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Hogg v. Cohen Debate 04/10 6:00 pm



So Spike went into a battle of wits with an unarmed man.

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3 hours ago, 45Doll said:

He’s a grifter, taking advantage of a tragedy he wasn’t anywhere near..

Typical liberal. 

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Was this a formal debate with opening comments, cross examinations, closing comments and timed audience questions, or a.shouting match like many Presidential debates?

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2 hours ago, father-of-three said:

Was this a formal debate with opening comments, cross examinations, closing comments and timed audience questions, or a.shouting match like many Presidential debates?

Formal, as you describe, and very civil.  No screaming or table pounding from the major participants, although there were some raised voices during audience questions.

Worth the watch.

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5 hours ago, DirtyDigz said:

Formal, as you describe, and very civil.  No screaming or table pounding from the major participants, although there were some raised voices during audience questions.

Worth the watch.

I take it that this  was a part of that debate?


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37 minutes ago, father-of-three said:

I take it that this  was a part of that debate?


Yes.  I watched the entire thing and it was good as it allowed me to get into Hogg's head! (A very scary place!) I found his thought processes to be 99% nonsensical and he had no true statistics to back him up!  He definitely lost the argument overall and if I had it to do all over again, I would choose not to have wasted those 2 hours of my life!

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2 hours ago, JohnnyB said:

Yes.  I watched the entire thing and it was good as it allowed me to get into Hogg's head! (A very scary place!) I found his thought processes to be 99% nonsensical and he had no true statistics to back him up!  He definitely lost the argument overall and if I had it to do all over again, I would choose not to have wasted those 2 hours of my life!

I have heard Colion Noir often talk about wanting to debate Hogg,  which i assume will never happen, due to Hogg.

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7 minutes ago, father-of-three said:

I have heard Colion Noir often talk about wanting to debate Hogg,  which i assume will never happen, due to Hogg.

Colion would easily wipe the floor with Hogg and he knows it!

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