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Everything posted by nickd308

  1. Currently unemployed, formerly a supervisor, if anyone knows of any job openings let me know.
  2. I was under the impression that it was more like 10-15 years (possibly more) i have a tritium lensatic compass manufactured in 1986 (same year i was born) that still glows slightly in the dark.
  3. Did you say rectal scan? :shock: :puke-huge: Yes...Deep Rectal Scans :shifty: :shock:
  4. That means you are no longer allowed to own any of your firearms and i will be over in a few hours to pick them up from you
  5. yea its sold up here, its a popular brand
  6. Medic they're actually TruGlo TFOs, i have a set on my G21 and i love them, definitely a cool factor.
  7. Ed to be honest, FIOS isn't that great either
  8. http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/story?id=6960824&page=1 Obama to Seek New Assault Weapons Ban Previous Ban Expired in 2004 During the Bush Administration By JASON RYAN WASHINGTON, Feb. 25, 2009
  9. nickd308

    Saiga 223?

    I don't have a saiga currently (next AK buy ) but i do own a wasr in 7.62 and an AR in 5.56 and trust me 7.62x39 is much cheaper than 5.56. Also, if your gonna buy an AK of any type i feel it should be the true AK calibers (7.62x39 or 5.45x39) of course this is only my .02.
  10. Does it make me evil for not being able to comprehend that someone has never touched a drop of alcohol in their life? Or is it just the former frat boy in me coming out?
  11. Erdinger is really good. You can get that in quite a few liquor stores these days! Btw for anyone who loves beer in NJ, Oak Tree Buy Rite in Edison is a good (but can be expensive) place to go: http://www.oaktreewines.com/InventorySearchBeer.aspx +1, Canal's is also another good wholesale liquor store
  12. Agreed, ill bring the Jager machine and a bottle or two and a case of Midas' touch
  13. Like Boris "The Blade" Yurinov once said, "Heavy is good, heavy is reliable. If it doesn't work you can always hit them with it."
  14. i think matt is upset that one of the photos he took of himself for his private collection got leaked onto the internet
  15. nickd308

    9mm vs .380acp

    While i wait to get my next handgun permit i'm deliberating over whether to go with a glock 26 or xd sc in 9mm or possibly a sig238 or 232, cant decide which is the better route to go. any experience with any of the aforementioned?
  16. awesome, hows the kick on that bad boy?
  17. Hey Pete how are these muffs? i was looking into buying them.
  18. Glock kitty is especially upset with you Ray for your anti glock comments, i suggest you watch what you say about cats
  19. Sciorintino's in south amboy amazing pizza, Spirito's in elizabeth for good italian. I've heard alot of good stuff about Ashes in Red Bank for steaks and such. Also, in Carteret, Tommy's Hotdogs, been going there since i was little
  20. Psshhh... the .50 BMG is wimpy, now 20 mike mike, that's what i'm talking about :twisted:
  21. Actually i was browsing the site and they have a side magazine fed bolt as well.
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