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Everything posted by BRN169

  1. Now if Heller II ends up at the SCOTUS and they find the AWB and hi-cap bans unconstitutional then anyone serving time for those types of offences has the right to file an immediate appeal for release...
  2. Not really, you only need a pistol permit to purchase a BB pistol in NJ because NJ is violating federal law by regulating the sale of air guns, specifically 15 U.S.C. §5001(g)(ii)... Imagine they charge you with a violation of a state law that is preempted federally for something you purchased in another state. I'd love to be in the courtroom for that case.
  3. Bazinga! Comm2A announces Hightower v. Boston Right to Carry case in MA
  4. M995 is a solid steel core AP 5.56x45mm and is not legal for sale in the US to civilians. M855 is a partitioned lead core round with a steel tip penetrator. Considered "enhanced penetration" ball ammunition it is technically not considered AP... M995 is designated by NATO with a black tip where as M855 is designated with a green tip.
  5. Got a T-shirt from the kids and $2,500 credit card bill from the wife...
  6. Hey, don't shoot the messenger! I kind of got it stuck in my craw that he does not want to be associated with "gun rights" however what happened to this guy is a direct result of NJ trampling its citizens' gun rights for 50 years... So how ever Mr. Aitken or any of us would like the two issues to be separate they are hopelessly bound by a common root cause. Mr. Aitken seems more concerned at the moment about getting his a** out of jail than the poor bastard that will inevitably take his place. This may be a function of politics and I would imagine that once relieved of political pressure to disassociate with the "gun rights" movement Mr. Aitken might actually be very sympathetic to our issues and could potentially be a very good asset given the nature of the national publicity he has received during his ordeal... Only time will tell but I wouldn't be so quick to turn your back on him, he has been able to get more attention from Christie about guns in NJ than any number of us have and he has paid a substantial price for that attention. Just sayin'.
  7. Supporters promote "Call to action day" to free Brian Aitken http://www.pitchengine.com/freebrianaitken/chris-christies-christmas-clemency/109484/
  8. Well this is NJ so even if you like the idea as a gun owner you should be against it. It has a better chance of passing that way...
  9. I used to live at WaWa... I loved their wonder-dogs (cheese and chili with onions!), Healthy Choice sandwiches, their rice bowls. They were the best. About 7-8 years ago they started dropping products left and right and replacing them with their own labeled crap. When they stopped serving hot toppings for their dogs that really pissed me off. Now I go there to use the MAC machine, buy gas and the occasional cup of coffee, I have no other use for them anymore. I miss the old WaWa.
  10. Several years back when I worked at Shore Shot this came up. I used to work at night and close the place up by myself. I would always wear my Smith and two extra magazines. Since there was some ambiguity as to whether or not we were allowed to do so "legally" as employees we were all going to apply for carry permits figuring on them getting restricted to the premises. When I went to Toms River Mrs. Dennis at the time told me not to waste my time, that the chief would never, ever approve the application. My reply was "well then if I should get held up one night and lose my life I can only pray his men will have to deal with all 2500 guns in that vault on the streets of Toms River..." That didn't go over too well... I continued to carry until I stopped working there in 2001 because there was no way I was handing someone a rental gun and a couple of boxes of ammo to go into the next room to load and shoot yet not have a loaded gun on me just in case they had any bright ideas.
  11. I was looking for that but had a senior moment and couldn't find it...
  12. In a 1780 debate in the House of Lords, Lord Richmond described an order to disarm private citizens as “a violation of the constitutional right of Protestant subjects to keep and bear arms for their own defense.” The US Constitution was ratified in 1788... Cute argument however, I know you think the Constitution "grants" us rights however the right to keep and bear arms is a pre-existing right that predates the Constitution. The Second Amendment to the Constitution is merely an acknowledgement of the natural right of self defense or self-preservation. McDonald merely incorporated the Second Amendment against the states most of which (42 to be exact) already had a right to keep and bear arms in their state constitutions. BTW one question I like to ask NJ LEOs, if New Jersey's state constitution allegedly protects the "natural and unalienable rights" of its citizens to defend their life and liberty and protect their property (sounds an awful lot like a natural right to self defense to me) how can it do so while effectively criminalizing every effective tool one would use to defend one's self? Also if this is important enough to be the first enumerated right and privilege listed in the NJ Constitution why is self defense not considered a "justified need". I guess we should all use our over-sized tax bills to fend off attackers with paper-cuts...
