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Everything posted by NickC

  1. I just liked how they climbed up the wall.
  2. Stop using your "Good" towels.
  3. 625 is become pretty popular around these parts. Very nice choice Socom. I'm down for a revo match too.
  4. Gonna bring her to steel? Got to let me give her a try
  5. Ahh it's always good to have a new challenge. . I'm starting my revolver classification this Sunday. Thanks to Alec.
  6. The scoring is probably going to take a while. Maybe a week or more. I can't speak for the group but i imagine the plaques will be given out once all the scores are reviewed.
  7. Nevaaaaaa! I'm Coop Fan card holder #1 Not to mention i plan on whoopin his a$$ @ PCC next month.
  8. This isn't directed toward anyone imperticular. It's just a simple fact about these types of threads and how we all participate in them. My self included. [step on to soapbox] The last thing any match director needs is a group of people saying "Ya know what they should have done?". Not only is it condescending, but it's so F#$@ insulting. It also adds to their growing list of reason to never run a tournament again. Pulling off ANY shooting event is time consuming, costly and incredibly stressful. I wouldn’t blame them for quitting… Especial when you add ungrateful shooters to the mix. We’re lucky to have them, and hopefully they will continue to tolerate all the BS. [steps off the soapbox] :meeting: Now, can we please get back to picking on Alec?
  9. Holy Chit what day... Iggy & Rich, Great job as always. My hats of to you both. And Coop, i'll giva ya back that 20 if you put me dead last. I want those mini steel targets. Seriously, i need the practice.
  10. Great stages iggy. Lots of stuff going on in each. Can't wait to zero at least three of them
  11. I'm doing that exact setup on my 15-22 for OBRAMS multi gun next weekend. I got a small scope mount 1 inch rail off of amazon for 9 bucks. Should be able to adjust it to any angle
  12. Just watch the first 30-60 seconds of this video. It's so freaking amazing to hear this little kids reaction to his first real bike ramp. Love It!
  13. Not only did it have to fly over the berm and then come down with enough force to embed into skin, but it also had to travel rearward towards the trailers. Those plates on the adjacent pit were easily 10-20 yards in front of where you were standing. The whole thing is very odd. Glad you're ok bro. Right after we talked i starting searching for new shooting glasses. On a lighter note, we should Mythbusters this sh1t... ALEC, mix up a batch of ballistics gel and make a mold of your head. We'll have to use yours cause it's the biggest... Nick Wong and Futey can be Grant and Tori. Kari can't be substituted...
  14. BTW, Mr M4BRidontwanttosellmygunscauseiamaturd, i dont want your stupid 610 anymore... I very nice man on the enos forums just sold me his 625 for way more than i was going to pay for yours... So there!
  15. Ha, maybe before the end of the year. Damn, shit-talking you in multiple divisions is costing me a fortune.
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