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Everything posted by DAHL

  1. Thats a ruling by a NY city based court. It needs to go to the federal court of appeals to be contested.
  2. I may agree with you but in NJ the criminal has the upper hand. If you decide to use your pistol for self defense, a liberal prosecutor could still indict you. Then it goes to trail and the jury will decide whether your action was reasonable or not. If you watch old Westerns the outlaw must draw first or its murder. Pretty much the way it is here in NJ.
  3. The simple message to NJ Gun owners is that a firearm can be used for self defense against an assailant with a deadly weapon only in the most extreme circumstances when your life or the life of a loved one is in imminent danger . If a burglar enters your home and is stealing jewelry or other valuables, you may not point a firearm at him or shoot unless he displays a lethal weapon and threatens deadly force. You also cannot shoot a burglar who is retreating. I am not a lawyer and this is not legal advise but an understanding of the law as I interpret it. It may sound passive but it seems best to always keep your carry pistol holstered.
  4. Received my permit from Hillsborough PD/Somerset County today. Judge Tober signed the permit and he hasn't done anything to slow down the process. The condition for everyone in this county is that you must keep a copy of the court order and the PTC on your person while carrying. If you do not comply your carry permit is not valid as the condition of carry is not met.
  5. It will now come up for a vote on Dec 22nd and I believe that it will pass but this bill is so bad that its very likely we will see an injunction from the 3rd circuit court of appeals in Philadelphia. When the bill passes the NRA/ANJRPC are already ready to challenge against the Bruen ruling that doesn't allow infringement on your RIGHT to keep and bear arms. BY NJ thumbing their nose at the Supreme Court this bill cannot and will not pass constitutional muster. The NJ politicians know this but instead just decide to try and take away your civil rights regardless. What an arrogant group the DemocRats are. They want to take away your rights, not protect your rights
  6. In letters and emails to your representatives, in communications with the press and in making public statements. In my younger years I was always at the statehouse and involved in NRA/ANJRPC state activities. As a senior I no longer testify in Trenton but still send emails and make calls. My membership in the NRA, ANJRPC and support of FPC also helps send the right message. It can and will make a difference. If you are involved great, but if not, choosing to be a spectator will only result in loss of more of your rights.
  7. The second amendment supporters don't have the votes to stop this bill from passing but can make some noise so the public better understands the issue. Ultimately this egregious bill, after Czar Murphy signs it into law, will be challenged in court, but the testimony and opposition by patriots needs to be heard and go on the public record. The arrogance of our representatives to believe that going against the constitution and bill of rights is right says it all. This bill was never about gun safety it is about CONTROL, the way the Nazi's did it.
  8. Danielson has a cushy 6 figure job with the state as head of the Franklin Twp sewer authority. He is also a NJ assemblyman. His whole livelihood depends on NJ Government so he must vote with them or he will be out of a job. In short Murphy got him by the balls..
  9. From a political insider that I know. Both houses of the legislature and the governor all know the cancel carry bill is unconstitutional. They also know that it will eventually be overturned. The real reason for the bill is to drag things out another three years so when Murphy leaves the governors office and campaigns for a NJ State senate seat, he can brag in his campaign to the idiots : "Governor Murphy of NJ - enacted strict gun laws that kept guns off the street and made our citizens safe" I'll hope hope and pray for a quicker resolution.
  10. If a citizen goes against the rule of law in the Constitution/Bill of Rights he/she can be arrested and prosecuted but if our legislators do it then its perfectly OK by them. They are mistaken. When you go against our constitutional republic that is called treason. It makes for the argument that our Democratic lawmakers are law breakers not law makers.
  11. We know that the cancel Carry bill will be passed by the Senate and go to the Furher for signature. It will immediately go to the courts and should be found to be unconstitutional. The sad part was that there was no push back by any Democrat. Not a single one. These zombies all walk in lockstep to tyranny. This was never about guns it was about CONTROL.
  12. We have a legislature here in NJ that supports the second amendment but only for THEM and not for you. I predict the cancel carry bill will go to the legislature, pass both houses and be signed into law by Czar Murphy. The solution will lie with the courts and we should hope that the court issues a permanent injunction based upon the Bruen ruling and the laws unconstitutional statement.
