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Everything posted by Scorpio64

  1. Are you old man Peters and live in the abandoned saw mill?
  2. A few years ago I created a haunted yard. To accompany the gruesome props, I made five soundscapes ranging from frightening to silly. They were originally rendered in Dolby 5.1 for the surround sound system I set up in the yard. Lots of wind, crows, and generally creepy stuff to set the perfect Halloween mood. I put them up on Youtube so others could use them. The YT recording is only stereo but it still sounds terrific. Here are links to a couple of the recordings. My YT channel name is Muahahahaaaaaa
  3. Give each new set of prospective parents a form to fill out. On that form will be the exact same questions one will find on an application for a NJFID. Watch them sweat.
  4. Compared to a 12GA or a 30-06, 5.56 recoil is like a little girl pushing on your shoulder. You don't even have to be manly to handle it.
  5. NJ State will never give up the P2P process. It's their only means of a gun registry without calling it a gun registry.
  6. The way that funeral home was set up, I think it may have been a trap. I still can't believe Daryl let down his guard and just opened the door like that. Guess it had to go down that way or else there would not be a story.
  7. Daryl and Carol reunion, lots of hugs, no kisses. Daryl and Beth's drinking games, not even one attempt of taking advantage of the situation. Conclusion. Daryl is the ultimate gentleman, or.......well, yanno.
  8. sales at woodburyoutfitters should do the trick
  9. I placed two orders with them. The first was over the internet, the second by phone the following day. I received a confirmation and an order number by e-mail immediately after the internet order was placed which can be used to track the progress. That order still shows "some items picked" and has not shipped. The order I placed over the phone the day after arrived today, no e-mail confirmation or anything. So that's how my orders have worked out so far. Also, just a heads up, they ship FedEx and require a signature.
  10. The only regulation, or training as it were, needed here is that people are taught to be decent human beings from the time they are born. No amount of firearms regulation or training will change a drug dealers career choice, or prevent domestic violence or change the mind of someone determined to commit a murder-suicide. Training will not stop criminals from obtaining firearms. That is the fatal flaw in this argument. The root of the problem has always been social. Our government has allowed this great nation to fall into a spiral of social decay by placating every liberal faction. The bleeding heart liberals have chipped away at conservative values which promote responsibility and accountability to the point where there is no longer a sound foundation from which many children today can go through childhood on a stable platform. When children are raised wrong and grow up to be irresponsible adults, the liberals say it's not their fault. The consequence of this is that we have a few generations now that believe they can do anything they want with little to no consequences because society (or "the village" made them that way and it's the village's fault, not theirs.
  11. I never said it makes sense or was normal. What I'm saying is that the NRA just might want this to happen because they have much to gain from it and if it does happen, what happens next. The world is not a simple place, you have to think about all contingencies. That's all I'm saying.
  12. Discussing this with a friend at the range today and another thought occurred to me. Let's say the NRA gets behind this (or at the very least does not oppose it) the bill gets passed, we have two or three years of noobs getting trained by NRA instructors and some join the NRA. THEN... The great state of NJ decides they do not want the NRA doing the training anymore, they change it to NJ state based training only. So now the anti 2A NJ gov't will have had it's cake and eaten it too. The bill sticks as a law but the NRA gets cut out of the loop.
  13. Just had a thought. Knowing how evil and manipulative politicians are..... Maybe this was designed to drive a wedge between NJ gun owners and the NRA. You know if the NRA backs this that many members will be left with a bad BAD taste in their mouths.
  14. The elephant in the room is whether or not the NRA will oppose this bill or not. I suspect the NRA will not oppose it because they stand to make huge profits and gain members if it is passed. If it passes with the NRA's blessing, how will that affect your opinion of the NRA?
  15. Yep, that's the one. duuuuh, why didn't I think to look in ammo & reloading. I used the forum search feature and the marvelous engine here turned up everything but. Thanks.
  16. I don't own handguns so I can't say for sure who's friendly or not. It's just some retailers consider 22lr as handgun ammo and are a pain in the arse. I was VERY surprised when I bought a box of 22lr at CMO last weekend and they logged it as HG ammo. I will not order .22lr from Palmetto because they cannot correctly interpret NJ handgun ammo laws. It's the principle. I still order long gun ammo from them when it's on sale. I may have my principles but I'm not so strong headed as to be stupid enough to turn down a good deal. PSA is still my go to source for AR parts too. If someone knows where that list of NJ friendly ammo web retailers is please post the link. I still can't find it.
  17. Your friend will not have any trouble buying 22lr ammo on-line. Some on-line retailers, and even some LGSs will want to see the FID. For instance Palmetto State Armory will ship .22lr to NJ but you have to e-mail them a copy of the FID. Others recognize that 22LR is NOT a handgun specific round and will ship with no requirements other than just paying for it. Midway USA and Gander Mtn are two NJ friendly retailers. There is a list of NJ friendly ammo retailers here on the forum, I cannot find the link but it's here somewhere.
  18. While still illegal, it wont get you put in the slammer for a firearms offense....but. You can always use a wideband transmitter tuned to the RC frequencies spectrum to jam the signal. That sucker will drop like a rock. Well, it will do a lot of unpredictable things, then drop like a rock.
  19. I wonder if the NRA will quietly back this bill since they will likely become a major benefactor. I guess the good thing though is one can simply do the hunter education for free, even if they do not intend to hunt, But wow, NJ state and the NRA in bed together. Strange bedfellows indeed.
  20. Perhaps if I had more disposable income. Until then I'll have to shoot somewhere priced more reasonably.
  21. I don't own or shoot handguns so the Quick Draw McGraw thing is no problem. MCRPC is much closer and $700 less to join. When I see what people are paying for membership at similar ranges in other states it makes me want to vomit.
  22. I've done my homework on the club and understand the membership cap and waiting list situation. The club seems to be ideal for what I shoot and my experience level. What I'd really like to do is see the club first hand before I fill out any paperwork or write a check. If any member would be kind enough to guest me it will be greatly appreciated. I'm looking for a place to shoot my 22lr Marlin 39D and my Ruger American .243 mostly and occasionally my AR platform SPR. Any and all of which you would be more than welcomed to test drive. I have guns, I have ammo, but no place close to home to practice. All dressed up with no place to go.
  23. Dave, It's a 39D I recently picked up. I got a little ambitious during the take down to clean it for the first time and wound up with "extra parts" after reassembly. I figured out where most of the things that fell out of the receiver went and put them back into place but I'm left with one screw I cannot figure out where it belongs. I've looked at several exploded view diagrams but none specifically for the 39D as I cannot find one. I joined marlinowners the day I picked up the rifle. I've asked for some assistance there and have received a reply but the problem is not yet resolved.
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