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Everything posted by NJDrew1

  1. I bought it from Amazon. If you have Amazon prime, it ships 2-day for free.
  2. LOL. Might have something to do with time standing still.
  3. There must be something to it, if some health care providers include chiropractic services in their list of medical services that are included in the policy. Go for an exam, a few manipulations and see if it helps. Sure beats surgery if you can avoid it. BTW -- if you can use Aleve, you might get away with less pain meds.
  4. I guess the convenient part is that the send you a "heads-up" email of new ammo in stock, and all you need do is hop over to their website and place the order.
  5. I was surprised at how quickly Natchezss shipped my .556 ammo. No need to give them a FID or driver's license copy. I ordered it on Monday and got it today.
  6. But what happens if your aiming your laser between the eyes and don't end up with a tight group?
  7. Yep. Sent from my Droid Razr Max using Tapatalk 2
  8. I am considering it as well, but I still have concerns. At a party a few weeks ago, a friend (who was wearing glasses) talked about how she had lasik done on her eyes. I asked her why she was wearing glasses if she had the surgery done. She told me that, while she had poor sight in both eyes which was corrected by the surgery, the vision problem returned to one of her eyes. One lens was clear, and the other was a corrective lens. She had received her surgery about 12 years ago. I didn't ask her why she didn't consult with the original eye surgeon. I want it cause it's a pain in the ass to shoot with eyeglasses.
  9. Her unwillingness to listen is precisely why they should be making noise outside of her office. It's too late to be nice. They've proven, time and time again, that they're going to force law-abiding gun owners to do whatever it is they want us to do, good or bad. I personally think some "in your face" time will be good to let them know we're mad as hell, and not going to take it anymore. You can stop by for a friendly chat, but you already know what their agenda is.
  10. I just watched a video at YT using chrome. No issues here.
  11. Why not take the course, fill out all of the paperwork and leave the address blank, hold the paperwork until after you move, and fill in the address and mail it at that point?
  12. That wouldn't surprise me. All of these mis-guided politicians are proposing new laws that will impact legal gun owners, when they don't enforce the existing laws that might have saved the life of this woman. I see no real end to this ball busting.
  13. Picked up American Eagle at Cheyenne in 40 yesterday.
  14. As a "heads-up," Central Jersey Rifle and Pistol Club has posted the Women on Target Basic Pistol Course for September 28th and 29th. I signed my wife up for the class. It's held over 2-days and is obviously a all-woman's basic pistol class. The cost is $75. You get the NRA basic pistol certificate at the end. So, if you know a woman who would feel more-comfortable in a all-woman's beginner gun course, sign her up. Email John Coakley, CJRPC Treasurer at [email protected]. Include attendee's name, mailing address, email address and phone number. Classes fill up quickly, so register early. --Andrew
  15. I spoke with someone at Fox yesterday afternoon and he asked me to send him the stuff. I'm not quite sure if they're going to do something with it, or not.
  16. Can anyone check the print edition of the Star Ledger to see if they printed the story there as well as the Times?
  17. A followup Star Ledger Story http://blog.nj.com/njv_paul_mulshine/2013/05/confiscate_your_guns_no_the_de.html
  18. After forwarding the info to the editor of the Trenton Times, here's the link for the article that was published by the Star Ledger. Ammoland also issued a press release. http://www.nj.com/politics/index.ssf/2013/05/pro-gun_advocates_angry_over_n.html#incart_river_default
  19. Even with NJ2AS not participating, the object is to show that there is another side to their argument. A peaceful showing will say more than a bunch of anti-gun mouthpieces shouting anti-gun slogans. I can hear the chanting now. Stupid stuff like "What do we want -- gun control. When do we want it - now" and "No justice, no peas."
  20. Find a place, keep your mouth shut, find some models from Model Mayhem and shoot away. They don't have to be woman of questionable morals. They can furnish their own skimpy outfits (I'm assuming you're looking for implied nudity). Photos, especially those that show anything close to a serial number needs to be retouched. There are a few professional photogs that belong to this group (even a lady or two) so you might want to work with them to tamp down the "perv factor" and keep your models comfortable. Some models work with their own makeup artists, or you can find one on Model Mayhem as well. Really depends on how far into it you want to get.
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