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Everything posted by Maksim

  1. anti pasta... just hit reply and attack the picture here. 1. Under file name, hit "choose" 2. Select the file, hit ok. 3. Where file comment is... select "add the file" When upload is done, close it, and hit submit. voila. You may need to resize photo to something smaller, I recommend irfanview... free at irfanview.com
  2. that is the horrible part. Tax tax tax... and or print print print. =P
  3. some towns I know of, make you do an apt to get paperwork, then another to come back with the forms. You can save a step this way.
  4. spray paint. =P there are some great deals on Leupold rings at Walmarts that carry them... yes, in NJ.
  5. well... we do get $14 more a week... er $14 less in FICA taxes taken out.
  6. Does NJCSD realize that they are becoming the party that makes all gun owners look like nut jobs? I am all for the 2a and reasonable gun control, ie criminal checks, FID card, mental history checks, but also believe in no permits, no limits to firearms...... the tacticts some people use is no better than the obama scare tactics, is it that hard to just ask for help? I wouldnt go that far Jack.
  7. wow. =) Yes, I am proud of who NJGF is, and the identity it is created for us. Look at the mission posts... it is to create a community, not to be an activist to get rid of all gun control. My personal belief is, People have the right to their opinion, and all opinions are welcome on here. If Barak Hussein Obama wants to come on here himself and say himself he wants to abolish all guns, he is welcome to that opinion. Heck, even Tbtrout and I disagree on some things, but that is what makes it great. and just something to consider... NJCSD or any other activist organization.... say the NRA, would have nothing to be activist about if it wasnt for one thing, gun owners, gun shops, etc. Scare tacticts is not how you change long term opinion. the same statements "do as we say or you will loose your rights as gun owners" is no different than the arguements "we must outlaw all guns for sake of public good." People do make up their own minds in the long term and will remember that. Just wondering if anyone ever consider that there are gun owners who may agree with some gun laws? This is not NJCSD's forum, where this message would work well, I personally believe any organizer's job is to create a community, and let the community dictate what it wants to do. I know many new firearms owners actually support the background checks and the permit process that NJ has, and do view NJCSD's views as extemist. And in case anyone didnt notice, we have been making phone calls the following day of the vote, including the NRA alerts, and others as posted by Cemetery's Gun Blob. Much like the first convo ended with NJCSD's president stating he is done with this site.... both a month or so ago, only to come back a few months later.... here we have the same thing. While I agree the basic pretense of the vision, my views dont matter, what matters is what each individual feels. If your petition only got 93 signatures...... maybe there is another problem that doesnt warrant screaming at people, scaring them into signing it.
  8. actually, dont know if shoreshot. could be bullet hole.
  9. shoreshot? nice shooting. =P I want to get in on those zombie targets.....
  10. a few people do. what type of bike do you want to get? cruiser? sports bike? btw... congrats!
  11. Was just browsing their website... http://www.shoreshotpistolrange.com/prices.html when did it go up to $20/h?
  12. Isn't that what we've been doing for over a week, now? Guys, here we go again. You're shooting the messenger. Go right ahead, if it makes you feel better. But in the meantime, instead of chastising me for being such a tyrannical bastard, you could be circulating the link to everyone you know and encouraging them to get on board. Or, we can spend more time debating the pleasantries of how we ought to greet each other and share the pail and shovel. But consider this. If your house was on fire, would you complain about the fireman who kicked you in the a** to get you to safety? the main difference, everyone universally understand, house on fire, you get out. this, while is important, and urgent, is not a matter of life and death. keep in mind, you cant say... do this.... there are many people who are just getting into firearms ownership that need a reason as to why. Saying do this, does not keep firearms in the best light. =) I have signed it, and all firearms owners I know are on here. Call the store owners, and have them put out a quick flyer. there is always time to take action. Ie. go to Cheyenne, where I see tons of NJCSD flyers all the time, and talk to people there. =P Instead of chasing individuals, chase the people who deal with hundreds daily. they can do more in a day, than you can do in a month.
  13. Absolutely, and don't think I haven't expressed my frustration over it already. I'm here trying to kick everyone in the a**. This message will be posted everywhere. Would it not be better to focus our effort on getting gun owners motivated and involved, than comparing who's done the least? No, I said that on SOME systems with SOME versions of IE and it just might require a bit of persistence. It's no different than any other internet site where sometimes pages don't load right. But I'd bet my left testicle that if it were an ammunition or accessory purchase at stake, it wouldn't stand in the way. The time for half-measures and grade-school incentives is long past. The reason we have to use a 'heavy handed' approach is because the candy-coated BS just doesn't work for us. The evidence is everywhere you look that someone needs to be the 'bad guy' and if it makes you feel better about blaming me, that's fine, as long as we're all getting it done. Look at where we're at, and what we've gotten from trying to be 'fluffy' about this issue. The reason why we keep losing is because as a community, we do not respond quickly enough, which is exactly why the legislature works the way they do. The other reason I do this is because it works. Every time I post another message trying to kick the community into gear, the number of signatures increases. Go figure. Just so that we're all on the same page, Executive Order 145 mandates that the task force be named in thirty days from the signing, which was on the 26th of July. That leaves until the 26th of August. So exactly how long would you suggest we wait, given that we still need to collate the responses, print them out along with the petition and send them in time for them to reach the Governor, Assembly Speaker and Senate President in time? So we can sit around and whine about how I might be a bit abrupt with the message, and wish that we had more time and collect signatures with a clipboard, but that's not how the system works. Our rights are stolen in the dead of night, and the governor isn't going to wait around for us to get off our butts to gather signatures on paper from the local gun clubs. Here is the best thing you can do... Pick up the phone, call the store owners, have them put a petition that people will sign as they walk in. Have a few people this weekend at their range do the same. You will get a better response that way than anywhere else, or any how.
  14. Just to add on to that, You cannot just think that if you put up a link, people will go and do as you say. I understand your feeling and rational behind it, but quite frankly, just putting up a petition online and expecting that everyone will do as you say is just plain flawed. You have to get out there and do it. In fact, you will have a better, easier time, doing it the old fashioned way... get a clipboard, spend a day at the ranges, and talking to people about the issue. At the same time, you cannot play internet bandit and start criticizing people for not caring about gun rights because they did not sign your petition, to which the link didnt work half the time, after 48 hours.
  15. I thought NJCSD.org has over 575 alone?
  16. I am trying to search news articles for it, on the shows webpage... nothing about it.
  17. actually, that is where I think I heard it from.
  18. You never saw that before.? This was pretty big on all of the conservative talk radio shows right after election.
  19. Read this first before posting, as this will explain 95% of the process. This is an excerpt of an email I sent to someone I met that was interested in getting a handgun.
  20. that is a ukranian show... um.... yeah. is the guy dead?
  21. Maksim

    High Point 995?

    its like $280 now. =P
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