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Everything posted by ronoverdrive

  1. Yeah if you scrolled down a bit farther I had posted an update. Got my permits almost a week ago and just in time for the Valley Forge.
  2. My Uncle is taking me to it on Saturday and a few of my friends will be there that day too.
  3. Don't like to smoke honestly, though much like ammo you're better off rolling your own. Cheaper and usually less additives. I know a guy who rolls his own and there are times when he can stop smoking for a week or two without issue because there's less additives in his tobacco. When he buys a pack because he ran out of tobacco to roll he goes into withdraw if he doesn't smoke for a day.
  4. Were you using Brass or Aluminum/Steel casings? From what I understand the Sub2k hates anything that isn't brass. Also i'm waiting for someone to chime in with the "I regret nothing!" bit.
  5. So first I did some searching and found this http://www.njgunforums.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=37&t=2124 but I'm still at a loss here. What exactly is needed in a cleaning kit? Which is better to go with? A premade kit or a little homebrew kit? I've seen a mention of brake cleaner, q-tip brand qtips, hoppes 9, mobile1 synthetic oil, etc etc. On a side note I think a sticky thread that contains the must haves for noobs would greatly help in the future.
  6. If you have a good source for primers share the wealth. There's a lot of powder, lead, and empty brass but not much in the way of primers these days due to the high demand.
  7. Honest Answer?? MOST states in the Union have an articulated RKBA in the State Constitution. NJ does not. I think that and a fake ID created with stolen ID information for a while was fairly cake walk pre-9/11. The introduction of computers made it harder, but after 9/11 they really started to crack down on that stuff.
  8. personally I think it is smoke screen rumor some anti-gun internet troll started to rile up the pro-gun citizens and divert us from watching whats really going on.
  9. Check the NRA website. This was debunked. This bill was proposed and never went anywhere 9 years ago. It's essentially a dead bill. http://www.ilaalerts.org/UM/T.asp?A1.2.5412.14.5630105
  10. I think it was "I'll keep my money, my gun, my freedom, you can keep the 'change.'"
  11. No it doesn't. During my days as a mechanic I've come across starters with intermittent problems before. Also being that the battery is a year or two old may actually be the issue. I've seen many car batteries just up and die long before their expiration date and there's plenty of batteries that are designed to only last a year or two. The ones that are designed to do so are usually the el cheapo batteries people buy because they don't want or can't afford to spend the $50 for a decent battery that will last them 4+ years.
  12. A guy used it next to me the other day. It did not seem to be painful. Just he could not get on paper at 50 yards. Not sure that was normal. I could hit the target shooting 38 using a sp100. Actually everyone I know who tried my buddy's 460 has agreed there wasn't much recoil, just a loud enough bang to create a good shockwave and a huge fireball. Actually when I held it and sighted it up it wasn't that barrel heavy. If anything it felt pretty balanced.
  13. Yeah this is a big reason why the whole OGAM law is made of fail. The way the permit system is now quite a few folks will be lucky if they can purchase one or two guns a year with OGAM in place.
  14. When I get a shotgun my friends pretty much made it a requirement to do the army of darkness quote when I first use it, "Listen up you primitive screw heads! THIS! Is my... BOOM STICK!"
  15. I may go to spectate and possibly (if they allow it) record the event with my camcorder. I normally work from home on thursdays so if I get up early that day I can shoot on over. Being that I'm still new to guns it wouldn't be appropriate for me to testify.
  16. Actually I picked it up on thursday morning. Took about 9 weeks which would have gone a lot smoother if they didn't dick around with me so much.
  17. Yeah that's what I figured would be the fall back option.
  18. Well seems like I got my FPID in perfect timing for the Valley Forge gun show next weekend. I've heard a few NJ dealers go there as well. So if NJ dealers will be there can they perform pistol sales to NJ citizens in PA without having to perform the transfer in NJ or perform FFL transfers on the spot?
  19. Sounds like a bad starter, but I would first check the battery. If I may ask what brand is the battery?
  20. Finally received the letter today when I got home from work and I'm going to pick it up tomorrow! So 9 weeks exactly.
  21. What they'll probably do is introduce the new cards and they are optional for the first year or so. While you wait on the new one, you can use your old one. That however makes too much sense. My guess is that when you apply, you surrender the old one and 90-270 days later, you get the new one. Meanwhile during that 90 - 270 days you can be deemed a criminal for possessing firearms you legally purchased with the old card while waiting on the new one.
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