  13. I am not optimistic that the concealed carry ban bill would be modified to what is right and like just pointing out no carry in "sensitive" government owned buildings or parks. I predict the carry ban bill will move forward as is. Perhaps a really bad bill would be really beneficial as it will be easier to get an injunction or have it overturned. Over 50% of the legislature in this state and the governor lean Communist and do not value liberty and personal freedom.
  14. I have been following the process in Somerset County and from what I hear each municipality, Bridgewater, Somerville, Hillsborough, Raritan, Branchburg, Bernardsville, Greenbrook, Montgomery, etc etc has only issued around a dozen carry permits so far. A few may have issued none. If I were to guess there have been maybe 200-300 carry permits issued county wide but they started late and the process is ongoing. .
  15. If this law passes, there is always the possibility of getting a partial or permanent injunction on the more egregious parts of the law. It has yet to be passed and I cannot believe that ALL Democrats will support the total carry ban in its current version. In counties where the Democrats win by small margins and the firearms ID card holders are are many, they make think twice about supporting the current version of this proposed law. I also know of one Democratic legislator where someone in his family put in for a carry permit. Is this the only example?
  16. It should be noted that the cancel carry bill idea is not dead. It will be re-introduced for a vote within a few months or sooner. The question becomes how soon can it be challenged and struck down in the courts?
  17. Hillsborough Township (Somerset County) started issuing permits here today. I know a person who just received hers today (picked up at the HPD) but have no idea how many permits were issued. but it is a start. Took her four months from start to finish. No further details are available.
  18. AFAIK, Mr Factor has yet to receive his carry permit. Jay is a brave individual that has gone up against the liberal socialist machine that given the chance would deny us our Constitutional and God given right of self defense. Jay has stirred the pot and ruffled the feathers of the NJ political elite and apparently they are doing everything possible to slow down the process of Jay receiving his CCW permit. Maybe a large enough red wave next week will help his message.
  19. Great to hear that Somerset County finally got a few carry permits issued but I heard it was only a few. At that rate it could be months before everyone receives theirs. We shall see.
  20. My prediction is that the Cancel Carry Bill will be voted on this week and pass. Then it will be up to ANJRPC, the NRA and the FPC to challenge this in court. This is NJ and all logic on firearms possession and carry is rejected. To say that banning citizens who have taken classes, qualified on a range, vetted with three background checks, from carrying in both public and private places is not only wrong it is unconstitutional. To hear both the state and local police associations state that they support this bill is frightening. Concealed carry holders would carry just as responsibly as police would. We are law abiding, peaceable and should not be prejudged as criminals.
  21. In Somerset County no permits have been issued and there are some applications going back to early July. I read the tactic as "perpetual delay" . If the latest law proposal passes then the carry permits will be useless until such day that they can be challenged. Its not a short process. Here we go to a class for a few hours then qualify to pass with some stringent requirements, submit to several FBI background checks, a mental health check and we are judged by the socialist NJ legislature as unqualified to carry. This is a sad situation folks. My only hope is that the few legislators that have carry permits will balk at the virtual carry ban.
  22. There are so many "sensitive" places in this bill that you cannot carry anywhere. If your car all public and private places are off limits for CCW that's everywhere. Even roads are public places. Bottom line your CCW permit would be worthless. Any law this restrictive thats passes must and will be challenged.
  23. This bill if passed has to be challenged. It says that you can't carry in your car or on any public or private property. That's everywhere ! Its amazing how the state of NJ spends our tax money to go after the honest peaceful citizen.
  24. These are some draconian laws that need to be challenged if they pass. Double FBI NICS checks are not enough to satisfy them?. Now they not only want a psych evaluation but a home inspection.for firearm owners?????? This is crazy stuff folks,
  25. This is a strange law being proposed. The NJ proposal says that you can't carry in your car or to any public or private property. Public and Private property are everywhere and if you can carry in your car, then you can't carry anywhere. Even roads/highways are public property and all restaurants food establishments, supermarkets, coffee shops, beauty parlors, gyms, medical offices and ice cream shops are private property. I can see the courts overturning such a law. It goes against the recent supreme court ruling and is clearly unconstitutional. As for insurance Murphy banned buying private firearm liability insurance a couple of years back. The lawsuits will be soon filed if this goes into law.
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