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Everything posted by BobA

  1. Could be... We really don't know what she was charged with doing. I do wish she would have approach sooner. If it were at least months ago intelligent meetings could have taken place and a relationship founded. I believe the truth that we need to spread can not happen over night but with a true and honest infiltration of the hobby/sport. We and it truly needs to be experienced to understand it. The view of us and this thing we do is truly one sided thanks to the anti media coverage. We're so misunderstood . That's the thing. What is the story? What are you writing about?
  2. She may have. But she's a member now and can pop-in and read what ever we do. A good lesson to beware. We tend to go in a lot of different directions on here. Sometimes out of jest and sometimes out of anger. Either way all can be misconstrued by someone or even an anti. It's clear we're law abiding or at least try to be to the best of our ability to understand the laws. But sometimes if you step back and read our stuff you could ask how does this look to an "outsider"? How many more are on here gathering info? After all, we're on the internet.
  3. Alright, the profundity is going to your head. You've got a tee shirt. Going for a bumper sticker now?
  4. Well I've been a dummy before and I'm sure I'll be one again. But the format of the article is what I found misleading. Maybe editing for dummies?
  5. I'm sorry but who is THOMAS P. COSTELLO? It reads like an article with the quote: "Presidents have been assassinated, members of Congress have been shot and scores of innocent schoolchildren have been murdered in their classrooms. Regrettably, our elected officials inside the Beltway are highly unlikely to pass meaningful and comprehensive legislation to address the growing gun violence epidemic in our country. When compared to other developed countries, America is at the top as measured by the number of guns per 100,000 people, number of mass shootings and firearm death rate."
  6. And here it is guys (and Gal). https://www.app.com/story/opinion/readers/2018/03/05/gun-control-legislation-nj/396313002/
  7. They make a lot of money off Jersey people. Couldn't hurt to ask. All they can say is no.
  8. Well who ever is there should have the answer to that. Thanks.
  9. It can however cause one. But that's for another thread.
  10. There's a bulletin board at each range and one by the port-a-johns. Would one of you guys mind posting the thing below there? MARCH 26 GUN OWNER RALLY UPDATE Social media has been abuzz since our announcement earlier this week of a March 26th gun owner rally in Trenton sponsored by ANJRPC and NRA. In 3 days, over 800 people have said they will attend - and we haven't even announced details or logistics yet! The rally has been timed to coincide with the anticipated date that both houses of the legislature will be in full session and voting on the first wave of anti-gun legislation. The rally will be at the Trenton War Memorial, one block from the State House. ANJRPC and NRA are planning a morning rally followed by a march to the Senate and Assembly chambers, where we will pack the galleries and make sure legislators know we are watching as they vote. Plan on spending the entire day. Please stay tuned for details, which will be forthcoming from ANJRPC and NRA soon. We do anticipate providing bus transportation from key locations around the state, for those who do not wish to drive to Trenton.
  11. Yeah. Or ACLU. I’d just like to see him walk from one place to another and rack up the cases. Walmart, Dicks, Field and Stream, all of them.
  12. It will take someone under 21 to be denied. Then, them and only them can do it. Fingers crossed.
  13. FedEx stood up. https://thinkprogress.org/companies-cutting-fedex-ties-nra-de00e028b85c/
  14. I'm also on NJHunters.com as are several other members of this site. I watched a convo go down where someone from this site was trying to recruit the hunters (fudds) to attend. It broke out into a real knock down drag out. I enjoy all sporting aspects of guns. I have ARs, levers, black powder rifles and revolvers, auto-pistols and revolvers. Old and new. I'm always disappointed when I see the animosity between the groups. But now more than ever should the two groups bury the hatchet for this cause. No one's group should argue over any opinions of each other's passions. It all about the right to keep their guns. The hunters seem for the most part invulnerable to the attacks happening. Many agree that the "black guns" should go. What they severely miss is Governor and his one party system wants them all. We need a mediator between the groups to get them to attend. The head count would be huge. And I believe it would help the senior turn out which is another thing I feel we need. I'm begging as many as I know and I implore everyone else to do the same. Our individual beliefs on particular guns or the sport they are used in is irrelevant to this event. They will be brought down on too. Their rights are in jeopardy too. Help me instill a "One for all and All for one" into their heads. Let them carry on. Don't engage. Just get them to make the trip. I'll be crafting a similar message for their board also. If they chime in on here let's welcome them.
  15. I've done 4 bulk orders since the election with them and not one issue.
  16. Actually we could be overlooking the sales tax that could be generated too. He does need to dig every corner for funds to help his illegal aliens and other socialist ideas.
  17. I'd be glad to hear it wasn't. It's been top 5 on Murphy's hit list.
  18. Yes true. And any brick and mortar that does not want to see internet sales or P2P go away would have to have their head examined.
  19. No F2F sales means more transfer fees and NICS charges, no internet ammo sales means more ammo sales to them. All means more floor traffic overall. They’re all our friends and buddies. They’re all cool Dudes. But first and foremost they are business people with bills.
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