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PA State IDPA Chamionship



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    • Guest
      By Guest
      I'm running my Intro to IDPA class next month.
      There's quite a few on this forum that have done it and they seemed to like it. If you want an easy way to transition from a static port to shooting on the move consider this class.
      Read the details and sign up here: http://idpa-intro.eventbrite.com/
    • Guest
      By Guest
      I'm looking at running my IDPA Intro class a couple of times this year.
      I'm trying to create a bit of separation between the classes and to run on different days of the week to accommodate those that have regular commitments on a schedule.
      I have booked the range for August 29 which is a Saturday.
      I also wanted to run it on Saturday, June 7 but the range is not available that day. 
      Is there any interest in a class on a weekday in June?
      Please let me know.
    • Guest
      By Guest
      I am going to run another introduction to IDPA class in September. There are quite a few members here who have taken the class and followed up with going to matches and having a good time getting off the X.
      If you have been wanting to get into practical shooting matches, but want a step up so you don't walk in blind, please consider this class.
      Sign up is here: https://idpa-intro.eventbrite.com
      Thanks for looking,
      Stu (Mr.)
    • Guest
      By Guest
      I am going to run another Introduction to IDPA class like the ones I did last year.
      The date will be August 15th and we'll be using the special events bays at Easton Fish & Game as before.
      If you're interested in IDPA and want to learn the basic rules and techniques in a friendly, low stress environment, please sign up.
      Please note, IDPA is not for novice shooters. There is a lot to think about other than manipulating your firearm so I ask that you have at least 1 year's shooting experience.
      Here's where to sign up:
    • By Agent_Smith
      Does anyone know of an IDPA classifier coming up? My classification just ran out. 
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