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Everything posted by joejaxx

  1. Yes because when buying firearms in other states, the firearm has to be legal in your home state if you are going to transport it back.
  2. He does not need to register them. The only reason we have Pistol permits is for purchase. I suggest he apply for a FPID as soon as possible though.
  3. Actually I have already been exploring this. I already called up the NRA about a week ago and asked if they had any legal action currently going on or planned in NJ. They said no and only mentioned the bill that would have required the NRA to expose its members that they were fighting in New Jersey. They said they would not get involved in what they called a "personal lawsuit" of mine until I had reached the New Jersey Supreme Court, they denied me and then I wanted to appeal their decision. They said they do not get involved in anything unless it is an issue that is IMMEDIATELY affecting all of the NRA members in New Jersey. All I wanted was to see if they wanted to be proactive and get involved in the process earlier so we could have more stuff tested legally because of a case and not a narrow ruling like McDonald just because I forgot to add that I wanted to do X,Y,Z legally etc. (On a side note I really wish McDonald said he wanted a carry permit as well >.> <.<). So it seems like the NRA is not going to be proactive about anything in New Jersey, instead they will just keep sending alerts to us in emails that do nothing to help us. On the other hand I also called the Gun Owners of America and they said that of course I would have to be denied first so I had a legal reason to go to court. They said it was then up to the Counsel at Gun Owners of America if they wanted to take the case or not. They did give me some contacts that would help me draft my letter of need though. I have a few more organizations to call.
  4. Lol I hope the law-abiding citizens in Oakland, CA are exercising their 2nd amendment rights: Title: Suffer These Crimes in Oakland? Don't Call the Cops Source: http://www.nbcbayarea.com/news/local-be ... 66509.html
  5. The Only Flags I Fly: Bennington Flag Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bennington_flag Betsy Ross Flag: Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Betsy_Ross_flag There are other Revolutionary flags of course but you get the idea. Take your pick here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category%3 ... Revolution
  6. 3LndP0KN4aU Also for more facts refuting Gun Myths please look at the following PDF file! Go to Kinkos! Print it out!: http://www.jpfo.org/pdf02/gun-facts-5.1.pdf
  7. As long as he is traveling from a State where he legally owns the firearms and accessories to an endpoint state of the journey where the same is true he is correct.
  8. New Jersey Technicality Question of the Day: Is this considered a discharge of a firearm? hahahaha
  9. The DC v Heller case is costing Washington D.C money (the link I posted)
  10. What? Do you mean like this? Lawyers in D.C. Gun Case Want $3.12 Million in Fees
  11. Where's that finger smiley?? :naughty: :naughty: :naughty: :naughty: :naughty: :naughty: :naughty: :naughty: :naughty: :naughty: :naughty: :naughty: :naughty:
  12. Here are two links to the original two bills listed: A-2857 - Eliminates prohibition against purchasing more than one handgun in calendar month. Source: http://www.njleg.state.nj.us/2010/Bills/A3000/2857_I1.HTM Synopsis: A-2858 - Repeals certain restrictions on future retail sales of handguns. Source: http://www.njleg.state.nj.us/2010/Bills/A3000/2858_I1.HTM Synopsis:
  13. British Petroleum is changing their logo from: To:
  14. BARREL SHROUD: It is that shoulder thing that goes up! LMFAO! ospNRk2uM3U
  15. Source: http://ammo.ar15.com/ammo/project/term_fragrange.html
  16. The smallest 9mm 1911 is the Springfield EMP: http://www.springfield-armory.com/armory.php?version=110 And it holds 9 rounds of 9mm.
  17. Any recommendations for guard dog types? I would like to raise one from a puppy.
  18. The messed up part is Face to Face sales are legal in NY state. I guess they are not in NYC (I wonder if the guy knew that). This story is being blown out of proportion. It is not like he was selling a fully auto rifle. NYC has a lot of ignorant gun laws that do not exist anywhere else in the state.
  19. http://njsp.org/info/pdf/firearms/sp-015.pdf http://njsp.org/info/pdf/firearms/sp-015a.pdf WTF do they have us going through these hoops? This is annoying as hell. I cannot wait until the ruling on McDonald v. Chicago so we can have a basis to sue New Jersey out of the water to change this nonsense. They want serial numbers et al for firearms that may not be there after 30 days... How long will it take them to turn this form around? More like how long it will take for US the gun owner to fill out and is it even worth it? If I am tracking 7-8 auctions on gunbroker.com, how long will it take for ALL of the sellers to respond with the serial numbers (sometimes I do not get responses from people for 5+ days while the auction is going on)? How long will it take after that for the NJSP to respond? Most of the auctions I have gone after are REALLY short (ie most under a week to a week and a half) so the auction would end way before we could get the serial numbers and get a response back from NJSP. These new multiple purchase exemption forms do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING for us. :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:
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