  13. I Posted this already on the NJCSD but... For just one second here imagine Christie has the ability to see the political opportunity he has with Brian Aitken. He could say that this case which had drawn national outcries of injustice has made him take a close look at NJ firearms laws. He could say NJ has a reputation for being the strictest state in the union when it comes to guns. And follow that up with but at what cost. He could even say that how can being the strictest state with respect to restricting a Constitutional rights of citizens be a good thing? What has the cost been to the state of NJ in terms of culture, talent and wealth as people that felt their rights were being denied have fled to states where that right was not so heavily burdened. He could go as far as to tie Heller, McDonald, and the current SAF suits into this and say what has been and what will be the financial cost to NJ for continuing to restrict the Constitutional rights of its citizens in light of these recent Supreme Court decisions that have clearly invalidated NJ's core precedents that support our current laws. And lastly, the coup de gras, he could call on the NJ legislature to completely over hall the NJ firearms laws to bring them in line with the recent Supreme Court precedents respecting the Second Amendment to the US Constitution and how the law is applied to the good citizens of the state of NJ. On that note he could commute Brian's sentence in time for Christmas and let the appeal process proceed. Not likely to happen but imagine where this guy would be on the national stage if he did just that...
  14. They are also becoming more irrelevant by the day as more and more people across America figure out for themselves they are nut jobs... This is also why Fox News is more popular than the next three highest news networks combined. The jig is up on their little cabal. They are only relevant to themselves and those left that are either making or drinking the kool-aid...
  15. Actually we get to see if his national ambitions are going anywhere...
  16. Nope not that Baa-d at all... Baa
  17. That seems to be the standard level of knowledge for those in the ruling and elite classes... I can't wait until these laws start getting shot down. It is going to be one hell of an eye opener for these guys...
  18. The thing I don't understand is the NICS check in NJ is a freakin' 900 number that bills $15 to your phone bill. Why can't you just require anyone selling a gun to use the system to do a check on the purchaser at the time of sale... It is not like the FBI system that is standardized for FFLs only, it is run by the damned state they can change their process to allow for individual sales and everyone would be happy. Make it a crime to sell a gun to anyone without running the check and bingo everyone has a background check, no one is hastled with BS paper work, the police can go back to finding real criminals and everyone is happy... That will never happen though, it makes too much sense.
  19. This may be the case however it is a moot point. No matter which side wins in the circuit court the other is inevitably going to appeal to the SCOTUS and nothing will change in the interim pending their decision... The SAF isn't going to move any of the cases it loses to the SCOTUS until all of the various circuit court decisions are in because they are going to look for the weakest ruling to bring to the SCOTUS. This is easy a two year process, expect a final decision circa end of June 2012... They know they are toast and are looking to thow us a bone to shut us up. That is all fair and good but they can keep the little pheasant sized wishbone they are offering I want something more like a humerus of a Titanosaur... I would suggest now is the time to kick them, they are on the ropes and know they have a problem. I would be looking to challenge everything from all angles. They are worried about a budget short fall yet are they willing to fight off challenges to several unconstitutional laws at once. Low hanging fruit would be the hollow point ban, the assault weapon ban (specifically the M1 Carbine which is on the C&R list) the pistol permit system, smart guns. The list goes on.
  20. News flash, NJ has been registering handgun purchases since the '60s with the PPP system and all long guns and handguns since they started running the NICS checks back in the '90. The FBI is required to perform the check free of charge yet NJ is a point of contact state that runs the checks for a $15 fee. You don't think they retain a copy of ALL the dealer transfers? Come on...
  21. I smell fear... I don't think they should be able to get away this easy. If the intent is to add one single process, form or fee we need a few things back this time around... They are holding up a rotten carrot and the sheep so busy saying baa, look at the carrot baa, they can't see it's rotten... If the ANJRPC or NRA get behind this without a number of other concessions I for one am going to be pissed-off...
  22. I'll bet Disney wants to have their cake and eat it too... I think they want the perception that they are "gun free" for the bliss ninnies yet are scared to death of the liability if some jihadi opens up on a park full of defenseless people following a "posted" Disney policy of no guns... Kind of smart actually, they can play it both ways. If there is an accident they can claim the person had the firearm their in violation of their policy and if said jihadi shows up they can claim they don't prevent people from defending themselves...
  23. Yeah the technology was originally envisioned for just this reason however law enforcement, like us, realized how stupid it is to have a weapon which is by its very nature primarily designed to not function... They scoffed at the idea and the technology then found a home with the anti-gun crowd as some sort of futuristic sci-fi solution to gun violence. Unfortunately for us those in law enforcement do not seem to have a problem with us being mandated to use them as long as they are exempt. This ultimately goes back to the problem I have with the "we're the only ones" mentality. The law should be the law screw the exemption crap. I wouldn't expect a police officer to have to entrust their life with something that I wouldn't entrust mine with. But how much do you want to bet as soon as the first "smart-gun" is deemed ready for commercial sale and someone breaks that law to buy a good old fashioned, reliable "dumb-gun" because they refuse to entrust their life to the snake oil being forced upon them, one of NJ's finest will be there to slap the cuffs on the poor bastard... Makes you wonder where the line is, at what point does a law that the enforcers are not required to obey finally cross the line where it becomes so blatantly unconstitutional that it does not get enforced? Is it confiscation of one's property, wealth, self worth, dignity or perhaps their posterity? Surely it is not liberty, most of that is already gone. Is the line finally where the whole of the people united have to stand up and say that is enough? I wish I knew where that line was because unfortunately I can't seem to see it from where we are today...
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