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Tactical Monkey

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Everything posted by Tactical Monkey

  1. http://www.feinstein.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/files/serve/?File_id=9a9270d5-ce4d-49fb-9b2f-69e69f517fb4 All 122 pages, the proposed bill as submitted http://www.thegunmag...013-summary.pdf The "list" and summary Handout given to reporters/political figures/attendees during the press conference annoucing the Assault Weapons Ban of 2013 yesterday. EDIT : Now updated properly There would be grandfathering of a lawfully possessed weapon prior to the bill signed date Bayonet and Flash Suppressor would no longer count as evil features. The pistol grip alone would be enough to classify a SA rifle as an "Assault Weapon" and therefore would be banned.
  2. The actual bill as submitted. All Glocks could potentially be banned if this stood as written. 10rd Mag limit detachable or fixed http://s3.documentcl...013-summary.pdf
  3. Last I heard the realistic number is between 1k-2k expected to attend, with the hopeful number being over 3k. This number is based off of NJ2AS bus attendance, including those who just registered to attend, along with promised numbers from NJ Tea Party groups, and conservative groups, who are also actively promoting the rally.
  4. What is missing the criteria. There's always criteria besides the "named" manufacturers and models.... For example "A semi-automatic shotgun that can either (a) hold more than 3 rds or (b) has a pistol grip" or something like "A non semi-automatic rifle capable of accepting a detachable magazine" That is were the devil in the details for things like lwcr, larue, side-chargers, etc.
  5. My favorite - Barret M82A1. I'm sure that's used daily for hold-ups and drive-bys "on our city streets"........ INSERT LARGEST ROLLING OF EYES POSSIBLE
  6. I can. I have. Think about it realistically - all of you. What sort of Tactical Monkey would I be, if I could not!
  7. Best way to sway him will be to attend the Rally on Feb 8th. "Bus registration is open again till 5pm! GO SIGN UP! Let's fill those buses up! http://nj2as.com/EVE...de=EventDetails " Post Cut & Paste from Caine's
  8. Bus registration is open again till 5pm! GO SIGN UP! Let's fill those buses up! http://nj2as.com/EVE...de=EventDetails Post Cut & Paste from Caine's
  9. Bus registration is open again till 5pm! GO SIGN UP! Let's fill those buses up! http://nj2as.com/EVE...de=EventDetails Post Cut & Paste from Caine's
  10. Bus registration is open again till 5pm! GO SIGN UP! Let's fill those buses up! http://nj2as.com/EVE...de=EventDetails Post Cut & Paste from Caine's
  11. Bus registration is open again till 5pm! GO SIGN UP! Let's fill those buses up! http://nj2as.com/EVE...de=EventDetails Post Cut & Paste from Caine's
  12. Ray - As of 8:30PM last night, I believe Bridgewater and Cheesequake are extremely close - so they should be rolling. The other buses have gained a few seats, but still need more for it to be practical. If you plan on taking a Bus to the Rally - sign up now! ESPECIALLY if you are near Forked River rest area, or Montvale Rest area - they need more seats.
  13. As of 8:30PM last night, I believe Bridgewater and Cheesequake are very, very close - so they should be rolling. The other buses have gained a few seats, but still need more for it to be practical. If you plan on taking a Bus to the Rally - sign up now! ESPECIALLY if you are near Forked River rest area, or Montvale Rest area - they need seats.
  14. Bump! Register NOW for a seat if you want to attend the Rally, but not have to worry about the hassle of driving into Trenton and finding parking!
  15. Myself and 2 others will most likely be doing the train route out of Haddonfield or Woodcrest, then on to River Line.
  16. Sticky? Somebody? Anybody? And let's get some more butts in those buses !!
  17. Think of it this way: If their is a counter protest by people in favor of more firearms legislation, we should let them make fools of themselves as they cry "Baby Killer with blood on your hands", and we just smile. Do not let their posturing, peer pressure, and heightened emotions pull you into an altercation. They = WBC We = PGR
  18. Via USA TODAY, regarding the legislation that passed in the NYS Senate last night: "Assault weapons -- defined as any rifle with a "military style" feature, such as a bayonet or a telescoping stock -- that are currently owned would be grandfathered and would have to be registered with the state. Magazines with a capacity of more than 10 rounds and manufactured before 1994, which are currently legal, would have to be turned over to authorities or sold out of state within one year. If a magazine has a capacity between eight and 10, it would have to be retrofitted to only hold seven rounds."
  19. You can drive to one of the locations of the NJ2AS buses (you have to register for a seat) and then the bus can take you to/from Trenton back to your car. "*** REGISTRATION FOR BUSES CLOSES FRIDAY 1/18/13 *** NOTE: I must commit to at least one bus per location by Friday. I may be able to additional buses if the demand warrants it, but I must ask everyone to register ASAP in order to lock in the location. The NJ2AS would like to help to arrange transportation for anyone interested in taking a bus into Trenton for the Rally in support of the Second Amendment. We are EXTREMELY encouraged by the interest in this event. We cannot guarantee a seat on the bus, but what we can do is give you a chance to register on a first come first served basis, accept your payment in full on a contingency basis. We will be able to provide a bus as long as we get 56 prepayments per bus. If we are unable to get enough registrations to fill a particular bus, we will cancel the registration for those who have prepaid, and refund their payment. The locations for registration are: MONTVALE BRIDGEWATER CHEESEQUAKE FORKED RIVER ATLANTIC CITY There will be separate registrations for each location. PLEASE be sure that you are registering for the correct location. If we receive a large number of registrations, we will add buses. We need 56 riders per bus to cover the cost. The charge for registration will be $20.00. The $20.00 will just about cover the charge from the bus company. We ask you PLEASE if you can, make an additional $10.00 donation to the general fund of the NJ2AS to help with other costs that we are incurring in the process of promoting THIS event, as well as all of our other campaigns. Thank you in advance for your participation, cooperation and your generosity. Frank Jack Fiamingo President - NJ2AS" http://www.nj2as.com...de=EventDetails
  20. Myself and 2 (or 3) buddies are going. EVERYONE WHO CAN SHOULD GO! Regardless of what happens over the next two weeks. Their are buses being organized by NJ2AS, so you don't have to worry about driving or finding parking in Trenton.
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