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Everything posted by BleedingOrange36

  1. It is naturally extracted from green tobacco. From what I know there is 0 tobacco in the mix. You can buy the nicotine in different sizes, and different mg/per 100ml. It usually comes from an FDA approved supplier, but watch out for anything Chinese. They aren't controlled by the FDA the way US made ejuice is.
  2. This is simple.... Kaiser- you live in a college town, you go to college.. Your options are endless. Stop thinking too much! Stop worrying about talking to girls and just do it.... It's all rather simple. Just remember to cover you tool.... It's a scary place out there today. I found a good girl and stuck with her for that reason... Hang in there buddy, maybe I'll take a trip up there soon and be your wingman. I'm only 20min down rt55. I used to hang in the commons every weekend.
  3. I think you misunderstand my post. I was talking to kaiser. Someone shit in your cereal this morning?
  4. Girls don't like clingers..... They are actually worse than guys, unless there is something they really like about you, they don't even want to hear the word relationship.
  5. If your sister was older than you, I really hope you used that to your advantage. From 5th grade until 10grade I lived with my mom and sister.... My sisters friends were all about 4yrs older than me.... I learned almost everything I know from them
  6. I feel like being in the same age bracket as you, and at one time used to be very shy with extremely attractive woman.. I can give you some pointers. First thing you have to so is pick your poison for the atmosphere your in. If your at a social gathering with mostly different groups of people talking amongst themselves, you have to break into the group they are in. If you smoke, as someone for a lighter.... If you overhear their conversation chime in with something funny, or if your up to it something serious... This is where charm comes in!!! If you lack charm.... Sorry but this will be a lot tougher. You have to get involved with the group and meet them as a whole. Pick the girl in the group that catches your eye... And you catch hers.... You'll know when a girl is interested... She'll usually be pretty vocal when you are talking to the group. The key is to keep the conversation going with her as long as possible. If she's interested she'll step away from the group for you... Now just keep her interested and your set. A nightclub or bar is the easiest place to score.... Typically find a drunk girl haha.... A causal setting usually requires more work.... You have to start the conversation without spooking the girl. If your standing in like somewhere let her in front of you. Girls love a sweetheart more than a douchebag... But a sweetheart with no backbone is a an instant fail... Let her in front and instantly judge the situation... What is she buying...? Energy drink? Tell her its bad for her and it will rot her beautiful smile.. Protein bars? Ask her where she works out... If she says she doesn't, say ohh I'm sorry it's looks like you spend time in the gym.. Compliment, but don't over do it. This all has to be casual, try to seem cooler than you really are. Hell if all that goes well, buy her stuff. That way she will walk out the same time you do, keep the Convo going to the car. If all went smooth ask what she has going on that night/weekend. Give her your number, girls will usually creep out when asked for their number by a stranger. Give her yours, if she calls your set. This could go on and on.... Just find what works and remember it.... But try to avoid friends in the same click, unless they come after you lol. Than its fair game.... All my girlfriends have started the conversations with me.... I usually get stuffed in cars at the end of the night... Not in two years though.... Damn girls will kidnap you if your keep them happy.
  7. I like the way you think.... Throw shit at the wall and see what sticks... If you out yourself out there to 10 girls, your odds at one are good.
  8. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha... Don't you have to actually think like a moral Human being to realize you've screwed up enough already?
  9. Most of those are scum bag charges.... Those people don't deserve pardons.... All those crimes are committed with the intent to commit the crime. They weren't accidents.
  10. It's never a bad idea to stock up on small amounts of unflavored 100% pg juice and 100% vg juice. You can change the throat hit, more or less rather easily.
  11. You'll build a tolerance up very soon to the throat hit. Try bringing your voltage down to 3.3ish. Also... I forgot to mention earlier on in this thread... HYDRATE! You will become dehydrated with all day vaping and no water. The vapor will slightly dry your throat out.
  12. I'm broke as a joke..... I can't even register my bike yet... Sisters baby shower tommorow, gotta get a gift tonight.... Rents due today.... The will get it next week.... The list goes on and on.... I was going to get on here and ask everyone if they were fine with doing a preorder with Payment to into a Paypal and then place the order with that account... But I'm not even sure if I can afford my two kits right now... It's been a rough week... Sorry everyone. I'm hoping to have an order in within the next two weeks if people are willing to so a preorder... I just can't swing $800 up front at the moment.
  13. It's probably already pinned there and they are trying to charge you extra to make it compliant..... Or not and they have no clue what they are talking about.
  14. Your lucky to only be 20mins away.... I drive 45 mins to get there.
  15. Shows back in stock now, let me add it to cart. I can't afford anything right now, just giving you guys the heads up.
  16. Nice meeting you today man! Pleasure doing business with you. Great chat man.
  17. Couldn't have been an easier sale. Thanks again man, hope you enjoy. Wouldn't hesitate to deal with you in the future, great guy to work with. Thanks!
  18. You too man, hope you enjoy. Pleasure doing business with you.
  19. Ok I just got the quote back..... It's a little more money than I expected to put out up front. I may have to hold off a few days until a sell a few more things. I'm waiting on payment for an Ar I sold, and a few tools. I should have a check in the mail tommorow that would allow me to go ahead and grab this up.
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