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Everything posted by TK421

  1. These are the same twits that won't sell AR sight tools to NJ. You can't fix stupid.
  2. That ugly cow is so Fing stupid, I'm amazed she can remember to breathe. Hey Nancy, if a red state passed laws regulating abortion the way you want to regulate guns would you be OK with that? And where is that "right" with the phrase "shall not be infringed" enumerated exactly? Asstard!
  3. If this is really the case, if the gun was in compliance and they arrested him anyway perhaps a call to the SAF is in order as they are currently challenging California's AWB on similar grounds. SAF FILES CONSTITUTIONAL CHALLENGE OF CALIFORNIA ‘ASSAULT WEAPONS’ LAW
  4. He's still around? Haven't heard of him in years. No, he will never change I guess!
  5. No did I say that? I would assume fighters are armed for air to air combat on patrol in US airspace and I would assume "bombers" and attack fighters would be armed with air to ground munitions during training exercises. However I will admit the thought of attack fighters or "bombers" orbiting US airspace in a combat ready state waiting for orders to drop air to ground munitions somewhere within the continental US does seem a little far-fetched to me. Even my tin-foil hat doesn't protect me from that.
  6. Surveillance drones are one thing but do you really think they are flying armed drones in US airspace? I highly doubt that.
  7. The comments on that site are not much better. The one that caught my attention: "Well played government, well played. What if you had a couple million of these guys?" I'm beginning to understand why our government has purchased 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition, there is a lot of tension and anger directed at the government out there, I think they're starting to notice it.
  8. Let me preface this post; in no way do I condone what this guy did or support his actions. I know the "stop bashing cops" crowd will start with the "we're not all bad guys" mantra but pay attention to the comments on this page. Obviously something has happened over the years and "law enforcement" in general have quite clearly lost a lot of respect from the community and for various reasons. All I have to say is it is a known fact that absolute power corrupts absolutely and perhaps some honest self examination and introspection is in order for our friends in uniform with respect to how they and their colleagues are perceived by the public. The comments are almost all one sided and not very favorable to the police, this from a major national news source, CBS News. As David Codrea just recently said this is turning out to be a "Behold, a god who bleeds moment". http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-201_162-57568596/massive-reward-offer-for-christopher-dorner/
  9. ? Not sure what you point is but do you think if he moves left on guns he can manage to pull off Texas, Ohio, Pennsylvania or Virginia in a primary or general election? How many Republicans do you remember becoming POTUS without winning the electoral votes from those states?
  10. You are assuming he will get the nomination and like Romney vs. Obama, he will get just enough to not win.
  11. He lost key battleground states; Ohio, Florida and Virginia. He is a liberal north east RINO and he took home the votes he deserved. Christie is no different, he already has anti-gun baggage in his past that will hurt him and any new anti-gun legislation that he signs will be added to the chains he already wears.
  12. I love the end. Nothing to see here folks, move allong. It would be funny if it was not so serious and deadly.
  13. David Codrea hit upon my observations (above) and expanded on the situation. Manhunt highlights enforcement weaknesses against determined resistance
  14. Found it, it was posted in the thread about the Ex-LAPD cop thread: http://njgunforums.com/forum/index.php?/topic/47809-ex-lapd-on-murder-spree/page__pid__629349__st__30#entry629349
  15. Exactly, and he lost! The unions will attack him up one side and down the other. Bottom line is he has an ® after his name. He can not afford to piss off any segment of his base and expect to be reelected.
  16. The 5 year expiration thing is a problem; can you be denied the ability to exercise a fundamental, individual, Constitutional right because a permit expires?
  17. I don't think he can afford to. If he loses us as a voting block even as small as we are in this state he won't be reelected, he needs to hold his ground that we already have enough gun control laws on the books. He also has to realize that if he does sign any of them he will have no furure outside of NJ politics.
  18. This was posted earlier but like other threads lately now seems to have vanished.
  19. LOL, just figuring this out I guess?
  20. Maybe they should just install 50lbs triggers on their officer's firearms so they are forced to use two hands to shoot them. Sounds like a reasonable liberal policy, if 12lb triggers are safer than 6lb triggers surely 50lb triggers will be extra double super safer and then some.
  21. Um, really, the "first" second amendment rally on the National Mall? That is funny, I was there in 2010 when only 200 decided to bother showing up to the first national second amendment rally on the National Mall. http://www.huffingto...ntrol_Advocates
  22. I look at it this way, there is no such thing as a "nice bullet". If you are really left with no other choice and need to put a hole in someone you want to make sure you don't unintentionally put a hole in someone else. That is unless you work for the LAPD, in that case all bets are off. Think of a hollow point as an emergency brake that stops the bullet in its intended target and keeps it from potentially injuring others unintentionally. Liberal logic 101: Assault weapons are evil because they are similar to weapons used for war. Hollow point bullets are evil because they are banned from being used in war. Makes complete sense to me.
  23. Whole lot of stupid going on there. All those casings and shells on the ground and only one round actually hit someone? Really? Tell me more about how well trained law enforcement is and how they should be the only ones "professional" enough to carry weapons with large capacity magazines. Apparently they just opened fire without even trying to ascertain if the person they were looking for was even in the truck? Not only should these assclowns lose their jobs they should be criminally charged for reckless endangerment. What a disgrace. And here come the lawyers. Women shot during LAPD ex-cop manhunt had no warning, lawyer says
  24. This reminds me of an old joke: Subject: "What to do if 911 is busy" As I was getting into bed the other night, my wife told me I had left the light on in the garage. She could see light coming through the bedroom window. As I got up to shut the curtain (rather than go outside to shut off the stupid light), I saw there were 2 guys taking things from my garage. I immediately called 911, but was told that they didn't have anyone "in the area at this time," but would send someone over as soon as possible. I said OK, hung up, and waited one minute. Then I called 911 again. I said, "I called you a minute ago because there was someone in my garage. Well, you don't have to worry about that now because I just shot them." Within two minutes there were 3 cruisers in front of my house, a SWAT van and the paramedics. They immediately apprehended the burglars. However, the lieutenant was really mad & said "I thought you said you'd shot them!" I replied, "I thought you said there was nobody available." -- submitted by Linda R.
  25. I find this situation very interesting. This guy is freaking them out; he is in their heads so to speak and they are scared. This is what I was talking about when I said if the SHTF and police began ignoring their oath to enforce unconstitutional laws, they wouldn't know how to handle those defending their rights targeting them in defense of those rights. We all know how this will end, this lone asstard will end up swiss cheese but he is just one guy they managed to piss-off. What are these guys going to do when the better part of 80 million people are pissed-off at them.
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