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Everything posted by OfcrFek

  1. :/ I don't doubt you know more than me on the ins and outs of gun sale legalities since you're an FFL, but can I get a 3rd person's opinion on this? The way it's written, the receiver IS the firearm, regardless of it being assembled or not. Since it already has stuff on it (being that it's a complete lower), and the parts on it already make it non-compliant (having 2 evil features), I would think it's already illegal, regardless of being in possession of the completed upper receiver or not. By that argument, I can own a completed lower with the ability to turn the selector to "giggle mode", as long as I don't ever come in possession of an upper to complete the gun. Side note, I just ordered a few M&P9 15 round mags off your site. I can't wait for them to come in so I can play with them XD
  2. Some places will let you ship, but the FFL wont turn it over to you without it being compliant. You would have to pay them to pin it. Semi autos with detachable mags like ARs are limited to one "evil feature." That's gonna be the pistol grip. Since the receiver itself is considered the firearm, you can't (at least not successfully I don't think) argue that even though it's got 2 evil features, it's not a firearm, as you would be able to when ordering a noncompliant upper intending to do compliance work to it.
  3. A stripped lower is not treated as a handgun unless its deemed a handgun by the manufacturer.
  4. What's the distance you're shooting at? What's the most common caliber people use there (that isn't black powder)? Will a .308 suffice? I have heard their hide is durable and tough to get any reliable penetration through....
  5. I bought an M&P9 there a week or 2 ago. I liked the place. Staff were polite. My only gripe was that NICS took over an hour and a half.... but that's not Chyenne's fault
  6. go here: http://www.nj.gov/governor/contact/ and submit a formal complaint about it. I had waited 3 months for a change of address, and was told it would be another 3 or 4 months to go. wrote the governor through that, and had my change of address and p2p's 3 days later. not saying it will be the same for you... but hopefully it is. lol.
  7. nvm, found it. unloaded weight of 45oz. this may be what i use my other p2p on. http://www.slickguns.com/product/mpa-930t-9-3in-tb-brl-ext-35-rnd-36900-shipped
  8. http://masterpiecearms.com/shop/mpa930t/ A couple can come with a nonthreaded barrel (like this one) so i'd just do that. Only other thing I'm worried about is the weight. I can't seem to find the unloaded stock weight anywhere. I understand what you're saying about not being a semi of a full auto, but the gun is already gonna turn heads and possibly get me some unwanted attention from the wrong people at the range. I don't want to be trying to explain that everything is ok because it actually fires from a closed bolt as I'm getting put in handcuffs. Would rather error on the side of caution in this ass backwards state.
  9. A semi-automatic pistol that has an ability to accept a detachable magazine and has at least TWO of the following: (1) An ammunition magazine that attaches to the pistol outside of the pistol grip; (2) A threaded barrel capable of accepting a barrel extender, flash suppressor, forward handgrip, or silencer; (3) A shroud that is attached to, or partially or completely encircles the barrel and that permits the shooter to hold the firearm with the non-trigger hand without being burned; (4) Manufactured weight of 50 ounces or more when the pistol is unloaded; and/or (5) A semi-automatic version of an automatic firearm It can be/have 1 of these things. It's a semi auto version of a MAC pistol. That's it's one "evil feature." So if I'm reading this correctly, threaded barrel or being overweight IS going to make it illegal.
  10. Oh wait, I'm assuming what I linked was the full sized version of what you're talking about? I need the small one that offers a non threaded barrel?
  11. http://masterpiecearms.com/shop/mpa-m11-9sa-9mm-pistol/ Pk90, you talking about this one? Why is this one legal but that one not? This even has a threaded barrel. According to the sticky, the 2 evil features would be threaded barrel and being a semiautomatic version of an automatic weapon... this state makes my head hurt lol
  12. Thing is I don't know if it's considered a type of one of the guns banned by name, and if somehow miraculously not in this insane state we live in, would the weight be over the 50oz, cuz it's deff a semiautomatic version of an automatic firearm...
  13. http://www.budsgunshop.com/catalog/product_info.php/cPath/654_774/products_id/719001868/used+COBRAY+PM-11+9mm+Fixed+Mag
  14. You mean a copy of the paperwork to apply for the permit?
  15. wish I had seen this a few weeks ago b4 they went back up in price
  16. Nice. I actually have a similar problem with mine, and never thought of a solution like that. Time to see if I have some rubber bands on my desk.
  17. Out of curiosity, why is there a rubber band on your AR's stock?
  18. http://www.ammoland.com/2015/11/facebook-bans-new-jersey-pro-self-defense-petition/#axzz3rlJeookb
  19. If some of you arent on the Facebook group that this originated on to see the latest, Facebook has pulled the petition links off their site, and blocked it from being posted on anyone's wall, comment, or even private message. Trying to post the link results in an error message that it has been blocked. I sure hope that means someone important and antigun got scared.
  20. I used the Hornady Gs-1500 until I got their automated powder trickler. Worked fine.
  21. As long as the finished product was NJ compliant, would this also pertain to finishing an 80% lower but building an AR pistol out of it? Or is there some other law saying one can't do that?
  22. You can do it online on the NRA's instructor website.
  23. Back 4 years ago, when the state was contracting some other company (Sangam Morpho or some nonsense like that), it was the same deal. I remember booking the earliest possible date, and I still had to wait weeks to go do it. Not only that, but there were only like 6 of the places in the entirety of NJ. Luckily, at the time I lived less than a mile to the closest one to me.
  24. Whoever said they're delaying him on the front end is right. He went and saw them within the last few days for his appointment, and now they are saying he has to get refingerprinted.
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