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Everything posted by va_bank

  1. Used to be. After the hurricane I was stocking up on all kinds of stuff and ordered a bunch of ammo on different occasions. They have not rung the bell once (my wife works from home). Just left it there.
  2. Here's what happened last time. I called UPS. UPS says "Your package is lost, tell the seller to file a claim". Seller files a claim and they start their little "investigation". Seller reshipped the ammo. Except this time there's nothing to re-ship. F**k UPS. I'm calling the number above and telling them about this. I give them until 6:00PM to find and deliver my package, At 6:15 I'm calling State Police, let's see if they have any interest in it. These are sensitive times we live in, they just might wanna know more.
  3. Parsippany, NJ, United States 03/02/2013 3:21 P.M. Arrival Scan
  4. Please post here tomorrow. I'm getting a bad feeling. Supposedly, this is the number to the facility, I just called, no one picks up, no voicemail so I'll try again tomorrow. 973-428-6445
  5. Thanks. This is informative, but unfortunately won't help me in the future, as I'm not the shipper. Would be good if sellers read it though...
  6. Hi All, Something strange. Couple of months ago a package of ammo disappeared from Parsippany UPS. Never found, the seller re-shipped my ammo. Now I came across some well-priced 9mm ammo at Cabelas. I ordered it on the 28th and it's been stuck at Parsippany for two days. Anyone had any issues lately? If this one disappears, I'm contacting State Police - someone's stealing ammo there. My other package from there (non-ammo, small light package) shipped a day LATER, went through without a problem.
  7. I think they punch a hole in it now. Maybe not all DMVs do it, but they did it to my DL. If they didn't - this is a really good idea.
  8. +1 That's a big one. Removing fear of rejection is a game changer for sure.
  9. It's the shy thing that you have to work on first. Being shy can be interpreted as lacking confidence and that is one of the most important things to women. Some guys with low self-esteem (not the same as shyness) choose to imitate confidence by acting like douchebags, but that only works with certain kind of women. But this is a huge topic, that goes way beyond any internet forum.
  10. va_bank


    Put in Tuesday night (Feb 26th) so it's been 4 full days. Lets's see what happens. First 4 months for permits, now this...
  11. Heads up - Cabelas just got some in, won't last long. Got me 6 boxes of Remmington for 16.99 http://www.cabelas.com/catalog/product.jsp?productId=706093
  12. No, but this time they are right. The pills aren't poison, but you SHOULD get vitamins from food, nothing new here. Tell her that means she can't just pick up a bucket of chicken on the the way home now, there needs to be some thoughtful cooking if she's gonna take away the pills.
  13. +1. I really don't think the government is buying all the ammo and stashing it in some warehouse just for the purpose of us not getting any. All the non-military calibers are gone too.
  14. One thing about this. When you wake somebody up, you need to be able to answer the question "What do I do about it?". So far, besides calling and writing the offices of people who don't give two sh*ts about my beliefs and rights. Next meaningful action I'll be able to take is to go vote on a local level and in mid-terms which I have never done before - that's why all this is partially my fault too.
  15. Just filled out paperwork for my father, who lives in Woodbridge Twp. Somehow, he had a lot less paper than I did. Just the standard form and some sheet cerifying that he wasn't ever convicted as a juvenile. I think the reason Woodbridge is fast with their paperwork is because their PD is so big. Where I live... 11,000 people total, almost no crime ever, so the PD probably got overwhelmed.
  16. 1. Application type (FID/permit w/ existing FID). 2 PP 2. Police Department where you applied. Jefferson Twp 3. Name of the person you dealt with at the PD. 3 different officers and one person in Records 4. Time taken to issue FID and/or permit. 115 days 5. Documents required by the PD (aside from the standard application and the mental health release form). Standard forms 6. Notes - anything pertaining to the application process (unforeseen difficulties, chief of police calling your home, you hiring an attorney, etc.). Friendly staff. I had to follow up 3 times. First time was told the reference letters "never made it in". Got new letters and it took another 4 weeks after that.
  17. Yeah, I agree. I meant that the scary part started before the slew of new legislation on gun control.
  18. You are correct, I misunderstood the purpose of your comment. I'm from Ukraine.
  19. THIS is the scary part to me, not things specific to gun control. I'm seeing parallels here, I'm not saying those are *signs* but there are similarities to the old country. P.S. Social Healthcare sucks too. Anyone who disagrees can look at my old dental work
  20. The millions who died, did so during the time when there was a Soviet Union, not as a result of its collapse or SHTF as we refer to it now. You are right, but it's completely unrelated to my point or anything I said. Where did I complain about ammo shortage? Only people who caused it and it's our own doing. Ammo shortage is a symptom, not the problem.
  21. <RANT> The ammo shortage is OUR OWN fault. Most general public already forgot about Newtown and moved on to immigration issues and a new season of American Idol. But, "We, The People" are scred sh**less of anything gun related disappearing. Will the laws change? Yeah, probably. Will ammo be outlawed? Hell, no. Then there are others, who are always waiting for an excuse to buy more gun related sh*t. They don't have the money, but they have an excuse so let's order a 1000 rounds of ammo for a rifle that they never shoot. But the main point - until people stop stockpiling thinking they have good reasons to do that (SHTF is the word I'm sick of) you will NOT see a single bullet at a decent price. For those wondering what SHTF looks like, allow me to share my personal experience. I lived in Soviet Union at the time it collapsed and left for US a couple of years later. That was the exact scenario that everyone is drooling over nowdays in U.S. There was no more government in a country where EVERYTHING was run by government. People became billionaires overnight by paying local clerks $20 to "privatize" abandoned government gold mines. Food supply was interrupted, but never disappeared. Sugar and everything containing sugar disappeared (actually that happened waaay before) to make moonshine. States became countries overnight. No one knew what to do. NO ONE was prepared for this, but it didn't matter, because the KPSS would have never allowed people to even own a gun, much less hoard ammo. No one died or starved as a result of this, at least not in a sober state of mind. Everything eventually stabilized an much sooner than everyone expected. If the society didn't collapse in the most backwards and plagued country in the world, we will be OK as well. Will we have to adapt to new ways of the world? Maybe. But I'm willing to bet anything that we will not be shooting each other over cans of tuna in a wasteland populated by zombies and biker gangs. Deep breath, everyone. </RANT>
  22. "Bill or George, any damn thing but Sue" © Johnny Cash. I hope you see where I'm going with this and CONGRATS!
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