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NJGF Vendor
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Everything posted by gunforhire

  1. All good Joel, no need to apologize to me for anything. We have debated in the past and I appreciate your insight and candid responses. Anthony
  2. Thank you Frank but there is NO need for you to defend me or my school. The proof is in the success that I have achieved in the oppressive State of NJ with a small group of very skilled seasoned instructors. The real sad story is that the reason they we pro 2A people are in the mess we are in in NJ is that a vast majority are always looking to attack and disparage each other, especially successful ones. The other side is much more organized then we are and have done more to advance their anti gun causes because of that. I know every day that I do more personally, professionally, and financially to help further the 2A cause in NJ because it is my passion. Do I have financial reasons for what I do? You bet! Without $$ I could not be volunteering and donating my time, facilities, instructors, guns, and ammo to ALL of the NJ and national 2A groups the way I do. When you get to the level that Gun For Hire has achieved there will always be detractors. I believe that it is healthy and you are doing something right when you are not pleasing everyone. My solace is in the ten's of thousand of people we have trained since 1992 with not ONE single complaint. Not a bad track record and I am very, very proud of my team. When someone takes a Comparative stab at my classes without ever taken one of my courses I take personal offense to that. It is quite typical to accuse me of putting the wrench in the plans before knowing all of the details. I am glad that not everyone can afford my high prices. Anthony
  3. Joel, I told SJSC that I did not have a problem with another trainer. I believe there was an issue with the cost to rent the facility. I was not involved in the details I only have an agreement with GFH using the facility, I do not own or control the range. Anthony
  4. FYI I had no weigh in on the SJSC to host another school. I do not even know the details. Surpasses my training? Have you taken any of my classes? Anthony
  5. That was Jimmy that you met. Thank you for the kind words. That is how we roll. next time you are at the range stop by the school across the street and say hi. Regards, Anthony
  6. So to get back on the topic of this thread these guy's are building a new range in Morris county. I have been there and can tell you it will be a very nice place. They have turned their passion into a business and built a range and store. In this state the more ranges and guns shops that open can only end up being a good thing for all of us 2A advocates. So check them out and stop in and see the place when they open and let me know what you think. I really commend them for having the backbone to plunge into this venture. Anthony
  7. I used to compete there 100 years ago. Nice old range. Do you live in Ridgefield? Back in the day you had to be a resident to be a member. The phone number is the same one I have from long ago and it is for the club house. Your best bet is to drive by on a weekend and stop in and ask for info. Anthony
  8. You can print the Riverdale app on line and use me as a reference when you submit it. Just email or PM me with your info when you do. I will give you my personal info. http://www.riverdalepistol.org/Riverdale_application.pdf Anthony
  9. Riverdale is a very successful private club that has members of all walks of life. They also let the ANJRPC and many, many other clubs use their classroom and range at NO cost to promote the shooting sports in NJ. The only thing that is "selective" about the membership process is that you have to wait your turn to join, I waited two years back in the day, and you must take their shooting proficiency test. The elders decided a very long time ago to limit the membership numbers so that the club is not overcrowded. If any of you want to visit or use me as a reference to join let me know. I cannot speed up the membership process though. Anthony
  10. The board does not publish the list, but its was decided years ago to keep it lean and mean. I have heard of people waiting 3 years, I have been a member for 22 years.
  11. We limit the amount of members at Riverdale. There is a waiting list.
  12. No argument here. That's why I do what I do.
  13. The NRA Site seems to have some bugs.
  14. They are listed here - http://www.gunforhireradio.com/resources/anjrpcpacratings.pdf
  15. It is very, very important that in this off year election that we get ALL of our friends and family out to vote. One vote this November counts for about a 1000 votes in a normal election year. If you listen to episode 20 of my show Scott Bach tells the story of how Senator Madden turned his back on us the last minute during the one gun a month vote. If we do not get some victories this election cycle we are doomed for at least 10 more years. I had attorney David Jensen on the same show. He is the lead attorney for NJ right to carry lawsuit. Problem is that is we win in the courts to have a 2a in NJ our CURRENT politicians get to write our carry law!!!! I also had Dan Schmutter on the same show he is the lead attorney on one gun a month. It is all encouraging to hear but the process is way to slow for me and our "representatives" really do not represent us. Also if you have a choice between an F rated candidate and a question mark it would be better to vote for the question mark. http://www.nrapvf.org/grades-endorsements/2011/new-jersey.aspx http://www.gunforhireradio.com/resources/anjrpcpacratings.pdf http://www.njleg.state.nj.us/Default.asp Please vote and vote often.
  16. It is very, very important that in this off year election that we get ALL of our friends and family out to vote. One vote this November counts for about a 1000 votes in a normal election year. If you listen to episode 20 of my show Scott Bach tells the story of how Senator Madden turned his back on us the last minute during the one gun a month vote. If we do not get some victories this election cycle we are doomed for at least 10 more years. I had attorney David Jensen on the same show. He is the lead attorney for NJ right to carry lawsuit. Problem is that is we win in the courts to have a 2a in NJ our CURRENT politicians get to write our carry law!!!! I also had Dan Schmutter on the same show he is the lead attorney on one gun a month. It is all encouraging to hear but the process is way to slow for me and our "representatives" really do not represent us. Also if you have a choice between an F rated candidate and a question mark it would be better to vote for the question mark.
  17. http://www.nrapvf.org/grades-endorsements/2011/new-jersey.aspx http://www.gunforhireradio.com/resources/anjrpcpacratings.pdf http://www.njleg.state.nj.us/Default.asp
  18. I believe Caso in Jersey City advertises just that for firearm sales.
  19. We do in fact destroy all recordings. That is part of our contractual agreement with General Dynamics (Simunitions). They feel that is a training tape showing the student making mistakes could end up in the wrong (prosecutor) hands and be used against you in a court of law. Anthony
  20. Gun For Hire Radio will be taping episode episode 23 at our sponsor's Tattoo Shop. http://physicalgraffiti.net/home.html All are welcome to attend. We will be taping the show and Paul Nolin, tattoo artist extraordinaire will be offering kickass specials on ink and piercings. Come and join the fun! Saturday 11/5/2011 from 11 am - 6 pm. We are getting a major response on this so if you want ink get with Paul at the shop ahead of time and set something up. My appt was made!
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