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Everything posted by Kevin125

  1. My town accepts apps about 3 days per month. 2 during business hours. 1 that goes until 7pm. They have a retired LEO handling the paperwork. That's when he's there. They accept it at no other time.
  2. One thing I'd like to ask these 2016 candidates is what they plan to do about the Executive orders Obama issued. My understanding is they die when he leaves office. But these bureaucratic actions live on. How is it the case that the EPA, BATFE, and other bureaucracies have free reign and the people are powerless to fight them? Do we need to start a violent revolution to undo what the bureaucrats inflict on us? There seems to be few other options.
  3. The company that runs the tests, creates the curriculum and is in bed with the US DoE is making millions. You can bet some of that money is finding its way back into the hands of the people that force common core on us.
  4. Lol.... Follow thru is important. Ha....
  5. Correct. Rights aren't granted by the gov't. We are born with them. A gov't can only infringe or acknowledge them. The second ammendment simply reminds the gov't that they shall not prevent the people from keeping and bearing arms. NJ and a few other states seem to have lost that page in their copy of the Constitution because they clearly are preventing people from keeping and bearing arms.
  6. flying shit machines. lmao... that's better than calling pigeons rats-with-wings. it's a NYC thing.
  7. Looking at your signature EC..... I can't help but have the same thought. But yes, those are really nice Pics Howard.
  8. I'm in New Sodom now, but will be getting out long before dark. Deerslayer.... it's everything the bible says... and worse. Actually, it's getting marginally worse since Mayor Tse Tung took over. I'm pretty sure I saw Snake Plisken the other day.
  9. So those full full bottles of Snapple laying on the road all over place aren't Green Tea??
  10. That was what struck me as a bit odd. It read a little like an opinion piece. At least parts of it. If I'm a judge, I want to see what you're arguing and what facts you have to make your case. And is what your arguing something the courts can address. I'm no lawyer or judge, but I didn't see a clear argument here. It was kind of all over the place. And I hope their effort won't be a waste of time, but I'm having a hard time being optimistic about it. Glad they're trying though. Maybe it will help in some way.
  11. If it's gets dismissed out of the gate, what a colossal waste of effort it will have been. We'll know soon enough.
  12. Yeah.. they actually do that. And for you dudes under 50.... labs will pay you for your poop.
  13. Hollow Point? What's that? And nice sleeve btw. (if you put "no distinguising marks" on your apps.... say .. what sleeve?)
  14. I think it starts with the FPID to purchase. But there's this. And I have to go read all the damn law again to figure out if it's true or not... but... before applying for my FPID, I was having a conversation with an LEO at the station and siad one of the reasons I needed the FPID was because I had to take possession of my dad's .22. He said, "you don't need a FPID to do that. But if you wanted to, you could fill out a form, [whichever form he mentioned], but you don't need to.. and personally, I wouldn't bother." So, at least to possess at home. But... the exemption would be . AT HOME So... it would be illegal to possess elsewhere... UNLESS.. I was going to or from an EXEMPTED location. Otherwise... illegal to possess.. UNLESS.. I had a FPID which removed the basic illegality to possess in almost any place... (unloaded). So... without a FPID and except for exemptions... all guns are illegal here. My logic there is a little effed up. But I think that's the basis of it. Don't beat me up on it. I just got done driving 8 hours through NY on a day that started at 3:30 am. I'm really friggin tired. and NY sucks
  15. And while we fret over our HP ammo that endangers no one, some drug dealer in Newark is standing on a corner while the police drive by, a pile of illegal aliens are buying stolen identity docs and in Trenton some politicians are taking bribes in exchange for the freedom of the law abiding citizens of this state. Welcome to the Garden State!!
  16. I'm more of a 2 wheel guy myself. If you like riding on a track, Millville has NJ Field of Dreams. mx And quad riding and some trails. Been on vet and big track. Nice jumps. Gets rough sometimes. But always fun.
  17. http://utah.agclassroom.org/files/uploads/micro/sour.pdf
  18. For a Federal case you can ask to relocate out of state. A buddy of Donald Trump had a case moved from Ohio to NJ. Fed drug trafficking charges. Trumps sister was a judge here. But I don't think you can move a case the State is trying out of the state.
  19. It's too bad people involved in a State vs. <person> case can't request a change of venue to... Pennsylvania. A reading of the charges in a jury trial would leave the jury laughing their collective asses off.
  20. Yes. His mom called the police to say he was suicidal and had guns. The LEO called Aitken on his cell and convinced him to return home. Then convinced Aitken to consent to a search of his car. The rest is history. Never consent to anything. Even if you think the LEO is gonna give you that speeding ticket for doing 42 in a 35. Don't consent. Take the ticket.. Go home. But in Aitkens case, if he tried to leave, the LEO said he was going to detain him while he got a judge and two shrinks to commit him involuntarily into a psych ward.
  21. You are correct. The court didn't care that moving your HP ammo to your new home is reasonable. He seems like another activist judge. The law does not prohibit it. yet, he says it's illegal to move it between residences directly. I think the judge is wrong. It is vague. But, apparently to move HP ammo from home one to home two in this backwards state, you have to stop at the range for the purpose of shooting. Change your mind, then go to the new home. Makes perfect sense.... <sarc> Glockamole.... stop at the range. We don't want to have to post a link to State v. Glockamole.
  22. The way I read the law, it doesn't prohibit you from taking the HP ammo from one property to another. Seems reasonable that if you posses it on your "land" as it says is exempt, that you will neither be trapped on that land with your HP ammo nor would it make sense to drop it on the ground if you leave your piece of land to return to your primary place of residence. So therefore, it make sense to me....and maybe only to me...that you can pick up your HP ammo at your apartment that you're leaving and bring it to your house. Someone tell me why I'm wrong. I'm in no way an expert on this stuff. Edit: Smokin .50 (Dave). I think you might be saying what I just said. I have to read your post again.. This is starting to feel like work.
  23. @leachim: Some judges have a God complex. So this is the law on hollow points. Again, the people adding to the law read the "further exempts" portion like it was the only portion. It says I can possess it at home. Plus the exempted places/purposes. Since the law only prohibits things and doesn't enumerate what's "allowed", this tells me I can use HPs for home defense in situations where any other sort of non-banned ammunition can be used or for any other legal purpose on my property. I'll be more prepared for the next conversation.
  24. Right. If a big dude is trying to come in my house and come after me with a knife and I happen to have an aluminum bat and I take his head off with it, I figure it's all good.
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