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Cylinder Head

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Everything posted by Cylinder Head

  1. Here I am after a nice day of shooting, running, and shooting some more.
  2. Get the PWS FSC556 and you're golden sir.
  3. Nice rig Vlad. I LOVE my tactical tailor MAV Rig. Served me perfectly at a rifle course a few months ago.
  4. Yes, run anything heavier than an H buffer and you're asking for a short stroke with crap ammo.
  5. Yes, you will. You'll get slightly more ABSOLUTE velocity, and the longer barrel will help the round CARRY THAT VELOCITY further. Fragmentation is important, remember.
  6. Upon reading about this case a part of me wanted to shrug and say "another dead scumbag, so what?" After watching the video, the pharmacist is a wackjob.
  7. Cylinder Head


    Nice to see the M&P getting some love here.
  8. More velocity, which is key with this round. Also, there is a lot of voodoo involved with getting a 14.5" middy to eat a variety of different ammo. 14.5" middies react better with some buffers than with others, and in certain configurations they can exhibit repeated failures depending on the weight of the buffer. Weaker ammo can play havok with 14.5" middies.
  9. I make my own with shoot'n'see's. I use the 2"ers for added challenge. It's a fun drill.
  10. I'm no Chris Costa (can't even grow a beard), but there are ways to clear the gun from your genital area when transitioning to your secondary with a single point. I've seen LAV do transitions with a two-point sling and even when he does it, it looks awkward and slow. The whole idea of having to do a transition is because you're trying to be fast and efficient with your movement.
  11. No issues with the BC. It absolutely rules. The only thing I decided to change about my rifle is the type of sling I run (single instead of a two point) although I can't get Larry Vickers' admonitions about the downsides of a single out of my head. I'm going to need an ASAP plate now.
  12. As long as Kotick is in charge at Hacktivision I will have doubts about their games until reviewed by people I trust. I eagerly await Respawn's first game. I still have no idea how this game (MW3) is being published with the lawsuit still working its way through the courts.
  13. I hope that whatever's left of Infinity Ward did a decent job with this game. I'll get it regardless because I love the MW franchise if only for the toys I get to play with. I tend to burn out on the multiplayer quickly, as soon as the glitchers, lifers and outright cheaters start to take hold. Grenade spamming an entire spawn point means you have way too much time on your hands.
  14. Awesome writeup by Rauchman. I'd agree with the different feel of "cycling" speed w/ HK's vs. Glocks or M&P's. I can't put my finger on it either, but if I had to guess it would be the difference in bore axis. It's too bad you didn't shoot my HK45 man, you'd be hooked!!
  15. Retard bean counters wrote that RFP, I'm telling you. The brass are so far removed from the battlefield, the procurement process so rigged, I'm amazed our boys aren't issued Red Ryders. Now I'm butthurt.
  16. Back on topic, love the verdict, and I want the name of that lawyer.
  17. Somebody take a picture, we're having a mature discussion without someone getting butthurt.
  18. What douchebag gave you negative rep for your OP? Seriously??
  19. I'd change the barrel profile to one that's a little more logical (getting thicker at the end?? really??) and standardize the KAC barrel extension and bolt. Otherwise I agree the platform is rock solid until we start using laser guns.
  20. You lowered the elevation on the Eotech all the way?? Watch out when you try to zero her, you're going to shoot the sky.
  21. Yep, this is one big dog and pony show. The accuracy requirements are just completely nebulous.
  22. GFH is excellent in this regard, and their instructors are LEO's who have real world experience with this. They will give you the knowledge you need. ETA: Harry is exactly correct. You stopped a threat. FULL STOP, STFU.
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