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Everything posted by Radek

  1. Good info! I will now check for best price on the LNL. Thanks again!
  2. +1, +/- for marketplace and require a comment for both.
  3. There you go, +1 I do not like anonymous ratings. I am not here for popularity contest, but I would rather know who has given me a whopping -6 in total, and why. Of course, would also like to know who has given me +'s as well and why.
  4. I am glad it's not a political ad. For 2A, yes, but tea baggers are getting on my nerves. They will try to take America back ... way back.
  5. A fat local PD cop but he wouldn't let me borrow his costume! pillows will work ...
  6. But, can he SHOOT!? This is for you girls ...
  7. What model and year is your 1903? When you say safe to shoot, you mean safe to shoot commercial ammo? If yes, then the serial # is above 800,000? If so, sure we could trade. (I want to call up the guy and see if he will take it back, maybe he was shooting it without knowing! ... I should have checked this before buying:facepalm:) Since the fun / mystery is gone ... the secret is out. I paid 250 for it and I thought I was getting a shooter! Mine has a front iron sight and a rear peep site that is attached to the side of receiver and comes over the top (see pics). Front sight says Redfield. Just behind the front sight on the barrel top is a marking "A" and "V", then 12 - 18 below it (date code?). There is also a mark there that looks like fire ... top portion of Springfield logo? Below is a odd shaped circle (like a flower pot!) Don't see markings on the bolt, but I haven't dismantled it to carefully look. Here are some pics. Full size here.
  8. Thanks for the heads up. Uh oh! I don't want a wall hanger, I bought it to shoot it ... can this be heat treated correctly now and made shootable? No wonder he sold it:angry:
  9. Serial # indicates a 1905 production. So, what model designation is that beyond 1903?
  10. My chemistry teacher used to smell all chemicals in the lab and recognize them without looking at the label ... alas, he died of bone marrow cancer in a week after on-set.
  11. Radek

    Kel-Tec RFB

    Why does that rifle look jerking side-ways ... instead of muzzle lifting up? Or is it the shooter?
  12. How do you tell, based on serial #s?
  13. Is your guess 600 with furniture or without it? How much does decent furniture go for?
  14. Bought a Springfield 1903 30-06 from a LEO while I was at TJ's last time. He wanted to trade for a Ruger LCP I think ... Unfortunately, he dumped the original stock (a shame) and put on a sports stock:icon_e_confused: I will post pics soon and will let you guess the value! (TJ's, shane45 and axeman are not allowed since they know the price!)
  15. Thank you for what you do. I wonder about the war in Iraq... a soldier is expected to follow orders I know, but they also know that war is abhorrent and should be avoided. I am no pacifist, but war should only be contemplated for just and moral cause. I can't justify this war (of course, not the fault of the soldiers at all). Bad intelligence to start with, but then also hood-winking the citizens - nothing different than the movie "Wag the Dog". We coddled Saddam the dictator for many years, then we claim he is a bad guy!? WMDs? Hypocrisy at its worst. :thsmiley_deadhorse: I am glad we are getting out.
  16. When are you tying the knot? Are you still selling stuff or are you done?
  17. Welcome. I am in Woodbridge as well. I go to BA, but when I get time want to join old bridge RPC.
  18. Good, now you can get on a buying binge and enjoy the thrill of firearms, the greatest crafty and artsy instrument ever devised ... for a while, until your PP's run out! Enjoy and be safe! Wait, safe is for mice ... btw. Shameless plug. I have a 6" Neos I may want to sell. My daughter wants to shoot rifles now! PM me if interested.
  19. As most of you know, you can get a cheap red-dot (or even a illuminated 1-4x scope) for under $100. Mostly made in China, but also made in some other non-US country. It's clear, we (USA) can't produce it cheap here. (As to why is a separate thread.) Over time we have learned that some foreign manufactured products are good and some are simply junk ... it's obvious when you get them in your hand! We also see standard size and mini red-dots for over $400 (mini-ones going for a premium), scopes with sky-is-the-limit, etc. You know the brands. And I wonder if I should buy one of those expensive ones ... but then we as civilians will not have a real need for such exotic gadgets, but some of us buy it anyway, for fun or whatever ... more power to you! So, what makes a simple red-dot device so (optically and mechanically) special compared to another? Clearly, there is precision in the making of the device and the dot projection mechanism itself, but it's a fixed dot! So, beyond holding its (zero) after many shocks, what else is special? I hope it's simply not that "US is no longer competitive in the world market" and we price our products high because ... whatever. But I am getting ahead of myself. Let's hear your thoughts on the merits of a high quality red-dot in particular. Please rank the brands and prices you are willing to pay, so at least I can educate myself. Thanks in advance ...
  20. Deni, you are buying a handgun from me and will own it in about 4 weeks! Well, feel free to stop by (with some notice) and I can show you the gear I take to the range (pistol, rifle, shotgun, etc.) and anything else you want to know.
  21. +1 Remember, cops are simply a deterrent and they can't be every where anyway, but armed and trained citizens = better. Also, the logos on patrol cars should be changed "..., Protect, ..." (see all the lawsuits by citizens and proclamations by towns)
  22. Does he sell that as Art!? Some effort ...
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