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Everything posted by robot_hell

  1. LOL Did anyone stop to consider that exposure to germs could be a good thing? How the hell else are the children supposed to build up an immune system? "For the children," indeed.
  2. To expand on this: retreat is required only if you can avoid necessity of deadly force in complete safety. There is no obligation to retreat from your house, unless you are the initial aggressor. See http://law.onecle.co...ustice/3-4.html
  3. Should be fine. Just keep an ear out for squibs, just in case.
  4. Just drop it in a bowl of CLP Done
  5. Apparently the dictionary is a 'living document'. Bwahahahaa
  6. But wait! Wasn't there a royal decree modifying that law to account for buy backs?
  7. Where does the money come from for these programs? In many cases they claim they are not funded by taxpayer dollars, but which belt is being tightened elsewhere to support these? that money couldn't have been spent to support something that would actually be productive? To answer your question, Kingsoverqueens, yes, that implication is there every time they report "we removed eleventy jillion guns from the street" to the media and inquiring parties.
  8. http://www.cbsnews.com/video/watch/?id=50139318n Talk about a close call... Fellow gun nerds: Looks like it was a Makarov.
  9. IMO guns are not like cars. If you want it as reliable as possible, leave it stock.
  10. If you want training wheels and don't need to do anything more complex than find/replace and copy/paste, sure... Can you feed it regex and create macros?
  11. Eight megs and constantly swapping... I'll never understand you emacs users. You'll take my editor from my cold, dead hands! Viva la vi!
  12. He offers quality products at low prices with excellent service!! Oh yeah!
  13. A .380 blowback tends to be snappier than a locked breech 9mm... That said, I will vote for the PPK as my favorite small auto.
  14. There's no logical reasoning behind legally open carrying a rifle in many places in the country (other than to raise eyebrows). I would still defend someone's right to do it, borderline questionable or otherwise. 1st amendment defends the right to free speech and free press. The real problem is that the gunowners' information was collected in the first place. Publishing it was morally wrong, yet protected free speech. Why don't we hear anyone calling for the removal of the public database? What politician would call for that? A freedom lost is a freedom lost whether the public wants it to happen or not.
  15. are you kidding me? A man that has no regard for the first amendment? Wake up, folks. You can't pick and choose rights.
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