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Everything posted by InFamous

  1. Thanks Krdshrk, I'll try to stock up and make the next one! DeerSlayer will have to show me the ropes
  2. I can't make it, but what's the preferred ammo for these events? Shot size/etc?
  3. Yesterday was their opening date I believe. Check the "New (Old) Range" for specifics. http://njgunforums.com/forum/index.php/topic/74569-new-old-range/
  4. Really great to hear and I wish them the best!
  5. I keep refreshing that page in hopes they restock, I know I'm kidding myself but I'm doing nothing right now anyway.
  6. Realistically, if it doesn't smell bad and you're also cooking it, you'll be fine. Those are SELL BUY dates, it's not instantly bad the day the label says. A month is a bit more then I would test but it's close to what I've used for coffee in the past. If you're not dead yet I'm sure it was fine
  7. My 10/22 was locked in the trunk, in the factory cardboard box. I locked it just in case some hobo came across and could run 40-60 MPH while I drove and opened my trunk to steal my gun he didn't know was there...
  8. My "late" Grandfathers served. I never really grew up in what you would call a "patriotic" household. I mean, normal American home, respected the flag and our troops etc. Then I met my wife...when we first started dating it seemed every year or less I'd meet another new family member that was part of the military. I've become very close to them all and respect everything they have done for us. That isn't even including her father and uncle that served also. Our cousin Ryan is currently doing his 3rd tour in Afghanistan on top of one in Iraq, and also did a short mission to stop the "Pirates" in the seas. Needless to say, I've grown a LOT more patriotic and will never be able to fully express my appreciation of the men and women that serve. Thank you all to those that currently and have formerly served to protect all of America's freedom, excluding a few states that don't abide by them, of course.
  9. I just realized I have no idea why I put the case in this thread. I think I meant to put it in the .22 under $400 thread lmao oops, still pertains since lhrocker did purchase a takedown. He'll need a case anyway
  10. If you can, order now. It's usually $18 when they aren't running free shipping.
  11. Walmart can ship to store for $25.96. (Of course they have it back on sale for $22.99) http://www.walmart.com/ip/Allen-Ruger-Flagstaff-10-22-Rifle-Case-Black/30596793 I was inpatient and picked mine up at DSG and paid $29.99. If I had known they had it back at $22.99, I would have shipped to my Walmart.
  12. Just got this today for my new 10/22. Awesome case for a great price!
  13. Great to hear! So, know it's 2 business days from shipping, and just show up is best practice. I do like them too, so will just use that advice in the future. They're not too far from me anyway so doesn't hurt to stop by and ask. Have a great time with your new M&P 22!
  14. http://palmettostatearmory.com/index.php/catalog/product/view/id/10997/ Same deal is still up, I got mine a couple weeks ago and you really can't go wrong with that price. Especially if they run free shipping anytime soon while it's on sale.
  15. You pick up the M&P yet? Just wanted to know how the transfer went.
  16. Wish I knew which one mine was. Although it's faded and has a hole in it from some ass that flung a cigarette on it, everything still is in great shape.
  17. I don't remember where I got my cover, but I'm pretty sure it was about $25-$30....still strong after 5+ years and 2 hurricanes. It's definitely faded but the velcro straps on the bottom still hold.
  18. I just had a Ruger 10/22 shipped from PSA to Andover. It shipped Friday almost 2 weeks ago and they had it the Tuesday after. So if yours shipped today they should have it Monday. The owner Garret helped me when I went to pick it up and was 100% helpful and excellent customer service/experience. For being so young he's running a great little shop. Also, PSA didn't give me tracking either.
  19. Picking mine up tomorrow from Andover Hunt and Fish. IMO an awesome deal at $179.99 with free shipping last weekend from Palmetto State.
  20. Ordered mine last week when they were running free shipping for the weekend. Waiting on Andover Hunt and Fish to tell me mine is in and hopefully picking it up Tuesday!
  21. Realistically, it's not a "Let's talk someone out of coming to Jersey" thing. But we do want what is best of the situation. So a bit more info is helpful. Personally I LOVE NJ as a state. I do hate the politics, laws and taxes lol
  22. Welcome to Jersey! Between now and June, if you browse the forums a bit I'm sure your questions will be answered. What part of Jersey are you moving to? Some parts/towns are a bit more....2A friendly so to speak, so I'd keep that in mind. Also, yes what was said before...don't sell your AR's/AK's just yet. Make em Jersey legal if you can!
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