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Everything posted by EngineerJet

  1. maybe i just overestimate my fatness. i've packed on a few pounds since EAS, lol
  2. One side im looking from a foot falling through the floor aspect, the other is stressing the joists and possibly causing sagging aspect.
  3. Appreciate the speedy response. Is the 3/4 more for supporting walking on top of or for spreading the load across the joists?
  4. My attic does not have flooring and I'm looking to use it for some light storage. The joists are 16" on center and are 2x6. Can I just add some 1/2 inch plywood and call it a day? Not concerned about insulation.
  5. Your real life experience is no match for what he hears from from CNN, NPR or whatever source that has molded his ideas. My dad came to this country with less than 30 dollars (he never let's us forget) and started as a dish washer speaking no English. He did his job well and moved up in the restaurant business because he had a passion for design and got into offering suggestions for menu designs. This lead to him into contact with people in the design world and he got more experience with the inner workings of the industry. Eventually he started his own design company and throughout the years he was able to afford a house and send his kids to college. He did this without ever complaining about how unfair he had it or how oppressed he was. Kevin125, We can list example after example of our lives that contradict his viewpoints of success and it'll be as effective as warding off a murderer with a gun free zone sign.
  6. This is the problem with these ideologies. They are never consistent. They are made at an emotional level and never fully thought through to stand the test of consistency. "They dont need that much money" is not a standard made in objectivity, but envy. If we try to apply that to them and set a different limit, such as "You dont need a car that goes above the speed limit" or "You dont need that extra room in your house that you arent using, so lets reduce the size of your house.", they back peddle and say well thats not what i meant, or that's a different issue. There views just dont work in practice and always comes at the cost of someones freedom. Our views are what truly stands the test of consistency. We want freedom. Period. I dont care that some guy is making millions while i live a modest life. Thats my choice. If I do not like the circumstances of my living I have the freedom to learn and pick up a skill and expand my options. We literally have all the knowledge of recorded human history in the palm of our hands. It will take time but thats why only those with the drive end up suceeding. Even standards of living are not standard. They are rooted in what is considered the norm at the time. So someone in the 1800's would look at your car, your tv, your cell phones, your internet and look at you as ultra rich. But we compare what we have with what other people have now and think we have such a substandard life. Envy is natural, but you should want to build yourself up to that level, not drag the successful ones down so you feel better about yourself. Dan Crenshaw said it best. Our governments goal should be to tax us AS LITTLE AS POSSIBLE and maintain their services. Not to fund never ending social programs and choose winners and losers.
  7. I love the need argument. I really do. It shows the shortsightedness to justify taken people's labor based on what their need is. Profit would be outlawed. No need right? No investments. The stock market would collapse. Once we go down the need road. There is nothing that is off limits. Sounds like such a free society. What if we canibalize your entire networth and possessions with a finetooth comb based on some government officials assessment of your need. Your eutopia sounds lovely. Very well thought out. I can't imagine a more free world.
  8. No problem. We were all new once. Any gun will need to go through an FFL. Most places will send a stripped lower to an NJ FFL. For the lower you'll have to do your research and call around and see what lowers people have in stock and how much. For example if the lower in store is 100 (plus tax and 15 for nics) but you can find it online for 60. If the transfer fee is 75 it may be worth it to buy in store since you may spend for bottom line after the transfer fee. Time to do some homework!
  9. Just a heads up, PSA will not ship lowers to NJ. You can try but last time I tried ordering a lower from them they wouldn't do it. You can also ask your FFL if they can order what you want. But PSA isn't the best with answering phones, even for dealers. The only piece that needs to go through the FFL is the lower itself, the part with the serial number. The trigger assembly, stock, pistol grip, it is all accessories which can be sent directly to you. The "who" is the big brother... But in all seriousness you'll probably be fine. Unless you broadcast on social media that you are putting together an AR with a collapsible stock, you should he fine.
  10. Very true. This is why tax the rich has always been popular, because people vote to the extent that it effects them and those near them. Not many people have the foresight to vote on the outcomes that benefits society as a whole. If it affects them negatively, they are out. I'm a government employee, but if i see a candidate that wants to cut wasteful government spending and that means i dont get a bonus this year, then so be it, still has my vote. I'll adapt.
