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Everything posted by LWRCfanboy

  1. In nj just applying for an fid makes them think your a trouble maker, in nj your guilty till proven innocent ...
  2. And while i agree many things i said were disrespectful ... I said alot of it jokingly ... And only after someone start to go off about white conservatives on gun forums lol... Which i did not like.. I apologize to anyone that i offended... But ppl on here need to lighten up...
  3. That post your referring to the op was comparing two music styles from the 60's to todays in a (imo) innocent way and how they affected the country during those times then he was bombarded by ppl that didn't like this comparison and many put words in his mouth... That to me is not the actions of a so called community ...
  4. So if someone disagrees then hes being disrespectfu?
  5. Dont forget that racists built this great land .. So if ppl who pay there taxes and follow and obey laws like me are dooming the country then we should be ok since there are record numbers of ppl on welfare since your savior obama is in office ..
  6. You always say the same shit .. Theres alot more drugged up black robbing then white and you know it but that white guilt has you in its grasps.. Dont worry during the collapse when theres no welfare checks they kill themselves off little by little then we could rebuild
  7. Thats the reason more and more whites are listening to rap its to bridge the gap you know have sonething in common with "them" just like your token black friend .. Its disgusting
  8. If there treated like cattle its because there in line at the welfare office not my fault ...
  9. I consider raising a child correctly , is not letting them listen to music about murder and selling drugs i.e. Rap ... I dont consider rap or hip hop or any of that crap music its violent noise
  10. Your right vlad not all black ppl are bad ... The one in this video is smart... http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=2sL2f0PoqME
  11. i will like to at this point clarify my position and "defend" my reasoning behind this point... i am racist.... im just as racist as al sharpton and MOST black ppl are.. al sharpton starts a ruckus when a black boy is killed and i start a ruckus if a white boy is killed ... is this wrong? black ppl make jokes about crackers, i make jokes about (dare i say it .. nah that white guilt will get me banned)... is this wrong? black ppl have groups that are ACCEPTED that yell things like black power and have a violent message toward whites, but if you yell white power then your KKK and a racist.... what are we so apologetic for? slavery? there was slavery in africa black on black and slavery in europe white on white... i wasnt always racist i was actual very accepting of all races throughout my life, but i became racist because im not blind or deaf.. who commits more crimes and murders and robberies and assaults and carjackings and rude displays at just about anywhere you encounter them... and to make it worse the young white kids want to be like them now its very sad.... the difference between me and al sharpton is i got the balls to admit how i feel, oh and i have a real job....
  12. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M6NCKdvK9v4 lets see what sharpton says about this! f****** clown...
  13. agreed .... he should have only shot who directly did this to him... not any innocent bystanders most of our government overlords deserve a bullet or two... if someone tried to take your home what would you do?
  14. you talk about legal standing... these laws go against the constitution which is the LAW AND RIGHTS of the whole country, the law which out wieghs all others... and the "law makers" disrespect the constitution... how can you resolve things legally when the government no longer follows the law... we need to stop pussy footing around and get down to business...
  15. definetely.. i feel the same .. what really make me mad is how little most americans care about whats going on ... it seems they wont care till we're dragged out of our houses and hauled off the fema camps...
  16. Yea i read that... Its a way of fugging the numbers to make it look like less ppl are on welfare...
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