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Widespread Blackouts Predicted for 2024


8 minutes ago, CMJeepster said:

Thank goodness I bought an electric vehicle! :icon_lol:

"The biggest factor is we're using more and more electricity as a country. Think of all the devices we all use every day now. Cloud computing, AI—that's all using more and more electricity," Matheson said. "At the same time, we haven't been replacing it by building more capacity to generate electricity. In fact, we've been closing down power plants that had useful life left in them, both gas plants and coal plants, and that means we're digging a deeper hole."

Matheson added that while renewable energy sources will need to be part of the solution, they aren't currently able to meet the energy demand.

"Wind doesn't blow 24 hours a day. The sun doesn't shine 24 hours a day. You need to make sure you have that always-available generating capacity during these peak moments. That's really the danger we see coming into this winter—demand is growing, supply hasn't kept up," he told the outlet.


How do they not even mention EV vehicles and charging stations as well as new/future bans on small engines and gas stoves etc, requiring even more power hungry electric devices!

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36 minutes ago, ESB said:

North Americans can expect more frequent and prolonged power outages.

Seems to me that the outages are planned, engineered to steer people into going solar, for that "independence".  Where does most of the solar stuff come from again????...  Nah, no conspiracies here folks, move along.

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4 minutes ago, Scorpio64 said:

Seems to me that the outages are planned, engineered to steer people into going solar, for that "independence".  Where does most of the solar stuff come from again????...  Nah, no conspiracies here folks, move along.

Totally unrelated, check out this Netflix movie which the Obama's helped produce.  

Leave the World Behind (film) - Wikipedia

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1 minute ago, ESB said:

check out this Netflix movie which the Obama's helped produce.  

Already seen it.  /s The EMPs that take out all semiconductors, including solar energy, is fake news. Solar is the answer to all of Chin....  the worlds economic and ecological problems.  /s off.

I'm sure nothing bad can come of China controlling global energy production.


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Just wait until the day (soon enough, I'm afraid) when the lights go out and don't come back on. EVER.

All of a sudden, we're all in H.G.Wells mode, back in 1850 in the blink of any eye.

And who among us is 1850-able?? And for how long?


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16 minutes ago, njJoniGuy said:

the lights go out and don't come back on. EVER.

We will see deforestation like it's never been seen before.

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48 minutes ago, njJoniGuy said:

Just wait until the day (soon enough, I'm afraid) when the lights go out and don't come back on. EVER.

All of a sudden, we're all in H.G.Wells mode, back in 1850 in the blink of any eye.

And who among us is 1850-able?? And for how long?


This book has an interesting take on the aftermath of an EMP attack. There are three more books that follow on from this one - I'm reading the 2nd at the moment.


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And I only have one of those little hand powered crank chargers!

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1 hour ago, Mr.Stu said:

This book has an interesting take on the aftermath of an EMP attack. There are three more books that follow on from this one - I'm reading the 2nd at the moment.


One Second After is a great book to read to get you to think about what could likely happen in a long term SHTF situation, which then makes you think about what you can do to prepare. 

I read Ted Koppel's book Lights Out which referenced One Second After quite a bit.  Ted Koppel's book shows just how seriously prone and therefore just how likely we are of a large scale black out.   

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1 hour ago, father-of-three said:

And I only have one of those little hand powered crank chargers!

If it uses semiconductors for voltage regulation, it too will be toast.

17 minutes ago, ESB said:

Only about 1/3 of that book was useful, it seemed like Koppel was repeating the same ideas over and over.  Still, it is worthy of reading for the useful 3rd.

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1 hour ago, father-of-three said:

And I only have one of those little hand powered crank chargers!

My left hand hasn’t been in such good shape since puberty.  

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6 minutes ago, Scorpio64 said:

If it uses semiconductors for voltage regulation, it too will be toast.

Only about 1/3 of that book was useful, it seemed like Koppel was repeating the same ideas over and over.  Still, it is worthy of reading for the useful 3rd.

Agree.  Really the only useful thing about that book is to convince you that our aging grid has a TON of vulnerabilities from many sources and large scale blackouts are a very likely near term issue.  If you don't believe that, read the book, otherwise feel free to skip it.  


But One Second After is a must read.  

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17 hours ago, Scorpio64 said:

If it uses semiconductors for voltage regulation, it too will be toast.

Only about 1/3 of that book was useful, it seemed like Koppel was repeating the same ideas over and over.  Still, it is worthy of reading for the useful 3rd.

I missed the emp attack article and only read the super-short one at the top of the thread.

Yes, there's probably some kind of basic circuit board in the hand crankers that would be rendered useless 

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