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Everything posted by kenw

  1. fact. Any property in which you are named on the lease, deed, or rental agreement is considered in your possession, and you may have your firearms legally on any property in your possession.
  2. if your name is on the lease, and you signed it, absent any clause in the lease that specifically states that you can't, you're considered "in possession" of the property and may have your guns there.
  3. Take a look at a Stoeger over/under in 20ga. It's a nice starter gun, and can be had for around $350 on sale.
  4. Maybe, maybe not. We'll never know, will we. Doesn't change the facts, though.
  5. Driver's license is a privilege. Not one reference in the Constitution, BOR or any other founding document regarding "the right to operate a vehicle". Edit to add: Yes, CCW should require at least basic proficiency training and a test to show knowledge and understanding of applicable laws.
  6. Anyone who knows me here knows exactly how I feel about this very subject, and I resent being called bullshiit just because I didn't give you the response you were trolling for.
  7. I thought you only sat on upturned stools.
  8. FRANK!!! Wake up. It's time for your sleeping pill.
  9. I tried that, but he just kept dozing off.
  10. kenw

    SNJ noob

    Greetings and welcome.
  11. Welcome to the monkey house. Be sure to try the pie.
  12. You know damn well that you'll still be hanging here with us after you move. We're the only friends you have.
  13. Gang up??? WTF?? This isn't the schoolyard, Frank. If you can't keep up with the banter on your own, just say so. I still have Ray and Matt around for me to unload on. I put this all on separate lines so as not to strain your old man eyes
  14. I'd like to see him go after the Kardshians. Other than that, I can pass on the movie.
  15. Frank, at your advanced age, and the unfortunate recent loss of your mancard due to reduced T and questionable libido. you can be forgiven this small slip in judgement.
  16. If the thing I have on Saturday falls through (and it likely will), I may come down just to say hi and take some pictures.
  17. Nice, Frank. I needed a chuckle today. Be afraid, be very afraid.
  18. They can't. That's the point of excluding home state from the reciprocity law. Nj would simply become a No Issue state, and they would be exempt from reciprocity. One of the first steps will be to stop recognizing retired LEO from carrying under LEOSA.
  19. I have 2 old, fat beagles who would be useless in war. I'm collecting recipes for when I run out of food.
  20. The issue with that legislation is (and always has been) that even if passed, it wouldn't apply to your home state. So, if you're a NJ resident with a FL CCW, you could carry in any state that issues permits and allows its residents to CCW, except for NJ, because that's where you live. It's the same state's rights argument as retired LEO being allowed to carry by Federal law, but stepping on the toes of a state's right to limit CCW. The state knows that they'll run afoul of the equal treatment under the law issue, so they're trying to nip that argument in the bud for when the first lawsuit comes up with a plaintiff saying that equal rights is being applied unevenly so that even if reciprocity passes, the equal rights argument will be moot.
  21. Welcome to the monkey house.
  22. Go to the gun shop and test drive a few. Work the controls. Play with the safety. Pick the one that you're comfortable with, knowing that you may someday have to grab it in the dark, while you're half asleep. Take it to the range and beat the crap out of it until the controls become second nature. Load it, put it someplace easily accessible if you need it, and pray to God that you never do.
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