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Everything posted by dino71

  1. Show me where it says its a humors thread? Why don't you read part 3 below a few times and if you have a problem with the big words then I will be more then happy to help you dude. One guy says I am in charge of NJ laws and the other (you) say I am unpleasant (both untrue) but you assume. When a person writes that he hates kids based on a advertisement then it makes me wonder if he's all there. Bucket 3 - General Discussion Bucket 3 Rules & Guidelines This section was created for general discussion of various topics that does not fit any other category on the forum. Hence the Bucket 3. Please note, the intention of this forum is to give the users a place to discuss non gun related topics within a community of friends, on a civil level. Since people have proven time and time again that they cannot treat others with respect on an online forum, here are some rules. 1. This section is not for the discussion of ANY Politics or Religion. You may wish someone a happy holiday, but not the merits of anyone's religious or political beliefs. Please accept the fact that people have different opinions, and you do not have the right to degrade someone based on their beliefs. 2. No posting of random news articles without at least a paragraph about what made you post it or your opinion. No one cares to see a post with a link. If anyone wants to see whats going on in the news, we will go to a news sites. NJGF is not Drudge Report. I opened the post to see why it inspired you. 3. Do not post anything that you believe is questionable, or not work friendly. If you would not want it to be printed out and shown to your grandmother, or to the people at your child's school, dont post it. This is a public forum, and not only do you ruin your own reputation, you are associating everyone on the forum with you. Any questionable posts will be deleted at the mod's discretion. Examples... Dont be the guy posting links to a porn site, or a blank link to a video of a wannabe gangsta shooting up inside his house.
  2. Thank you for making me laugh. You think I am responsible for NJ laws? You should really think before you hit the post button. You just embarrassed yourself on a public board by posting a ridiculous statement. If you want to put your brain to work then take the LSAT and get into law school and run for office....until you do then you need to grown up or move. I vote for you to move.
  3. Dude, you seem to have some anger issues. Maybe you need to talk to a professional. You remind me of the cry babies that used to complain about Howard Stern because he talked about women and farting. Perhaps you should invest in XM radio then NJ can have one less road enraged driver on the road. Because of people like yourself I am glad that we are not allowed to carry our guns. P.S. Cut down on the coffee!!!
  4. I hope the next "outdoor" event is in April!!
  5. Hey Guys, I had an awesome time shooting at the range today. That was the most I have ever used my shot gun. I want to thank Mike and his wife for meeting me in the morning even though I was late. It was nice to put some faces to the names from the board. I just hope the next time we go it's a little warmer. Thanks for setting up the event Ray.
  6. is there an indoor pistol range?
  7. Does anyone want to meet up in the morning for a coffee in the central NJ area? I have never been there before and would not mind following someone to the facility.
  8. Is there a plan for Sunday morning? meeting point? start time? Is the weather going to be a factor as far as sub zero temperatures?
  9. Thanks Tony, I own a very old cleaning kit already but I thought this would make a good addition.
  10. I just picked one up too! Thanks Nick.....What are JAGS?
  11. OMG that is one scary video, not to mention sad and disturbing.
  12. Can someone post the address of the place? If anyone wants to maybe carpool from Central NJ then let me know.
  13. At 3.5 million bucks per 30 seconds....who could afford that!!
  14. How about sell all your guns and buy a house.......
  15. Driving into work this morning on Route 1 from Edison to Princeton (at about 5:30am) there was a helicopter flying so low that it rattled some of the filling in my mouth.
  16. You know, that's a dam good question. I always wondered with NJ having a Republican Party Governor that they are usually pro gun?
  17. I will definitely bolt it down. I am going to try to find some forearm forklifts (perhaps from UHAUL), that would be a great idea to get it up the stairs is stead of using a hand-truck.
  18. There is no way two guys (or 3 for that matter) can just pick this thing up and walk a way with it. Its over 400 lb. I might need myself and three others to get it into my upstairs guest room.
  19. Well I picked up the safe this afternoon and god dam it's heavy. Must be more than 400 lb I just need to figure out how to get it upstairs.
  20. I would of thought an American made safe would be pretty good. The price is very reasonable and I can fit it into a small closet being that the safe is 22" wide. According to the owner this safe weighs about 400 lb which I would assume is a good amount of steel in the construction.
  21. Someone that lives near me is selling a used Gardall safe and I was wondering if anyone on the board knew if these are good quality safes. The pictures front he owner are below. It measures approximately 61"x22"x14" HxWxD. I went to the company website and they seem like good American made safes but since I know nothing about safes I figured I would see what the knowledgeable people on this board had to say.
  22. I think this guy wears an aluminium foil helmet.
  23. Very cool, a gun store and a Harbor Freight on 18.
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