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Fanwood - long time for PP, but very helpful cops

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It took me around 70 days to get my last set of 3 PPP's.


BUT, I'm not sure this is a case of the PD trying to slow me down, or manpower, or anything other than a PD getting dicked around by the county and state.


One of my references was a town councilman on the police committee. I live on the same block as the PD, and know them by name. I'm a cubmaster for a pack with one of the other sergeants as a dad. Fanwood is only around 1 sq mile, so those of us who care know most of the cops, especially the officers. We have a large number of cops with 20-35 years on the force.


The Sgt in charge of firearms stuff was very helpful in meeting me to accept my paperwork, and they did not have any additional requirements. Both my references got their letters and both sent them back within a few days.


I called the Sgt after about 50 days, asking what was going on.


He called me back, and left a detailed message telling me what steps had been done, what steps were missing. Basically, Union County never returned a domestic violence search. He called them a number of times, and finally asked that they just fax it to him.


He called me when they were ready, gave me his personal cell number and when he'd be on duty. I called him, and he drove in from patrol to meet me at the station to pick them up.


He was very apologetic, and showed me the checklist he uses to track the steps. He showed me that the steps he's responsible for happened quickly, and showed me the faxed domestic violence report from the county. He was friendly, and we chatted about various issues, including firearms. One of my previous permits was used for an H&K HK45, and we talked about H&K ergonomics.


SO, it's a weird thing. I know that other towns are sometimes faster than this, and Fanwood (the same Sgt) did me in 34 days last time, but it appears as though this time the Sgt was doing his best to help me out, and it just took 70 days to have Union County send me the DV report.


We parted on great terms, and he said "See you in a few months when you're ready for more" as we parted. He's a good guy, and I wave to him when I see him on patrol.


Unlike many towns that are hindering, here is a guy who seems to be really trying to help me and do his duty, but is just trying to follow the rules and can't do it under 60-70 days right now.


Are towns that are returning PPP's in 20-30 days doing the whole check, or are they skipping some steps? I supposed FPD could be skipping things like the DV check (since I live on the same block, it's hard to imagine the domestic violence issue of which they wouldn't be aware), but following the rules they are having a hard time getting it done.

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I called the Sgt after about 50 days, asking what was going on.


He called me back, and left a detailed message telling me what steps had been done, what steps were missing. Basically, Union County never returned a domestic violence search. He called them a number of times, and finally asked that they just fax it to him.


He called me when they were ready, gave me his personal cell number and when he'd be on duty. I called him, and he drove in from patrol to meet me at the station to pick them up.


He was very apologetic, and showed me the checklist he uses to track the steps. He showed me that the steps he's responsible for happened quickly, and showed me the faxed domestic violence report from the county.


This is the example that should be used to teach all other departments, complete with the checklist! And what a mensch, giving you his cell number and driving in from patrol to meet you. Union County should be ashamed but Fanwood should be lauded.


Wouldn't be a bad idea to write a note of commendation to the chief - that's always a nice gesture.

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Doesn't this rinky-dink PD have a computer? There is no reason to ask a county if there is a restraining order. Once the info is returned from the NJSP, the PD's final invest can be done in an hour. You were very politely hosed. Just my opinion, so take it for what it is worth.

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I live in Ewing and applied for my firearms ID card and my first handgun purchase permit. I was told by Jack (forget his last name at the moment, but he is retired from the force) at Ewing P.D. that it would take about 30 days. To my astonishment, exactly 30 days later I received a call telling me to pick up my goodies. I was more than pleased with my experience.


I chatted with him about the amount other towns have their applicants waiting and he told me that Hamilton is a 6 month to a year wait. I have no clue if this is true but, I was very happy for him to have worked on my stuff so quickly. I guess down in this area there are more people with illegal weapons, which I suppose gives him a lot of free time... which of course probably isn't the case.


BTW, I stumbled upon this forum on my lunch break as I googled NJ and whether or not a Springfield M1A is legal here or not. I liked what I saw and this is my first post on the forum. Thanks a ton for the info I have read already... I have learned a lot today.

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