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PrePaid Phones or pay as you go



If I want a backup phone (stored in EMP proof box) to be able to give to family member or friend in case of an emergency, what phones/plans/services are available?  Looking to pay cash for everything because if I give it to a friend I don't want my CC to be able to be charged or associated by accident.  

Also don't want to have to initialize it right away and then pay monthly fees or anything.  Basically buy the phone/sim and some minute cards and initialize it when needed. 

Any ideas? 


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If there is an EMP event, but this particular phone is saved because you put it in a special box, what are you hoping it will connect to after the event?

The cell towers are not going to be working after an EMP event. Even if they are, what about the computers that will be needed to activate the service?

A ham radio might make some sense as that can be used without any other infrastructure apart from the other party's radio.

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Everything Mr Stu advised is correct.  The only thing I can add to the recommendation of a ham radio, or two, is a prepaid sat phone if you can afford it.  An EMP will toast a majority of everything on the ground, but satellites will still work.

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11 hours ago, Mr.Stu said:

If there is an EMP event, but this particular phone is saved because you put it in a special box, what are you hoping it will connect to after the event?

The cell towers are not going to be working after an EMP event. Even if they are, what about the computers that will be needed to activate the service?

A ham radio might make some sense as that can be used without any other infrastructure apart from the other party's radio.

An amateur radio setup will work in an EMP-impacted environment only if the radio uses vaccuum tubes.  If a solid state radio is within range of the EMP blast/fallout, the internals will be fried.  Vaccuum tubes are immune to EMP.

Mr. Stu is right about the "pay as you go" phones.  Even if you protect the phone, computers make the connection.  They will likely be fried anyway.

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1 hour ago, dilbert1967 said:

only if the radio uses vaccuum tubes

Not true.  If solid state radios are stored in an EMP proof container or grounded cage, they absolutely will survive.  That's the whole point of a Faraday cage, it soaks up the energy and sends it to ground. 


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1 hour ago, Scorpio64 said:

Not true.  If solid state radios are stored in an EMP proof container or grounded cage, they absolutely will survive.  That's the whole point of a Faraday cage, it soaks up the energy and sends it to ground. 


True! However, if the infrastructure that supports this method of communication is destroyed, what good is your solid state radio?

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6 minutes ago, JohnnyB said:

what good is your solid state radio?

If it's a ham or sat phone, plenty good.  Neither rely solely on terrestrial infrastructure.

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21 hours ago, Scorpio64 said:

Not true.  If solid state radios are stored in an EMP proof container or grounded cage, they absolutely will survive.  That's the whole point of a Faraday cage, it soaks up the energy and sends it to ground. 


I did not know that.  Most of my rigs are vaccuum tube driven for that reason.  Thanks for the info!

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Don't get fixated on the EMP thing.  Was just going to store it in one of those bags cause why not, but I guess I won't bother.  There are plenty other reasons to need a backup phone with those requirements. 

What options are available to pay only cash for phone/sim/minutes and be able to initialize when needed (or initialize now and be dormant for long period of time without fees or timing out)?

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2 minutes ago, ESB said:


Walmart + Tracfone + cash + fake mustache = untraceable burner

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