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Everything posted by karcirate

  1. It really has nothing to do with the strength or corruption of the antis in Jersey, since this is in Federal court. It just depends if SAF can make a compelling case against which they can't defend.
  2. You might be living in a police state if... You insult the President or other official to his face and you can get away with it, but when you do the same to a police officer, it is likely you will have the crap beaten out of you. (Thanks Jeff.)
  3. For someone who has never shot at clays, that is bargain enough. First things first, though - gotta get a shotgun.
  4. Anyone have any info on this place? If it really is still $7 to shoot 25 clays, this place may mean me buying a shotgun. I appreciate any info you can give me.
  5. So even though there is a spring, since I start the opening with a lever, and the spring completes it, it is OK?
  6. Yes, that's a verb, and now I know that my Kershaw is illegal to carry around, being opened by a little knob. (Got it as a gift after our new GunsAmerica go-live in 2007, and it was my first non-kitchen knife. Now I have a bunch of folders from the same source.) So is there a max "legal" length for folders where anything above that would be a problem?
  7. A bit of misinformation here. A "straw purchase" only occurs when one buys something with the intention of illegally transferring it to another party. So yes, it is perfectly legal for someone to buy a gun legally with the intention to immediately sell or give it to another person, as long as the second transfer is done legally (i.e. second person is allowed to buy the gun, and all permits/paperwork is filled out.) Even though you had intention to immediately sell, you are still the purchaser of the gun, you just decided to sell it right after. This differs from where you buy the gun and then sell or give it to someone who could not buy it themselves.
  8. Well you just blew it up - I am gonna get from there for my next purchase.
  9. Perforated Perpetrator... I love it! Where did you hear that?
  10. Probably between 7:00 and 7:30. Let's talk on the 7th (which is on Hanukkah by the way - hope I don't have any parties that night).
  11. You read it right: "The court may at its discretion issue a limited-type permit which would restrict the applicant as to the types of handguns he may carry and where and for what purposes such handguns may be carried."
  12. I would say leave this one and start a new one, so if some guys want to go to BH, they can still use this one. I will probably end up switching off.
  13. If this bill passes, then that automatically becomes a valid reason, not that you would still need a reason.
  14. No it isn't. It's in brackets, which means it is to be removed from the original statute. What I don't like is that is still allows the judge to limit, at his discretion, the location and times you can use the permit. Though if you put down "Self Defense" as your reason, I don't see what limits anyone could reasonably put on it.
  15. I will definitely agree on that one. I went to BH tonight, and brought my wife. So I notice the sign that they not only disallow steel case, but specifically Sellior and Bellot (of which I just bought 14 boxes). I asked the guy why and he said, "because it's Russian." I said actually it's Czech. He just looks at me and says, "It's Russian." Then he goes on to try to impress my wife by explaining how the Russians overload their ammo since it's steel core so it makes guns blow up and they also have poor quality control. I decided to just shut up and get on with my shooting, but I was pretty pissed at yet another case where the guys over there show themselves to be ignorant. I didn't bother telling him that my Springfield was made in Croatia, and that there are plenty of American companies with piss poor QC, and that S&B does not blow up guns. I really want to hit up Bayonne next time... they allow S&B, right? But... in case I can't, do you think it's "ok" for me to take my S&B and just put it in a Winchester box and use it there anyway?
  16. All they have to do is change the law to shall issue, but define no-carry zones as the "sensitive" areas anywhere within 5000 feet of a school, courthouse, public transit station, or any municipal building. Then it's guaranteed to go to the SC for a weigh in on what qualifies as "sensitive".
  17. I can only guarantee I will come next time if you can guarantee the same persons will be there. I'm talking about the feminine type.
  18. What I still don't get is why they are only suing with plaintiffs that do have a "justifiable need". Now the court has the option to direct NJ to give just these people permits, but to withhold any ruling as to the constitutionality of the whole system. Does anyone know the rationale behind not including a plaintiff who doesn't have a really good story?
  19. Thanks. Just wondering cuz it's Thanksgiving weekend (so I'm off).
  20. Dammit. (read that in Jack Bauer's voice) The one time my wife decides to go out, it's Bayonne night. In other news, anyone know if BH (or Bayonne) is open this Friday?
  21. Is this Bayonne or BH? Turns out I can only do BH this week, but not Bayonne.
  22. See . (While I am proud of our state, maybe they would also like to stand up for other parts of the constitution?)
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