  11. Uppers are not considered a firearm so technically any configuration is legal assuming you dont have a lower to put it on (constructive intent). As long as the upper is in a complaint state WHEN you take possession of the compliant lower, you are good to go (no bayonet lug, pinned/welded muzzle brake, overall barrel length 16" minimum). Now who is gonna monitor you while you build an AR to ensure you follow every step exactly right? You decide. As for the lower. the stripped lower is considered a firearm so even if you own absolutely nothing, and only have a stripped lower. The moment you own a folding/collapsible stock and a stripped lower it can be considered constructive intent. So here are your options for lowers: 1. Order a lower with collapsible stock combo and send it to an FFL that is also a gunsmith and they can pin the stock before transfering it over to you. (you'd have to coordinate with the ffl/gunsmith, do NOT just send them non compliant firearms without giving them a heads up) 2. Order a collapsible stock first, pin it first, then order a lower to put it on. Downside is you dont get to see how it feels like to shoulder the whole rifle beforehand. 3. Order a fixed stock lower. Again, who is going to monitor your every step of the way to make sure you are in compliance at every single step? Thats for you to decide.
  12. That's what she said! But seriously, this is a massive win for freedom. These people who are now trying to fight this decision under their misguided belief that lives are at stake. It always brings me back to the fundamentals of liberty vs security. All they focus on is security using control as a method and not blinking at the cost of freedom. This does give me hope because of all those brothers and sisters in California never thought thted get their hands on 30 rounders. I genuinely believe it is within our reach. Patience paid off for Cali. Even if this is temporary (in the worst case). Atleast more people will have higher capacity mags, which is a win for freedom.
  13. Its true, this is why our founders didnt condition individual liberties to the whim of a majority.
  14. This is exactly why I dont find the doom and gloomers helpful. How many people do you see in every post saying "Itll never happen in NJ". How many of the same kind of people do you think said the same exact thing about Cali. And Cali is just as bad if not worse than NJ when it comes to guns. But someone took up the fight and now those same pessimists in Cali are benefitting from someone else who never lost hope. We need the same kind of attitude in NJ. Those who would seek to strip us of rights by vilifying us, skewing public opinion on what it means to be a gun owner, they don't even have to fight hard due to the echo chamber. So we can't lost hope and cant give up.
  15. Just saw the list released of Paul B. Matey for the third circuit. which was expected replacement for Julio M. Fuentes. There were no other nominees for the 3rd circuit. Vanaskie's seat is still vacant. Is it common to leave seats vacant?
  16. theres still time for another liberal judge to step down...I'm looking at you rbg.
  17. Kavanaugh isnt the pure conservative but his stance on guns is very good from what i've read. I agree that Roberts is who concerns me. His opinions during the heller and macdonald cases were very promising but after the health care ruling, my faith has forever been shaken.
  18. If this is in the wrong forum, please advise. Just came across this. Personally I would have preferred if we had another liberal judge step down but this is where we're at. Let's see what happens. https://www.anjrpc.org/page/anjrpcaskssupremestohearcarrylawsuit
  19. This is an important detail. Can we see an 8-6 decision stating a 10 round ban violates the constitution and end with 15 being constitutional? Could this potentially get rid of magazine limits? I'm no lawyer so I'm genuinely curious how this could swing.
  20. i would assume NJRPC would request en blanc unless they knew it would take a while and the decision would come after the court flips.
  21. Amen brother. I can hit you at 500 yards but im not competant enough to step outside my house with a BB gun
  22. To make it to their current position typically requires a really thick skin. This is the reality that everyone faces when they choose this line of work. In the case of SCOTUS, these judges arent fresh out of law school. By the time they get to that point in th eir career they typically know how things are run. Lets take the flip side of the argument. IF the liberals genuinely believe that us gun owners are a threat, then are there judges skirting the issue and not willing to take on cases that limit our rights? I dont see this happening. When choosing replacements for SCOTUS, they likely vet their picks and go over every detail in their career to make sure they are a solid pick. Given this, its unlikely they would pick someone who has a history of shying away from issues due to it being hot topic.
  23. I can't say for sure why they refuse to hear it but they receive thousands of cases and only review a few of them. It could be the least of the evils. Refusing to hear a case can still leave open similar cases they can take up on the future ..but having a case not rule in your favor could set legal precedent that silences all future cases. Point is you are stating exactly what will happen (no more cases) and why(political/professional fallout). And it seems based more on conjecture.
  24. You're still making the argument that they have turned down other gun cases as reason for them being scared or unwilling to take the case. In order for a case to be heard, 4 out of 9 justices need to grant petition for certiorari . Let's be realistic... If you are a progun judge and you feel the makeup of the court will not rule in your preferred ruling...you decline it. Not all gun cases are the same as even progun judges have different opinions on the scope of the second amendment. So while we may have had 5-4 for Heller, not all 5 may have all agreed on an assault weapons ban or concealed carry. I'm also sure in reality if you were a judge you would come to get to know your co-workers and know how they may vote on a particular case. Imagine if they took the case as you wished, knowing they didn't have the votes. You're making statements about them never taking up gun cases based purely on pessimistic conjecture.
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