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Everything posted by NJGF

  1. There is a good article about this: New ATF guidance on gun sales is legally meaningless (or else it would be unlawful) https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/volokh-conspiracy/wp/2016/01/05/new-atf-guidance-on-gun-sales-is-legally-meaningless-or-else-it-would-be-unlawful/
  2. But don't you just hate it when you reach for a bolt and it has lo mein on it
  3. I use coffee cans, misc cans, and plastic bins. No matter how many contains I have, there is always more stuff than contains! Then the labels fall off the containers and I don't even know what is in them. And of course I can't throw anything out.
  4. I haven't tried it but there are devices that assist you in racking the slide: http://www.brownells.com/shooting-accessories/gloves-grip-accessories/grip-enhancers/pistol-racking-assistive-devices-prod54747.aspx Designed to assist people who may have difficulty racking a pistol. It can be used to load or unload rounds. Handi-Racker can be used to manipulate the slide manually. Models available to fit Kel-Tec P3AT & Ruger LCP, or Glock, S&W M&P, Springfield XD & XDM’s, 1911
  5. No they have a selection of lower end bows: compounds and recurves and a few weights and sizes. You can change and try different ones.
  6. You and she should just take the course at Branchburg. It is a fun 2 hour course with a good intro to archery and relatively inexpensive @ $35. There are lots of young boys and girls that take the class. They also have a crossbow intro class. They have an indoor and outdoor range @ $10/hr and you can try any of the bows they have for free once you have taken the course.
  7. Not what I wanted to hear but thanks for the info. With the extra money I now saved I think ammo sounds better than the yoga pants though!
  8. I am looking into getting a portable ceramic heater to use during the winter at the range. Mr. Heater has a single head and double head that goes on top of a 20 lb propane tank. Does anyone have any experience with these (or others). Are they effective enough to use? What about the bases for the tanks, are they worth getting?
  9. I bought a few Howard Leight electronic hearing protectors and keep them around the house. One in my and my wife's night tables. My next investment is some soft body armor again spread around the house. You can never be too prepared. I use 45 for home defense (sub-sonic) but agree I can't control what the bg uses.
  10. The report itself is here: PRIORITIES FOR RESEARCH TO REDUCE THE THREAT OF FIREARM-RELATED VIOLENCE http://www.nap.edu/read/18319/chapter/1#x and an analysis is here: CDC Gun Research Backfires on Obama http://www.gunsandammo.com/politics/cdc-gun-research-backfires-on-obama/ The key findings were: 1. Armed citizens are less likely to be injured by an attacker 2. Defensive uses of guns are common 3. Mass shootings and accidental firearm deaths account for a small fraction of gun-related deaths, and both are declining 4. “Interventions” (i.e, gun control) such as background checks, so-called assault rifle bans and gun-free zones produce “mixed” result 5. Gun buyback/turn-in programs are “ineffective” in reducing crime 6. Stolen guns and retail/gun show purchases account for very little crime 7. The vast majority of gun-related deaths are not homicides, but suicides And we all know this report was covered extensively in the media
  11. +1 The press doesn't have to know these facts it just spoils their arguments.
  12. I think Ryan got elected speaker on the promise to conservatives that starting in 2016 the giant omnibus spending bills will be gone. Only time will tell.
  13. Very good article. Thanks for the link.
  14. Presidents can pretty take as much power as they want. The recourse is impeachment (a majority in the House and 2/3 of the Senate). A lesser method is to pass an explicit law that stops the president from doing something. This requires a simple majority in both houses of Congress (ignoring the 60 votes needed to overcome a filibuster in the Senate). But the president will likely veto the law. Congress can override the veto but that requires 2/3 of the Senate which is very unlikely. A more successful method is going to court and having the Supreme court declare the action unconstitutional. This had occurred with the current president more than others. It does take time and he will likely be out of office by the time a case is heard or decided. If he disobeys or ignores a Supreme Court action he greatly would increase his chance of being successfully impeached. So a President can pretty much do what he wants at the end of his term.
  15. If you look at the stats it is clear that guns save many more lives than they take, possibly orders of magnitudes greater. Many people are so misled by the media they don't open their minds to reality.
  16. +1 A lot of people don't "believe" in it anymore. They don't appreciate how it is the one document that sets us apart from most of the world.
  17. I agree that a private company can set its own policy. Question is whether the government told them to do it.
  18. It starts with the 2nd amendment and 4th amendment; The 1st amendment follows. We lose our freedom just a little at a time so no one complains.
  19. I am usually not a conspiracy type but this is an interesting coincidence.
  20. A tweet from Hickok45: "Apparently, Google + is more sensitive about firearms related postings and such. I never use Google+ and did not even realize the videos were being posted over there, I guess. I will keep you posted via Facebook here and the Hickok45andson channel. I have communicated with YouTube via email this morning, and hopefully, we'll be able to get the channel back up soon. I had just posted a new video."
  21. Use the link to send feedback on the bottom of the page (you first have to login to youtube). Make sure the page you are on shows a terminated video as the feedback page lets you send an image of the page you are viewing. I am hoping this is an error or a hacker got into his account and deleted it. If enough people complain they may look into the issue.
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