutional powers manifest themselves? does it need to be during a specific outbreak? what if it's a particularly nasty flu season? flu season is bad this year, so until further notice we're suspending 2A, forcing private companies to close and will arrest you if you have friends over your house
  10. if i wanted to go visit family, i would. there's nothing this jackass says that would stop me, and from a legal perspective i'd love for someone to challenge it in court. he can't cancel private events, can't mandate you can't have people over YOUR house and can't shut down the 2A. this is the most maddening thing of all of this, how willingly people comply with such things. if i were fortunate enough to own a business, there's no way i'd be shut down now. and if i owned a florist or a hair salon or something not on the king's approved list, i'd run to my local home depot, buy a bunch of hammers and boxes of nails and offer them for sale right away, so i'd be a "home improvement" store
  11. a few years ago when we had the nj gov't shutdown, they closed all state parks. i still rode my bike there every few days. i was completely by myself, it was amazing. one day a park ranger happened upon me when i was unloading. he's like, "you know the park is closed, yes?" i said, "yep". he said something like "this conversation never happened" and drove off...
  12. exactly, they don't have any authority to do this. i would, in the politest way possible, tell them its none of their business and to go fk themselves
  13. i think those stories are fake news. at least i would hope it's fake news
  14. i personally love wfh, but not like this. first off, i do it only once every couple of weeks. i'm home alone at the house, everyone at work is in the office, so it's a great dynamic. they're there to do office stuff and i can work remotely very effectively. now, everyone is home, no one in the office, and my house is full of displaced students/workers/wife. it's chaos
  15. seriously, i plan on going shopping at 8pm tonight simply because this jackass told me i can't
  16. Gander mountain in Middletown NY wouldn't even let me handle them (pistols OR rifles) with my FID. Said you must be a NY resident only. Got into a huge argument with the guy over that. I miss that place...
  17. haha gold is...not for me. it would be a stretch to even get the FDE version as for it being a range toy, i'd say at this point they're all range toys. m4, 590, 870, 1301, etc. what the hell are they ever used for except at the range? i know we all like to think they're bedside guns, shtf guns, zombie guns, tactical hunting guns (?) etc., but the reality is that 99.99999% of us will only ever use them at the range. for me, i want great quality and reliability and something fun to shoot. when i was first looking at the dp12 a couple of years ago, i honestly thought it was kind of a gimmick and dismissed it. here we are a few years later and it's on my radar again, mostly out of winter boredom i have been reading very positive reviews though, and the gun has seemed to hold up pretty well under the test of time. i also like the idea of the 2 shots per pump. kind of a nice compromise between the 5 shot semi auto limit and the single shot pump thanks guys for the comments though. i genuinely respect both of your opinions
  18. seriously considering buying one. looking for opinions on the dp-12 from ppl who own and regularly shoot it. do you like it? how reliable is it? how is maintenance? would you change anything? any regrets? did you ever consider the KSG instead?
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