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Sorry, don't remember if this was ever posted before.


Just got an email about this new bill sponsored by that **** Barbara Boxer.




Official Summary


1/25/2011--Introduced.Common Sense Concealed Firearms Permit Act of 2011 - Amends the federal criminal code to direct each state that allows its residents to carry concealed firearms to establish a process through which a resident must obtain a permit to carry a concealed firearm. Requires a state to:

(1) ensure that a local law enforcement agency participates in the process; and

(2) require that an applicant be a legal resident of the United States, be not less than 21 years of age, demonstrate good cause for requesting the permit, and demonstrate that he or she is worthy of the public trust to carry a concealed firearm in public. Requires any such process that allows an agency other than a law enforcement agency to issue such permits to require:

(1) a local law enforcement agency to submit to the agency responsible a written report that describes whether the applicant meets the state's standards to carry a concealed firearm, and

(2) the agency responsible to maintain such report in the applicant's file.



It would also do away with Constitutional Carry.

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Sounds like it would be Jersey Style, where basically no one would ever get one.


No doubt the whole point of the legislation. If it ever passed, and Obama gets re-elected and gets to stack the Supreme Court with his people, concealed carry will be effectively dead in the US.

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Never say never.


Introduced 1-25-2011 with ZERO co sponsors. THIS legislation won't get passed. It won't get out of committee. If something gets passed, it will be a new submission.

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3 Constitutional Carry, 38 Shall Issue.


You need 51 senators to vote for this. You have 41 states (82 senators) whose states overwhelmingly support CCW. Good luck unless America changes significantly.


NJ really needs to be red on that map...

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NJ can't be red as long as the attorney general can issue guidelines for gun buy-backs that "fly in the face" of the law. -- LOL just busting 'em.

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Well how about orange? It is the color you get when you mix those two together.

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Well how about orange? It is the color you get when you mix those two together.


Sounds good to me.

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"Demonstrate that he or she is worthy of the public trust". That is so insane it is laugable. What does "worthy of the public trust" even mean? Basically a government functionary gets to decide whether they like you or not. A law like this would make cronyism, elitism, discrimination, etc. a formal part of the legal process. This bill goes way beyond any conceivable notion of public safety and is utterly offensive.


Although it has no chance of gettting out of committee, I really hope pro-2A groups go on the offensive about this and try to tar and feather Boxer. What a piece of human excrement she is.

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"Demonstrate that he or she is worthy of the public trust". That is so insane it is laugable. What does "worthy of the public trust" even mean? Basically a government functionary gets to decide whether they like you or not. A law like this would make cronyism, elitism, discrimination, etc. a formal part of the legal process. This bill goes way beyond any conceivable notion of public safety and is utterly offensive.


Although it has no chance of gettting out of committee, I really hope pro-2A groups go on the offensive about this and try to tar and feather Boxer. What a piece of human excrement she is.


Now the rest of the country can be like NJ.

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