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Everything posted by ronoverdrive

  1. From the way it looked with them bouncing around like monkeys something tells me they don't bother practicing. They were just spraying lead with rapid shots hoping to hit. No aiming, no trigger control, no tactics, just a bunch of monkeys.
  2. Being that Rutgers owns most of New Brunswick and Johnson & Johnson owns the rest I'd be very very careful. Being so close to hospital and campus grounds might make things a bit more difficult. Also I highly recommend reading this book: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0936279133/ref=ox_ya_oh_product A gun in the home is only effective if you're home to use it, this book will help you understand a bit more about home protection and give you some general ideas about what to do in the case of a home invasion.
  3. Wanted it to be, but no where I went did I find the Springfield Milspec I was looking for. Everywhere I go all they have is the Springfield GI's.
  4. Oh wow.... just... wow... If I was her professor I would have given her an F for the day and asked her to google the concept of natural born citizen.
  5. It's obvious man - he ran the Matrix!!!! He wasn't the Architect...he was just "The Tech" *rimshot* Actually I was "The Operator"
  6. I provide technical support for an application that runs on Windows, OSX, and Linux which relies on 3D graphics hardware to run. Even though the MacMini's 3D capabilities are craptastic, it was enough to run the app. I have to be able to reproduce the problem and aid our users in finding a solution for any problem they have regardless of their OS.
  7. BEHOLD MY AWESOME POWA!! :mrgreen: This is actually a really old pic from work going back a year ago. This is a 3 computer setup: my Windows desktop with dual monitors, my old 17" laptop, and a MacMini. Linked them all together using a program called Synergy2 that would share the keyboard & mouse between all 3 machines. Yes, while I had this setup I was "that guy."
  8. I wonder how much money I can make selling "gun oil" scented air fresheners for cars.
  9. PA or DE. I got friends in both and family in PA plus I still have family in NJ. If I was to move to someplace like Bristol PA it'd only add 15 minutes to my commute to work otherwise I can always try for a contractor position.
  10. In animals their behavior is abnormal. Such as with a raccoon appearing during the daylight or a fox appearing almost as if its tame, but they also can be unnaturally extremely aggressive for their species due to suffering from delirium. Also later stages involve heavy tearing and drooling or foaming at the mouth. Sounds more like self defense then hunting to me. That's the scenario. Shooting a rabid animal in self-defense.
  11. I got a co-worker who's on the partner program with MS so I get a free copy of Win7 Ultimate and a free serial number. I technically already have a free version of Business, but that requires that I be on my network at work to activate it.
  12. Earlier today i overheard a conversation my grandmother was having with the vet about making sure her dog gets her rabies shot and a hypothetical situation rolled in my mind. What if a rabid animal like a raccoon or something strolls into the yard. Typically an unknown animal enters the yard the dog goes berserk. If the dog is inside its a no brainer keep the dog inside and call animal control. But if the dog is in the yard that's a different story. I don't think any amount of yelling would get the dog to back off and get inside like what happened when a skunk strolled into the yard. If she doesn't want it in her territory she'll let it be known till whatever or whoever it is leaves, not a second before. Long story short, if a rabid animal enters my yard and I'm forced to have to grab my .22 to defend my dog and/or family members that may be in the yard trying to get the dog to stop would I be charged with unlawful discharge or something similar for shooting the rabid animal if it started attacking?
  13. I might pick it up just so I have something to reference NJ gun laws from time to time.
  14. Yup that's exactly what he's doing. Joey you can't link to an email attachment it don't work that way.
  15. Promised my Uncle I would wait till Saturday to break in my Ruger with him over at CJRPC so I wont be stopping by tonight.
  16. http://www.nj.com/news/ledger/jersey/index.ssf?/base/news-14/1253839510220390.xml&coll=1 As you can see the only thing they mention is the effects on retailers. Unless it affects the ole' mighty dollar they couldn't give a sh!t.
  17. Like Wolfy said his hours are limited. He's only open for like 3 hours or so 3 days a week because he operates his business part time out of a home made bunker in his back yard. He's very patient and gives you his undivided attention when working with you. Didn't seem to matter there were two other guys in his shop, once it was my turn he was working with me and just me. I really enjoyed working with him. His hours I believe are 1pm - 4pm Sunday and 6:30pm - 9pm on Weds & Fri. Also he doesn't have a credit card machine so bring cash or your checkbook.
  18. Technically he's in Farmingdale, but yes that's the one. Pics will be up when my camera finishes recharging.
  19. Black or stainless? Stainless Mak0: Mine is Stainless Steel which costs more. Bud's price is $320 for my gun and the cheapest on GunsAmerica is $335. Add shipping for GunsAmerican and the FFL fees for either I made out like a bandit buying from Solamon's. The Ruger was $350 The Minimags was $35 The cleaning kit was $20 add that up with tax and nics it comes up to a little under $440. Everyone else I will post pics soon.
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